Table Description
DeprecatedSince Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. Task Work Queue Assignment: The assignment of a task to a work queue.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Service Layer::Work Allocation Task::Maintenance::TaskWorkQueueAssignment::Entity::TaskWorkQueueAssignment
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Reference Model\Service Layer\Work Allocation Task\TaskWorkQueueAssigment\Entity_cat.efx
Attributes (3)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
taskWorkQueueAssignmentIDkeynoUnique reference number assigned by the system to the task work queue assignment record.TASK_WORK_QUEUE_ASSIGNMENT_ID  
taskIDdetails Unique reference number of the task being assigned.TASK_ID  
workQueueIDdetailsnoUnique reference number of the work queue to which the task is being assigned.WORK_QUEUE_ID  
Operations (25)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: taskWorkQueueAssignmentID
Standard insert operation for a task work queue assignment. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link TaskAssignmentDtls)}. See release note CR00223130. 
removeAssignmentsForTasknsremove Entity method to remove task assignments from a work queue. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link Task_waKey)}. See release note CR00223130. 
countTasksByWorkQueueIDns Returns the number of tasks assigned to the specified work queue. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link countTasksByRelatedIDAndType(TaskCountKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchUnreservedWorkQueueTasks  Retrieves details on all tasks the have been assigned to a work queue but have yet to be reserved. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchAllUnreservedTasksByWorkQueue(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130. 
searchWorkQueueAssignmentsByTaskIDnsreadmulti Returns a list of all the task work queue assignment records for a specified task identifier. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchAssignmentsByTaskID(Task_waKey)}. See release note CR00223130. Note this method now returns the task assignment ID in place of the task user assignment ID. 
listUnreservedWorkQueueTasks  Retrieves details on all tasks the have been assigned to a work queue but have yet to be reserved. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130. 
listWorkQueueAssignmentsByTaskID  Returns a list of all the task work queue assignment records for a specified task identifier. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchAssignmentsByTaskID(Task_waKey)}. See release note CR00223130. Note this method now returns the task assignment ID in place of the task user assignment ID.  
searchWorkQueueSubscriptionByTaskIDnsmulti Returns the work queue subscriptions of the specified task. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchWorkQueueSubscriptionByTaskID(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130. SQL
searchUnreservedByWorkQueueAndNearestAssignedDateTimensmulti Returns the unreserved task identifier based on the specified work queue and nearest assigned date. There may be more than one record matching the search criteria as system generated tasks could have the same assigned date time. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchTasksAssignedToOrgObjectNearestToDate(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130. SQL
searchUnreservedByWorkQueuePriorityAndNearestAssignedDateTimensmulti Returns the unreserved task identifier based on the specified work queue, the priority of the task and nearest assigned date. There may be more than one record matching the search criteria as system generated tasks could have the same assigned date time. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchTasksAssignedToOrgObjectWithPriorityNearestToDate( TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130. SQL
countUnreservedByWorkQueuens Count the unreserved tasks in a specific work queue. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link countUnreservedByTargetRelatedIDType(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchForUnreservedWorkQueueTasknsmultiPOST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
A list of unreserved task on a work queue @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchAllUnreservedTasksByWorkQueue(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130. SQL
searchWorkQueueAssignmentsWithNamesByTaskIDnsmulti Retrieves the work queue assignment details, including the work queue name, for a specific task. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchWQAssignmentsWithNamesByTaskID(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
countAdministratorWorkQueueTasksnsmulti Returns the work queues and associated number of tasks that the specified user either is administrator of or the work queues that users that this supervisor is responsible for are subscribed to. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchAdministratorWorkQueueTasks(WorkQueueAssigneeTypeAndTaskCountKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchWorkQueueTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriodnsmulti Searches for tasks that are due for a specified work queue within the supplied date range, and returns a count of such tasks grouped by date due. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriod(TasksByDueDateKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchWorkQueueTasksByDueDatensmultiPOST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Searches for tasks that are due for a specified work queue within the supplied date range. The results can be filtered to return assigned, reserved or all tasks as required. The results are ordered by assigned date time, earliest first. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchTasksByDueDate(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchAllUnreservedTasksByWorkQueuensmultiPOST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Retrieves details on all tasks the have been assigned to a work queue but have yet to be reserved. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchAllUnreservedTasksByWorkQueue(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchUnreservedByWorkQueuePriorityAndLongestAssignedDateTimensmulti Returns a list of task identifiers that have been assigned to a work queue that the specified user is subscribed to. The list of tasks returned are sorted by priority and then by the length of time that they have been assigned. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchUnreservedByAssigneePriorityAndLongestAssignedDateTime( TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchUnreservedByWorkQueueAndLongestAssignedDateTimensmulti Returns a list of task identifiers that have been assigned to a work queue that the specified user is subscribed to. The list of tasks returned are sorted by by the length of time that they have been assigned and then by the priority of the tasks. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchAssignedByRelatedIDTypeAndLongestAssignedDateTime( TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchAllReservedTasksByWorkQueuensmulti Retrieves details on all tasks the have been assigned to a work queue and have been reserved. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchAllReservedTasksByRelatedIDAndType(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchTasksByWorkQueueUserAndStatusnsmultiPOST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Retrieves all tasks from a specified work queue for the specified user. The tasks may be further filtered by status. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchReservedTasksByRelatedIDTypeUserAndStatus( ReservedTasksByAssigneeIDTypeUserKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchWorkQueueTasksDueByWeeknsmultiPOST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Searches for tasks that are due for a specified work queue within the supplied date range. The results can be filtered to return assigned, reserved or all tasks as required. The results are ordered by deadline date time, earliest first. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchTasksDueByWeekForRelatedIDType(TasksByDueDateKey)}. See release note CR00223130. SQL
searchAllReservedTasksByWorkQueueDueInTheNextTimePeriodnsmulti Returns specific details for all the reserved tasks that have been assigned to a work queue and that are due within the specified deadline due date. The details returned include the name of the user that has reserved the task, the status of the task and the full name of the user who has reserved the task. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchAllReservedTasksByRelatedIDTypeDueInTheNextTimePeriod( TasksByDueDateKey)}. See release note CR00223130. SQL
searchReservedWorkQueueTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriodOrderByReservedDateTimensmultiPOST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Returns a list of the task details for tasks that are assigned to a specified work queue, are reserved by a specified user and that are due within a specified time period. The status of the task may also be specified in the search criteria. This function returns the list of tasks ordered by assigned date time, earliest first. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchReservedTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriodOrderByReservedDateTime( TasksByDueDateKey)}. See release note CR00223130. SQL
searchReservedWorkQueueTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriodOrderByRestartDateTimensmultiPOST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Returns a list of the task details for tasks that are assigned to a specified work queue, are reserved by a specified user and that are due within a specified time period. The status of the task may also be specified in the search criteria. This function returns the list of tasks ordered by task restart date time, earliest first. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskWorkQueueAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchReservedTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriodOrderByRestartDateTime( TasksByDueDateKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
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