Table Description
DeprecatedSince Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. Task User Assignment: The assignment of a task to a user.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Service Layer::Work Allocation Task::Maintenance::TaskUserAssignment::Entity::TaskUserAssignment
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Reference Model\Service Layer\Work Allocation Task\TaskUserAssignment\Entity_cat.efx
Attributes (3)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
taskUserAssignmentIDkeyno TASK_USER_ASSIGNMENT_ID  
taskIDdetails  TASK_ID  
userNamedetails  USER_NAME  
Operations (21)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: taskUserAssignmentID
Standard insert operation for a task user assignment. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130. 
removeAssignmentsForTasknsremove Removes all of the task user assignment records for a specified task. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130. 
searchUserAssignmentsByTaskIDnsreadmulti Returns a list of all the task user assignment records for a specified task identifier. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130. Note this method now returns the task assignment ID in place of the task user assignment ID. 
listUserAssignmentsByTaskID  Returns a list of all the task user assignment records for a specified task identifier. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130. Note this method now returns the task assignment ID in place of the task user assignment ID. 
searchUnreservedByUserNameAndNearestAssignedDateTimensmulti Returns the unreserved task identifier based on user name and nearest assigned date. There may be more than one record matching the search criteria as system generated tasks could have the same assigned date time. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link searchTasksAssignedToOrgObjectNearestToDate(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchUnreservedByUserNamePriorityAndNearestAssignedDateTimensmulti Returns the unreserved task identifier based on user name, the priority and nearest assigned date. There may be more than one record matching the search criteria as system generated tasks could have the same assigned date time. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchUnreservedByUserNamensmultiPOST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
List unreserved task details for specified user name. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchTaskByStatusAndRestartTimensmulti List task details for specified status and restart time. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchUserTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriodnsmulti Returns the deadline date time and reserved by user name of the tasks that are due for a specified user during a specified time period. The details returned include those tasks that have been directly assigned plus those tasks present on work queues that the specified user is subscribed to. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchUserTasksByDueDatensmulti Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified user and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned directly to the specified user or be present on a work queue that the user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by assigned date time, earliest first. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchUnreservedByUserNamePriorityAndLongestAssignedDateTimensmulti Returns a list of task identifiers that have been assigned to the specified user. The list of tasks returned are sorted by priority and then by the length of time that they have been assigned to that user. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchUnreservedByUserNameAndLongestAssignedDateTimensmulti Returns a list of task identifiers that have been assigned to the specified user. The list of tasks returned are sorted by the length of time that they have been assigned to that user and then by the priority of the tasks. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchUserTasksDueInTheNextWeeknsmulti Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified user and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned directly to the specified user or be present on a work queue that the user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by the due date, earliest first. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
removeAssignmentsForUsernsremove Removes all of the task user assignment records for a specified user. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130. 
searchTaskUserAssignmentsByActiveTaskRedirectionnsmulti Returns a list of all the task identifiers from the task user assignment table for all of the redirect task to users that have currently active task redirection records. The name of the user from which the tasks will be redirected from and the name of the user to which the tasks will be redirected are also returned. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchTaskUserAssignmentsByActiveTaskAllocationBlockingPeriodnsmulti Returns a list of all the task identifiers from the task user assignment table and the names of all the users that have currently active task allocation blocking records. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
countOpenTaskAssignByUsernsPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Counts the number of open tasks assign to the specified user. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchExternalUserTasksByDueDatensmulti Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified external user and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned directly to the specified external user or be present on a work queue that the external user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by assigned date time, earliest first. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
searchExternalUserTasksDueInTheNextWeeknsmulti Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified external user and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned directly to the specified external user or be present on a work queue that the external user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by the due date, earliest first. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
countTaskUserAssignmentRecordsns Returns the number of times a specified task is assigned to the specified user. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has no corresponding replacement. However the same result can be obtained from calling {@link searchUserAssignmentsWithNamesByTaskID(TaskIDRelatedIDAndTypeKey)} and then checking the size of the list returned. See release note CR00223130. SQL
searchExternalUsersTasksByNamensmulti Returns a list of task details for the specified external user. The list of tasks returned may be reserved, unreserved or all of the tasks assigned to the specified external user depending on the search criteria. @deprecated Since Curam 6.0. The TaskUserAssignment entity has been deleted. This method has been replaced by {@link}. See release note CR00223130.SQL
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