insert | insert | AUTO_ID: taskAssignmentID
| Standard insert operation for a task assignment. | |
removeAssignmentsForTask | nsremove | | Removes all of the task user assignment records for a task. | |
searchUserOrgUnitWorkQueueTasks | nsmulti | | Returns the work queues subscribed by the user's org unit along with the count of the tasks assigned to the work queue | SQL |
readAssignmentByTaskID | nsread | | Returns the task assignment record for task ID | |
searchUserTasksDueByDatesPriorityStatus | nsmulti | | Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified user and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned directly to the specified user or be present on a work queue that the user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by the due date, earliest first. | SQL |
countTasksByRelatedIDAndType | ns | | Counts non-closed and non-completed tasks based on relatedID and assigneeType. | SQL |
searchUnreservedByUserName | nsmulti | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| List unreserved task details for specified user name. | SQL |
countAssignmentsByTaskIDRelatedIDAndType | ns | | Counts non-closed and non-completed tasks based on relatedID, assigneeType and TaskID. | SQL |
countTasksByRelatedIDAndAssigneeType | ns | | Counts non-closed and non-completed tasks based on relatedID and assigneeType. | SQL |
searchWorkQueueSubscriptionByTaskID | nsmulti | | This method is called in the TaskManagement.validateReserve() method to check that either the task is assigned to the current user or else that the task is assigned to a work queue to which the current user is subscribed. | SQL |
searchUnreservedByRelatedIDTypeAndLongestAssignedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns the unreserved task identifier based on related ID and nearest assigned date. There may be more than one record matching the search criteria as system generated tasks could have the same assigned date time.
@deprecated Since Curam 6.0 SP2. This method has been replaced by two distinct functions that cater for tasks assigned to organization objects and those assigned to users.
See release note CR00290609. | SQL |
countUnreservedByTargetRelatedIDType | ns | | Returns the number of unreserved tasks for an organizational object. | SQL |
searchUnreservedTasksByRelatedIDType | nsmulti | | List unreserved task details for specified object. | SQL |
searchUserAssignmentsWithNamesByTaskID | nsmulti | | Returns all the assignments with names by task id for a user | SQL |
searchAdministratorWorkQueueTasks | nsmulti | | Returns the number of tasks assigned each work queue where user is an administrator. | SQL |
searchAllUnreservedTasksByWorkQueue | nsmulti | | Retrieves details on all tasks the have been assigned to a work queue but have yet to be reserved. | SQL |
searchUnreservedByAssigneePriorityAndLongestAssignedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns the unreserved task identifier based on assignee name, the priority and nearest assigned date. There may be more than one record matching the search criteria as system generated tasks could have the same assigned date time. | SQL |
searchAssignedByRelatedIDTypeAndLongestAssignedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns a list of task identifiers that have been assigned to the specified user. The list of tasks returned are sorted by the length of time that they have been assigned to that object and then by the priority of the tasks. | SQL |
searchAllReservedTasksByRelatedIDAndType | nsmulti | | Retrieves details on all tasks the have been assigned to a an organizational object and have been reserved. | SQL |
searchReservedTasksByRelatedIDTypeUserAndStatus | nsmulti | | Retrieves all tasks from a specified organizational object. The tasks may be further filtered by status. | SQL |
searchTasksDueByWeekForRelatedIDType | nsmulti | | Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified organizational object and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned directly to the specified user or be present on an organizational object that the user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by the due date, earliest first. | SQL |
searchAllReservedTasksByRelatedIDTypeDueInTheNextTimePeriod | nsmulti | | Returns specific details for all the reserved tasks that have been assigned to an organizational object and that are due within the specified deadline due date. The details returned include the name of the user that has reserved the task, the status of the task and the full name of the user who has reserved the task. | SQL |
searchReservedTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriodOrderByReservedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns a list of the task details for tasks that are assigned to a specified organizational object, are reserved by a specified user and that are due within a specified time period. The status of the task may also be specified in the search criteria. This function returns the list of tasks ordered by assigned date time, earliest first. | SQL |
searchReservedTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriodOrderByRestartDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns a list of the task details for tasks that are assigned to a specified organizational object, are reserved by a specified user and that are due within a specified time period. The status of the task may also be specified in the search criteria. This function returns the list of tasks ordered by assigned date time, earliest first. | SQL |
searchTaskByStatusAndRestartTime | nsmulti | | List task details for specified status and restart time. | SQL |
searchExternalUsersTasksByName | nsmulti | | Returns a list of task details for the specified external user. The list of tasks returned may be reserved, unreserved or all of the tasks assigned to the specified external user depending on the search criteria. | SQL |
searchTaskUserAssignmentsByActiveTaskRedirection | nsmulti | | Returns a list of all the task identifiers from the task user assignment table for all of the redirect task to users that have currently active task redirection records. The name of the user from which the tasks will be redirected from and the name of the user to which the tasks will be redirected are also returned. | SQL |
searchTaskUserAssignmentsByActiveTaskAllocationBlockingPeriod | nsmulti | | Returns a list of all the task identifiers from the task user assignment table and the names of all the users that have currently active task allocation blocking records. | SQL |
countOpenTaskAssignByUser | ns | | Returns the number of open tasks assigned to a user. | SQL |
searchAssignmentsByTaskID | nsreadmulti | | Returns all the assignments by task id. | |
searchTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriod | nsmulti | | Returns the deadline date time and reserved by user name of the tasks that are due for a specified user during a specified time period. The details returned include those tasks that have been directly assigned plus those tasks present on organizational object that the specified user is subscribed to. | SQL |
searchTasksByDueDate | nsmulti | | Returns user tasks or work queue tasks by due date. | SQL |
countTaskAssignmentForUserOrgUnitByTaskID | ns | | Returns the number of assignments to an organization unit by username either directly or indirectly. | SQL |
countTaskAssignmentForUserPositionByTaskID | ns | | Returns the number of task assignments for all the positions of a user per taskID. | SQL |
countTaskAssignmentForUserJobByTaskID | ns | | Returns the number of task assignments for user jobs per taskID. | SQL |
countTaskAssignmentForUserWorkQueueByTaskID | ns | | | SQL |
searchUserOrgUnitTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriod | nsmulti | | Returns the user organization unit tasks due in next time period. | SQL |
searchUserPositionTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriod | nsmulti | | Returns user position tasks due in the next time period. | SQL |
searchUserJobTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriod | nsmulti | | Returns user job tasks due in the next time period. | SQL |
searchUserWorkQueueTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriod | nsmulti | | Returns user work queue tasks due in the next time period | SQL |
searchUserOrgUnitTasksByDueDate | nsmulti | | Returns user organization unit tasks by due date. | SQL |
searchUserPositionTasksByDueDate | nsmulti | | Returns user position tasks by due date. | SQL |
searchUserJobTasksByDueDate | nsmulti | | Returns user job tasks by due date. | SQL |
searchUserWorkQueueTasksByDueDate | nsmulti | | Returns user work queue tasks by due date. | SQL |
searchUserOrgUnitTasksDueByWeek | nsmulti | | Returns user organization unit tasks due by week. | SQL |
searchUserPositionTasksDueByWeek | nsmulti | | Returns user position tasks due by week. | SQL |
searchUserJobTasksDueByWeek | nsmulti | | Returns user job tasks due by week. | SQL |
searchUserWorkQueueTasksDueByWeek | nsmulti | | Returns user work queue tasks due by week. | SQL |
removeAssignmentsForAssigneeIDType | nsremove | | Removes all the assignments for a given user. | |
searchUserTasks | nsmulti | | Returns all the tasks that are directly assigned to the user. | SQL |
searchUserOrgUnitTasks | nsmulti | | Returns all the tasks that are assigned to the organization units where user is member of. | SQL |
searchUserPositionTasks | nsmulti | | Returns all the tasks that are assigned to the Positions held by user. | SQL |
searchUserJobTasks | nsmulti | | Returns all the tasks that are assigned to the Job where user is part of. | SQL |
remove | remove | | Standard remove operation. | |
countUnreservedByUsername | ns | | Returns the count for the number of tasks assigned to a user. | SQL |
searchJobAssignmentsByTaskID | nsmulti | | Search Job Assigned to a given task by task id. Also the method returns required details to load Job home page. | SQL |
searchOrgUnitAssignmentsByTaskID | nsmulti | | Search Org Unit Assigned to a given task by task id. Also the method returns required details to load Organization Unit home page. | SQL |
searchPositionAssignmentsByTaskID | nsmulti | | Search positions assigned to a given task by task id. Also the method returns required details to load Position home page. | SQL |
searchUnreservedTasksByWorkQueueID | nsmulti | | List unreserved task details for specified work queue id | SQL |
searchUserPositionWorkQueueTasks | nsmulti | | Returns the work queues subscribed by the user's org unit along with the count of the tasks assigned to the work queue | SQL |
searchUserJobWorkQueueTasks | nsmulti | | Returns the work queues subscribed by the user's org unit along with the count of the tasks assigned to the work queue | SQL |
searchUserOrgUnitTasksDueByDatesPriorityStatus | nsmulti | | Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified user and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned to the specified users organization units or be present on a work queue that the user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by the due date, earliest first. | SQL |
searchUserPositionTasksDueByDatesPriorityStatus | nsmulti | | Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified user and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned to the specified users positions or be present on a work queue that the user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by the due date, earliest first. | SQL |
searchUserJobTasksDueByDatesPriorityStatus | nsmulti | | Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified user and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned to the specified users jobs or be present on a work queue that the user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by the due date, earliest first. | SQL |
searchUserWorkQueueTasksDueByDatesPriorityStatus | nsmulti | | Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified user and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned to the specified users work queues or be present on a work queue that the user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by the due date, earliest first. | SQL |
searchUserReservedTasks | nsmulti | | Returns all the tasks that are reserved by the user. | SQL |
searchExternalUserTasksDueInTheNextWeek | nsmulti | | Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified external user and that are due within the specified time period. The tasks may be assigned directly to the specified external user or be present on a work queue that the external user is subscribed to. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by the due date, earliest first. | SQL |
searchWQAssignmentsWithNamesByTaskID | nsmulti | | Returns all the assignments with names by task id for a work queue | SQL |
searchJobAssignmentsWithNamesByTaskID | nsmulti | | Returns all the assignments with names by task id for a Job | SQL |
searchPositionAssignmentsWithNamesByTaskID | nsmulti | | Returns all the assignments with names by task id for a Position | SQL |
searchOrgUnitAssignmentsWithNamesByTaskID | nsmulti | | Returns all the assignments with names by task id for a Org Unit | SQL |
searchTasksAssignedToOrgObjectNearestToDate | nsmulti | | Returns the identifiers of the tasks assigned to the specified organization object on the date nearest to the specified date. | SQL |
searchTasksAssignedToOrgObjectWithPriorityNearestToDate | nsmulti | | Returns the identifiers of the tasks assigned to the specified organization object on the date nearest to the specified date. | SQL |
countUnreservedTasksByRelatedIDType | ns | | Counts the number of unreserved tasks for the specified object. See {@link searchUnreservedTasksByRelatedIDType} for the equivalent search method. | SQL |
searchUnreservedByAssigneeNullPriorityAndLongestAssignedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns the identifiers of the tasks assigned to the specified organization object on the date nearest to the specified date.
@deprecated Since Curam 6.0 SP2. This method has been replaced by two distinct functions that cater for tasks assigned to organization objects and those assigned to users.
See release note CR00290609. | SQL |
searchUnreservedByRelatedIDNullPriorityLongestAssignedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns the identifiers of the tasks assigned to the specified organization object with a null priority and which have been assigned to that object for longest period of time. | SQL |
searchUnreservedByRelatedNameNullPriorityAndLongestAssignedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns the identifiers of the tasks assigned to a specified user with a null priority and which have been assigned to that user for longest period of time. | SQL |
searchUnreservedByRelatedIDPriorityAndLongestAssignedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns the identifiers of the tasks assigned to the specified organization object filtered by priority and which have been assigned to that object for longest period of time. | SQL |
searchUnreservedByRelatedNamePriorityAndLongestAssignedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns the identifiers of the tasks assigned to the specified user filtered by priority and which have been assigned to that object for longest period of time. | SQL |
searchUnreservedByRelatedIDAndLongestAssignedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns the identifiers of the tasks assigned to the specified organization object and which have been assigned to that object for longest period of time. | SQL |
searchUnreservedByRelatedNameAndLongestAssignedDateTime | nsmulti | | Returns the identifiers of the tasks assigned to the specified user and which have been assigned to that object for longest period of time. | SQL |
searchUserSubscribedWorkQueueTasks | nsmulti | | Returns the number of tasks assigned to each work queue where the user is subscribed to. | SQL |
searchUserAdministratedWorkQueueTasks | nsmulti | | Return the list of work queues that are administered by the user but are not yet subscribed by any of the organizational objects and users. It also returns number of open tasks for each work queue. | SQL |
searchUserOrgUnitSubscribedWorkQueueTasks | nsmulti | | Returns the work queues subscribed by the user's org unit along with the count of the tasks assigned to the work queue | SQL |
searchUserPositionSubscribedWorkQueueTasks | nsmulti | | Returns the work queues subscribed by the user's org unit along with the count of the tasks assigned to the work queue | SQL |
searchUserJobSubscribedWorkQueueTasks | nsmulti | | Returns the work queues subscribed by the user's org unit along with the count of the tasks assigned to the work queue | SQL |
searchUserSubordinatesWorkQueueTasks | nsmulti | | Return the number of tasks assigned to each work queue where the list of supervisor reporting users are subscribed to. | SQL |
countTaskAssignmentForWorkQueueOrgUnitByTaskID | ns | | Returns the count of assigned tasks for the work queue assignee type, the organizational unit subscriber type and by task ID and user name. | SQL |
countTaskAssignmentForWorkQueuePositionByTaskID | ns | | Returns the count of assigned tasks for the work queue assignee type, the organizational unit subscriber type and by task ID and user name. | SQL |
countTaskAssignmentForWorkQueueJobByTaskID | ns | | Returns the count of assigned tasks for the work queue assignee type, the organizational unit subscriber type and by task ID and user name. | SQL |
isTaskAssignedToUser | ns | | It returns 1 if the task is already assigned to the user/organization, 0 otherwise. | SQL |