Table Description
Suspense Account: Financial instructions that cannot yet be applied to a participant account.
Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Financial::Entity Objects::SuspenseAccount::SuspenseAccount
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Financial Manager Packages\SuspenseAccount_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (30)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
suspenseAccountIDkeynoUnique reference number assigned by the system to a Suspense Account RecordSUSPENSE_ACCOUNT_ID SVR_INT64
amountdetails A financial amount associated with the Payment Received Instruction, Instrument or a suspense account item.CURAM_AMOUNT SVR_MONEY
receivedDatedetails Date Payment was received.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
effectiveDatedetails Date Suspense Item is valid from.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
creationDatedetails Date Suspense Item was created on the system.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
datePosteddetails Date on which the suspense item was transferred out of the suspense account.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
pmtRecInstrumentIDdetailsyesUnique reference number assigned by the system to a Payment Received Instrument RecordPAYMENT_RECEIVED_INSTRUMENT_ID SVR_INT64
concernRoleIDdetailsyesConcernRoleID of the ConcernRole in respect of which this SuspenseAccount record was entered, if known.CONCERN_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
statusCodedetails Code value to denote the status of the Suspense Item. Populated from the SuspenseItemStatus code table.SUSPENSE_ITEM_STATUS_CODESuspenseItemStatusSVR_STRING<10>
currencyTypeCodedetails Code value to denote the type of currency.CURRENCY_CODECurrencySVR_STRING<10>
currencyExchangeIDdetailsyesCurrencyExchangeID of the CurrencyExchange for this SuspenseAccount record.CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_ID SVR_INT64
receiptMethodCodedetails Code value to indicate the type of payment received by the Organization. Populated from MethodOfReceipt code table.METHOD_OF_RECEIPT_CODEMethodOfReceiptSVR_STRING<10>
issuerNamedetails The name of the party who issued the Payment Received.ISSUER_NAME SVR_STRING<131>
addressIDdetailsyesAddressID of the address of the party who issued the Payment Received.ADDRESS_ID SVR_INT64
chequeNumberdetails Reference number assigned by the Bank to a check received by the organization.CHEQUE_NUMBER SVR_STRING<16>
ledgerNumberdetails Reference number assigned to a Cash received recordLEDGER_NUMBER SVR_STRING<10>
originSortCodedetails Reference number assigned by the Financial Institution to each of its branches and in which the party submitting the payment holds an account.BANK_SORT_CODE SVR_STRING<10>
originAccountNumberdetails The bank account number of the party submitting the payment.BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER SVR_STRING<16>
originAccountNamedetails The name on the bank account of the Issuer from where the payment was received (by electronic transfer).BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME SVR_STRING<60>
destSortCodedetails Reference number assigned by the Financial Institution to each of its branches and in which the Organization holds a Bank Account.BANK_SORT_CODE SVR_STRING<10>
destAccountNumberdetails Reference number assigned by the Financial Institution in respect of the Organization's Bank Account.BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER SVR_STRING<16>
destAccountNamedetails The name of the Organization's Bank Account.BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME SVR_STRING<60>
referenceTextdetails The text will be used to identify the party that is sending the money into the organization. 'The text included here may be of varying format: RSI number, Concern Name etcREFERENCE_TEXT SVR_STRING<40>
depositSlipNumberdetails Identifier of the deposit slip on which the Payment Received was included.DEPOSIT_SLIP_NUMBER SVR_INT32
receiptNumberdetails Identifier of the receipt slip generated to the Client in respect of this Payment Received.RECEIPT_NUMBER SVR_INT64
commentsdetails Free text registered by the User.COMMENTS SVR_STRING<300>
originIBANdetails The international bank account number of the party submitting the payment.INTERNATIONAL_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER SVR_STRING<34>
originBICdetails Reference number assigned by the Financial Institution to each of its branches and in which the party submitting the payment holds an account.BANK_ACCOUNT_SWIFT_BUSINESS_IDENTIFIER_CODE SVR_STRING<18>
destIBANdetails Reference number assigned by the Financial Institution in respect of the Organization's Bank Account.INTERNATIONAL_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER SVR_STRING<34>
destBICdetails Reference number assigned by the Financial Institution to each of its branches and in which the Organization holds a Bank Account.BANK_ACCOUNT_SWIFT_BUSINESS_IDENTIFIER_CODE SVR_STRING<18>
Foreign Keys (4)
Indices (3)
Index NameAttributes
SAReceivedDateAmtIamount, receivedDate
SARecDateReceiptMereceiptMethodCode, receivedDate
SuspAccountIdxcurrencyExchangeID, concernRoleID, pmtRecInstrumentID, addressID
Operations (12)
insertinsert Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
searchByRecDateRangensmulti Search of Suspense Account using the receivedDateFrom and receivedDateTo where all rows returned will be >= received FromDate and <= receivedDateToSQL
searchByRecDateRangeAmtnsmulti Search of Suspense Account using a received date range(receivedDateFrom & receivedDateTo) and amount fieldsSQL
searchByAmountnsreadmulti Search of the Suspense Account to retrieve all rows where the amount = the input amount 
searchByRecDateRangeReceiptMethodnsmulti Search of the Suspense Account using receivedDateFrom >=, receivedDateTo <= and receiptMethodCodeSQL
searchByReceiptMethodnsreadmulti Search of Suspense Account using the receipt Method Code 
modifyPRIIDConcernRoleIDDatePostedStatusnsmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
To update the pmtRecInstrumentID, ConcernRoleID, DatePosted and Status of a specified Suspense Account Entry 
modifyPRIIDConcernRoleIDDateNameAddStatusnsmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
To update the PmtRecInstrumentID, ConcernRoleID, DatePosted, Status, Issuer name and address of a specified Suspense Account entry. 
searchByAmountReceiptMethodnsmulti Suspense Account search on Amount and ReceiptMethod SQL
searchByIssuerNameDatansmulti Operation to search on the SuspenseAccount entity on a combination of exact match issuerName and other search criteria.SQL
searchByPartialMatchIssuerNameDatansmulti Operation to search on the SuspenseAccount entity on a combination of partial match issuerName and other search criteria.SQL
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