Table Description
Service Unit Delivery: A unit of delivery of a plan item.

A service unit is a measurable element of the delivery of a plan item to a client, e.g. physiotherapy visits, medication. This table records the details of the delivery of such units.


A case worker creates a Return to Work service plan based on a predefined Return to Work template for participant James Smith. James is required to attend 6 physiotherapy sessions as part of his Return to Work program. In the first month of the service plan, James attends 2 physiotherapy sessions. This table stores the details of these sessions.

Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::ServicePlans::Service Plan Deliveries::ServiceUnitDelivery::Entity::ServiceUnitDelivery
Controlling File: ServicePlans\model\Packages\Service Layer\Service Plan Deliveries\ServiceUnitDelivery\Entity\Entity_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (10)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
serviceUnitDeliveryIDkeynoUnique reference number assigned by the system to a service unit delivery record.SERVICE_UNIT_DELIVERY_ID SVR_INT64
plannedItemIDdetails Unique reference number of the plan item which the service unit is associated with.PLANNED_ITEM_ID SVR_INT64
deliveryDatedetails Indicates the date on which the unit was delivered.DELIVERY_DATE SVR_DATE
recordedDatedetails Indicates the date on which the unit was recorded on the system.RECORDED_DATE SVR_DATE
recordedBydetails Indicates the user who recorded the service unit on the system.USER_NAME SVR_STRING<64>
numberofUnitsdetails Number of units delivered for the plan item on a given date.NUMBER_OF_UNITS SVR_INT32
relatedTypedetails A reserved field to allow for future extension of units to link to another Curam object.RELATED_TYPE SVR_STRING<50>
recordStatusdetails Status of the service unit record i.e. Active or Cancelled.RECORD_STATUS_CODERecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
commentsdetails User entered remarks regarding the baseline plan item.COMMENTS SVR_STRING<300>
relatedIDdetails A reserved field to allow for future extension of units to link to another Curam object.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
Indices (1)
Index NameAttributes
ServiceUntStatusIdxplannedItemID, recordStatus, serviceUnitDeliveryID
Operations (14)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: serviceUnitDeliveryID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
cancelnsmodifyPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Cancels a service unit delivery. 
countActiveServiceUnitDeliveryByPlannedItemIDnsPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Returns the number of units delivered for a planned itemSQL
validateInsert  Validates details for insert. 
validateModify  Validates details for modify. 
searchByPlannedItemIDnsmulti Lists all service unit deliveries.SQL
validateCancel  Validates service unit delivery cancellation. 
searchByPlannedItemIDAndStatusnsreadmultiWHERE: ServiceUnitDelivery.plannedItemID = :plannedItemID AND ServiceUnitDelivery.recordStatus = :recordStatus
validateDetails  Validates the details of a service unit delivery. 
readRecordStatusnsread Reads the status of the service unit delivery. 
searchByPlannedItemIDAndDeliveryDatensmulti Lists all active service unit deliveries for a given day.SQL
countServiceUnitDeliveryForModifyns Returns the number of units delivered except for the service unit delivery which is been modified.SQL
Related Pages (28)
Tracking Gantt (IntegratedServicePlan_trackingGantt)
Service Units: (ProviderServicePlanDelivery_listServiceUnitDelivery)
Approve Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_approve)
Delete Service Unit (ServicePlanDelivery_cancelServiceUnitDelivery)
Clone Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_clone)
New Baseline (ServicePlanDelivery_createBaseline)
Service Plan Home: (ServicePlanDelivery_home)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_home1)
Service Plan Home (ServicePlanDelivery_homeTransaction)
Plan Content (ServicePlanDelivery_listPlanContentForSP)
Service Units: (ServicePlanDelivery_listServiceUnitDelivery)
Edit Authorized Units (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyAuthorizedUnits)
Edit Service Unit (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyServiceUnitDelivery)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyServiceUnitPlanItem)
- (ServicePlanDelivery_planItemTabDetails)
Record Service Unit (ServicePlanDelivery_recordServiceUnitDelivery)
- (ServicePlanDelivery_servicePlanTabDetails)
Submit Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_submit)
Tracking Gantt (ServicePlanDelivery_trackingGantt)
View Delivery of Service Unit (ServicePlanDelivery_viewServiceUnitDelivery)
View Delivery of Service Unit (ServicePlanDelivery_viewServiceUnitDeliveryFromList)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_viewServiceUnitPlanItem)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_viewServiceUnitPlanItem_fromGantt)
Service Plan Home: (ServicePlanDeliveryDetails_home)
Service Plan Group Home (ServicePlanGroupDelivery_home)
Service Plan Group Home (ServicePlanGroupDelivery_homeActiveOnly)
- (ServicePlanGroupDelivery_tabDetails)
Tracking Gantt (ServicePlanGroupDelivery_trackingGantt)