Table Description
Service Plan Group Approval Check: Entity to hold the details of Service Plan Group Approval check details. Service plan group approval checks can be configured at the user level.


The following service plan group approval check can be created: Manual approval is required for 90% of Health Care service plan groups where the estimated cost of the service plan group exceeds $2000. The remaining 10% of service plan groups will not require manual approval. Currently no Service Planning related processing makes use of this type of approval check.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::ServicePlans::Administration::ServicePlanGroupApprovalCheck::Entity::ServicePlanGroupApprovalCheck
Controlling File: ServicePlans\model\Packages\Service Layer\Administration\ServicePlanGroupApprovalCheck\Entity\Entity_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (11)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
appliesToAllInddetails States if approval check applies to all service plan groups.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
descriptiondetails Description details for Service Plan Group Approval CheckDESCRIPTION SVR_STRING<300>
estimatedCostdetails Service plan groups costing over this amount must be manually approved.APPROVAL_CHECK_ESTIMATED_COST SVR_MONEY
organisationUnitIDdetails Reference of the organization unit for which this approval check has been created for.ORGANISATION_UNIT_ID SVR_INT64
percentagedetails Percentage of service plan groups that must be manually approved.APPROVAL_CHECK_PERCENTAGE SVR_INT16
servicePlanGroupApprovalChkIDkeynoUnique reference number assigned by the system to a service plan group approval check record. SERVICE_PLAN_GROUP_APPROVAL_CHECK_ID SVR_INT64
servicePlanGroupIDdetails  Unique reference number of the service plan group for which the approval check has been created. SERVICE_PLAN_GROUP_ID SVR_INT64
statusCodedetails Status of the service plan group approval check record. The values are Active or Canceled. Logical deletion is supported. RECORD_STATUS_CODERecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
typeCodedetails Type of approval check, service plan group approval check or user approval check.SERVICE_PLAN_GROUP_APPROVAL_CHECK_TYPE_CODEServicePlanGroupAppChkSVR_STRING<10>
userNamedetails Reference of the user for which this approval check has been created for.USER_NAME SVR_STRING<64>
dateCreateddetails Date on which the Service Plan Group Approval Check was created.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
Operations (14)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: servicePlanGroupApprovalChkID
Method to insert SPG Approval check details. 
readWithSPGTypens Read the record given by the unique ID in the key and return all of the details along with the type code for the Service Plan Group.SQL
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Method to modify SPG Approval check details. 
searchWithSPGTypeByUsernamensmulti List all service plan group approval check entries for a given username and include the service plan group type code for display purposes.SQL
cancelnsmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Method to cancel SPG Approval check details. 
validateCancel  Ensures validations are done before data modification for Service Plan Group Approval Check. 
validateDetails  Ensures common validations are done before inserting and modifying data for Service Plan Group Approval Check 
validateInsert  Ensures common validations are done before inserting data for Service Plan Group Approval Check 
validateModify  Ensures common validations are done before modifying data for Service Plan Group Approval Check 
countByUsernamens Count existing entries that match for estimatedCost, planItemID, statusCode, and userName. Essentially look for duplicate entries SQL
countByUsernameAllTypesns Count all entries that match userName, estimatedCost, statusCode and a null servicePlanGroupIDSQL
countByUsernameForModifyns Count entries that match this one based on userName, estimatedCost, statusCode, servicePlanGroupID and which do not match the provided unique ID. Essentially this is checking for duplicates of an entry that is about to be modified.SQL
countByUsernameAllTypesForModifyns Count entries that match this one based on userName, estimatedCost, statusCode, have a null servicePlanGroupID, and which do not match the provided unique ID. Essentially this is checking for duplicates of an entry that is about to be modifiedSQL
readStatusnsread Return the status details for a given entry 
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