insert | insert | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Standard Operation | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
searchByIntegratedCaseMember | nsmulti | | Reads service plan delivery details for the specified integrated case member. | SQL |
searchByIntegratedCaseID | nsmulti | | Reads service plan delivery details for all members of the integrated case. | SQL |
validateDetails | | | Validates that service plan ID is specified. | |
readServicePlanType | ns | | Reads service plan type for the service plan delivery. | SQL |
readCaseStatusByPlanPlanItemID | ns | | Reads case status of the service plan delivery for which the planed plan item has been created. | SQL |
readCaseStatusByPlannedSubGoalID | ns | | Reads case status of the service plan delivery for which the planed sub goal has been created. | SQL |
readCaseOwnerByPlanPlanItemID | ns | | Reads the owner of the service plan delivery for which the planned item has been created. | SQL |
readGoalAndOutcome | ns | | Reads planned goal and achieved outcome for the service plan delivery. | SQL |
readClosureDetails | ns | | Reads service plan delivery closure details. | SQL |
readClosureReasonDateAndComments | ns | | Reads closure reason, date and comments. | SQL |
modifyServicePlanType | nsmodify | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Changes the service plan type by setting the service plan id. | |
validateModifyServicePlanType | | | Validates the update of the service plan type. | |
readServicePlanIDByCaseID | nsread | | Reads the serviceplanID for the specified caseID. | |
readVersionNo | nsread | | Reads version number for the service plan. | |
searchParticipants | nsmulti | | Lists all service plan delivery participants. | SQL |
searchParticipantsByType | nsmulti | | Lists all service plan delivery participants of the specified type. | SQL |
readServicePlanID | nsread | | Reads service plan ID of a service plan delivery. | |
readNominatedRepresentativeDetails | ns | | Reads nominated representative's details for a service plan delivery. | SQL |
searchServicePlanStatementDetailsByCaseID | nsmulti | | <p>
Gets list of service plan statement details.
</p> | SQL |
searchPlannedSubGoalsForServicePlanStatement | nsmulti | | <p>
Searches planned sub goals for s service plan statement. Result sorted by plannedSubGoalID and plannedItemID.
</p> | SQL |
readServicePlanStatementGoalDetails | ns | | <p>
Reads plannedGoalID, name and service plan status.
</p> | SQL |
searchByConcernRoleID | nsmulti | | Returns all service plan deliveries for a specified concern. | SQL |
searchByOwnerID | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns all service plans for which the current user is the owner. | SQL |
searchByServicePlanID | nsreadmulti | | This method retrieves list of Service Plan Delivery details based on the Service Plan key. | |
readServicePlanStatementGoalDetails1 | ns | | Reads plannedGoalID, name and service plan status. | SQL |
searchPlannedSubGoalsForServicePlanStatement1 | nsmulti | | Searches planned sub goals for s service plan statement. Result sorted by plannedSubGoalID and plannedItemID. | SQL |
searchServicePlanStatementDetailsByCaseID1 | nsmulti | | Gets list of service plan statement details. | SQL |