Table Description
Security Group: A grouping of security privileges.

A Security Group allows an administrator to group the large number of Cúram Security Identifiers into a smaller number of manageable groups. Any Users who have a Security Role which is a member of the Security Group will have access to all the objects represented by the Security Identifiers belonging to the Security Group.


User Ronan Rooney attempts to register a Person. He enters the registration information on a client screen and clicks a button. The client application attempts to call the Person.register method. The server application successfully authorizes that Ronan Rooney is permitted to access the Person.register method. The data to support this authorization is as follows:

Technical Notes

For more information see the Cúram Application Administration Guide.

Attributes (4)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
groupNameYesNoThe name of a security group.SVR_STRING<50>
description  The description of a security group.SVR_STRING<254>
versionNo No SVR_INT32
lastWritten   SVR_DATETIME
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