Table Description
Score Outcome.: Configuration of the outcome to be returned based on the responses for a service evaluation. A set of service evaluation criteria is defined for a performance measure. The responses to the evaluation criteria determine whether the measure has been satisfied or not for that service delivery. The minimum and maximum score ranges to be achieved by the evaluation criteria and corresponding outcomes are defined. For example, the evaluation has passed if the total score is greater than 4. The minimum score is set to 4 and maximum score is set to blank.
Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::CPM::Service Layer::Performance Measure::Entity::ScoreOutcome
Controlling File: CPM\model\Packages\Service Layer\Performance Measure\Entity\Entity_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (6)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
scoreOutcomeIDkeyno INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
soPerformanceMeasureLinkIDdetailsno INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
minimumScoredetailsno OUTCOME_SCORE SVR_INT32
maximumScoredetails  OUTCOME_SCORE SVR_INT32
outcomedetailsno SCORE_OUTCOME_OUTCOMEScoreOutcomeSVR_STRING<10>
recordStatusdetailsno RECORD_STATUSRecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
Foreign Keys (1)
Indices (1)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (5)
searchScoreOutcomeBySOPerformanceMeasurereadmultiORDER_BY: outcome
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. 
insertinsertAUTO_ID: scoreOutcomeID
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. 
readread @deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. 
insertScoreOutcomensinsert Inserts record to ScoreOutcome entity. This method expects ScoreOutcome ID to be set by the caller, if not set it delegates the call to insert() which is modeled to auto generate primary key field (ScoreOutcome ID). It's preferred to call insertScoreOutcome only in scenario's where caller wants to set the value of primary key by itself. @deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. 
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