Table Description
Rate Cell: A cell in a rate table.

For more information on rate tables, see the Curam Application Administration guide.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Service Layer::RateTable::entity::Rate::RateCell
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Reference Model\Service Layer\RateTable\entity\Rate_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (11)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
rateCellIDkeynoUnique internal reference number of the rate cell.RATE_CELL_ID SVR_INT64
rateColumnIDdetailsnoUnique internal reference number of the column which contains the cell.RATE_COLUMN_ID SVR_INT64
rateCellMindetails The minimum value of the cell, if any.RATE SVR_DOUBLE
rateCellMaxdetails The maximum value of the cell, if any.RATE SVR_DOUBLE
rateCellValuedetails The value of the cell, if any.RATE SVR_DOUBLE
rateCellTypedetails Code table code referring to the type of the cell. This is optional, but blank cell types cannot be mixed in a rate table with defined cell types.RATE_CELL_TYPERateCellTypeSVR_STRING<10>
rateCellIndexdetails This is the index of the cell within the row.RATE_ITEM_INDEX SVR_INT32
anyMinimumInddetails If this is True, indicates that the cell has no defined minimum value.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
anyMaximumInddetails If this is True, indicates that the column has no defined maximum value.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
rateRowIDdetails Unique reference number of the rate row to which this rate cell belongs.RATE_ROW_ID SVR_INT64
blankCellInddetails Indicates whether the rate cell record holds any data.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
Foreign Keys (1)
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
CellHeadIDTypeIndrateColumnID, rateCellType
Operations (30)
searchGroupDataByTypeForHeadernsmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 250
Gathers group (row) information from the cell data. Grouping is done by cell type. Selection is ordered by minimum cell index.SQL
insertinsertAUTO_ID: rateCellID
Standard Operation 
modifyMinMaxAndRateValueDetailsnsmodifyPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
To modify rateCellMin, rateCellMax and rateValue details. 
modifyRateCellValue  Modifies the value of the specified rate cell. 
readread Standard Operation 
readByColumnAndIndexnsread Reads rate cells by rateColumn ID and cell index specified. 
searchByColumnIDTypensreadmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Retrieves a list of rate cells of the specified type in the specified column. 
removeremovePRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
Removes a rate cell record. 
searchByColumnreadmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Read all cells in a rate table corresponding to a specified column. 
searchByColumnForCellIDnsmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 250
Searches for Rate cell records by rate column id return the RateCell id and blankCell indicator of the rate cell record.SQL
searchByColumnIDMinMaxTypensmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 250
Retrieves the cells where the value specified is between the minimum and maximum values specified for the cell.SQL
searchByHeaderIDnsmulti Retrieves a list of cells in the specified rate table.SQL
searchByIndexAndRownsmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 250
Searches for Rate Cell records with a higher index for the Rate Row.SQL
searchByRateRowIDreadmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Searches for all RateCell records by Rate Row. 
searchByRowreadmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Searches for all Rate Cell records associated with this Rate Row record. 
searchByRowForCellIDnsmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 250
Searches for all Rate Cell records by Rate Row and returns Rate Cell ID.SQL
modifyIndexnsmodify Updates the Rate Cell index. 
validateRateCell  Validates Rate Cell details. 
searchCellByColumnAndRownsmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 250
Searches for cells by row and columnSQL
readValueByColumnAndRowns Reads a Rate Cell's value by column, row, rateTable type, effectiveDate and rateStatus.SQL
modifyBlankRateCellDatansmodify Modifies a Rate Cell's blankCellInd to true, anyMaximum and anyMinimumInd to false which combined marks the Rate Cell record as blank. 
readValueByColRangeColAndRowns Read a cell value by rate header, effective date, column type, column range, row type, and value.SQL
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Modifies a row of data from rate cell table. 
removeRateCellData  @superseded - replaced by modifyBlankRateCellData 
updateIndex  @superseded - replaced by modifyIndex 
readByColumnIDType  @superseded - replaced by searchByColumnIDType 
getGroupDataByTypeForHeader  @superseded - replaced by searchGroupDataByTypeForHeader 
insertRateCellinsert <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="COLOR: #002060">Inserts rate cell record. This method expects the rateCellID to be set. It is preferred to call <font color="#000000">insertRateCell</font> method only in scenarios where calling method wants to set the value of primary key by itself.</span> </p> 
modifyRateCellValuensmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: no
Modifies the value of the specified rate cell. 
readValueByColumnAndRowIndexns Reads a Rate Cell's value by column, row, rateTable index, effectiveDate and rateStatus.SQL
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