insert | insert | AUTO_ID: questionnaireVersionID
| Standard Operation | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
modify | modify | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Standard Operation | |
remove | remove | | Standard Operation | |
validateInsert | | | Groups all necessary validation that needs to be performed before creating questionnaire version | |
countByQuestionnaireVersionName | ns | | This method give count of questionnaire with name same as one being created or modified | SQL |
validateModify | | | Groups all necessary validation that needs to be performed before modifying questionnaire version | |
searchByQuestionnaireIDAndMaxVersionNumber | nsmulti | | Reads list of most recent released version of questionnaires | SQL |
validateDetails | | | Groups all generic validation that needs to be performed for creating/modifying questionnaire version | |
readQuestionnaireVersionStatus | nsread | | Reads status of a specified questionnaire version | |
countByQuestionnaireName | ns | | This method give count of questionnaire version with name same as one being created or modified | SQL |
readSpecifiedVersionDetails | nsread | | Reads details of a specified questionnaire version based on questionnaire identifier id and version number | |
searchByQuestionnaireID | readmulti | ORDER_BY: questionnaireVersionNumber
| Reads details of all versions of a specified questionnaire | |
readLatestVersionNumber | ns | | Reads details of most recent version of a questionnaire | SQL |
searchQuestionnaireForDeterminationPackage | nsmulti | | Reads details of most recent versions of all questionnaires associated with a specified version of a determination package | SQL |
modifyQuestionnaireVersion | nsmodify | | Method releases a specified questionnaire version, status of questionnaire version is changed to released | |
modifyPreviousVersion | nsmodify | | Set to date to current business date for the previous version of questionnaire that is been released | |
searchQuestionnnaireVersionDetailsForTP | nsmulti | | Reads questionnaire version details for a specified typical picture version | SQL |
searchLatestReleasedQuestionnairesByDP | nsmulti | | Reads details of latest questionnaire version associated to a specified determination package | SQL |
searchQuestionnaireForPackageByStatus | nsmulti | | Reads questionnaire version ID and name based on determination package and status | SQL |
readStatusByIEGScriptID | nsread | | | |
readScriptKeyForQuestionnaireVersion | nsread | | Reads IEG Script Id for a specified questionnaire version | |
searchQuestionnaireForPresentationData | nsmulti | | Reads details of most recent versions of all questionnaires associated with a specified version of a determination package | SQL |
readByIEGScriptKeyAndVersionDtls | nsread | | This method is used to read the Questionnaire version details by IEG script ID, questionnaire version number and questionnaire version status. | |
insertQuestionnaireVersion | insert | | Inserts record to questionnaire version entity. This method expects questionnaire version ID to be set by the caller, if
not set it delegates the call to insert() which is modeled to auto generate primary key field (questionnaire version ID).
It's preferred to call this method only in scenario's where caller wants to set the value of primary key (questionnaire
version ID) by itself. | |
modifyQuestionnaireVersionDetails | modify | | Standard Operation | |