Operation | Stereotype | Options | Description | SQL |
insert | insert | AUTO_ID: providerRosterLineItemID
| Standard Operation | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
modify | modify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Standard Operation | |
searchByRosterID | nsmulti | | Searches for all the Provider Roster Line Item records for a Roster. | SQL |
searchByRosterIDAndStatus | nsmulti | | Searches for all the Provider Roster Line Item records for a Roster and Roster Line Item Status. | SQL |
searchByRosterLineItemID | readmulti | | Searches for all the Provider Roster Line Item records for a Roster Line Item. | |
searchILIByProviderRosterLineItem | nsmulti | | Searches all the Instruction Line Items for a provider roster line item. | SQL |
searchByServiceAuthorization | readmulti | | This method returns the provider roster line items for a service authorization. | |
searchByClientID | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchByClientDetails | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchByConcernRoleCaseService | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchByRosterIDClientIDAndStatus | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchPRLIPayslip | nsmulti | | Searches all Attendance based un-processed Payslips. | SQL |
searchPersonByNameDOBAndAddress | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchByClientServiceAndAuthorizaton | nsmulti | | Searches for all the Provider Roster Line Item records for an authorized client for a particular service. | SQL |
searchByServicePeriodAndClient | nsmulti | | Searches for the roster line items based on service period,client ID,exception indicator and status. | SQL |
searchByServicePeriodAndCase | nsmulti | | Searches for the roster line items based on service period,case ID,exception indicator and status. | SQL |
searchByServiceAuthorizationAndValidity | readmulti | | Retrieves the service invoice line items for given service authorization and validity status. | |