Table Description
Provider Planned Item Link : Plan items are the benefits, services and activities that are added to a service plan in order to achieve the plan goal. Service plan items that integrate with the CPM module that are used to authorize the delivery of services contain service delivery related information, such as the service authorized. This service delivery related information is stored in this entity. This entity is focused on the delivery of a plan item within a service plan that is used to authorize the delivery of services to a client by a provider. Service delivery related information, such as the provider authorized to provide the service, is stored in this entity. A case worker creates a Return to Work service plan for participant Linda Smith as she has recently become unemployed. A Gain Sustainable Employment goal is selected for this service plan. Linda Smith is unable to work because she must stay at home to care for her children. A Childcare sub-goal is created to meet Linda's need for child care services. A Child Care service plan item is added to the service plan to authorize Linda to receive 4 hours of child care services from the Hamilton Day Care Center on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. This plan item is submitted for approval. On approval by a supervisor, a service authorization is created authorizing Linda to receive child care services. The provider planned item link entity stores the service delivery related details.
Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::ProviderServicePlan::Service Layer::ProviderServicePlanDelivery::ProviderPlannedItemLink::Entity::ProviderPlannedItemLink
Controlling File: ProviderServicePlan\model\Packages\Service Layer\ProviderServicePlanDelivery\ProviderPlannedItemLink\Entity\Entity_cat.efx
Attributes (7)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
providerPlannedItemLinkIDkeyno INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
plannedItemIDdetailsno PLANNED_ITEM_ID SVR_INT64
plannedSubGoalIDdetailsno PLANNED_SUBGOAL_ID SVR_INT64
serviceOfferingIDdetailsyes ASSOCIATED_ITEM_ID SVR_INT64
providerConcernRoleIDdetailsyes ASSOCIATED_PROVIDER_ID SVR_INT64
serviceAuthorizationIDdetailsyes SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION_ID SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (4)
Indices (5)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (16)
insertinsertPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Method to create the provider planned item link entry 
readreadPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
Method to read the provider planned item link entry 
modifymodifyPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Method to modify the provider planned item link entry 
removeremovePRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
Method to remove provider planned item link entry 
searchByPlannedSubGoalIDreadmulti Method to search by planned sub goal 
readByServiceAuthorizationnsread Method to search by service authorization id 
searchByServiceOfferingnsreadmulti Method to search by service offering id 
searchByProvidernsreadmulti Method to search by provider id 
readByPlannedItemIDnsread Reads the link table by planned Item Id 
validateInsert  Validates Insert operations on this entity 
validateModify  Validates modify operations on this entity 
createServiceAuthorizationDetails  This method is used to create a service authorization and service authorization line items depending on the frequency. If no frequency is specified, then there will be just one SALI created. 
getServiceAuthorizationLineItemCount  This method returns the number of service authorizations line items for a planned item. 
searchClonedPlannedItemDtlsnsmulti Searches a list of planned items that may be being cloned.SQL
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