Table Description
Provider Participant Request: Request created by the external user to add a provider participant.

Request created by the external user to add a provider participant.


A request from John who provides day care services to add his attorney J Smith as his participant through the external user access.

Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::CPM::Service Layer::External User Access::Provider Participant Request::Entity::ProviderParticipantRequest
Controlling File: CPM\model\Packages\Service Layer\External User Access\Provider Participant Request\Entity\Entity_cat.efx
Attributes (8)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
namedetails Name of the person to be added as provider participant or provider group participant.PROVIDER_PARTICIPANT_REQUEST_NAME SVR_STRING<100>
addressIDdetailsyesThe unique system generated identifier for the address record.ADDRESS_ID SVR_INT64
phoneNumberIDdetailsyesThe unique system generated identifier for the phone number record.PHONE_NUMBER_ID SVR_INT64
typedetails The type of provider participant e.g. Neighbor, Friend, Attorney or Accountant.PROVIDER_PARTICIPANT_TYPEProviderParticipantTypeSVR_STRING<10>
startDatedetails The date from which the participant is associated to the provider.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
endDatedetails The last date on which the participant is related to the provider.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
referenceNumberdetails A reference number assigned by the organization to the participant to uniquely identify them. This specified by the external user as part of the request details for adding a provider participant or provider group participant, if the participant is already registered on the system.REFERENCE_NUMBER SVR_STRING<20>
requestIDkeynoThe unique system generated identifier for the request record.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (2)
insertinsert Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
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