Table Description
Process Instance: The runtime data for an enacted workflow.

A new workflow Process Instance row is created for each enactment of a workflow Process Definition.


You define a workflow (Process Definition) to allow correspondence to be sent to customers whenever their payment details change. The workflow contains several activities.

Person John Smith's payment details change due to an increase in rates. This increase raises an event which causes the Workflow Engine to enact your workflow and create a row on this table. All subsequent processing of the workflow for John Smith acts on data which is ultimately tied back to this row.

Person Mary Smith's payment details also change; the Workflow Engine enacts the same workflow as for John, but creates a separate Process Instance.

Technical Notes

Processes may be enacted by:

  • an explicit call to the enactment service (i.e. an explicit call that you write in your customized server application);
  • the occurrence of a system event which you have configured (using the Admin Application) to start your process; or
  • a sub-flow activity in a parent Process Instance.

You can customize the Curam server application to raise new system events which you can then configure to trigger the enactment of your workflow(s).

See the Workflow Guide for further information.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Attributes (10)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
processInstanceIDYesNoThe unique identifier of the process instance, within the workflow engine, that is responsible for the workflow of a particular process instance.SVR_INT64
processID NoThe unique identifier of the workflow process definition being used.SVR_INT64
processVersion NoThe version number of the workflow process definition being used.SVR_INT32
processType  The type of the workflow process instance. The valid entries for this field are Normal, Synchronous, and Asynchronous, and this value indicates the type of subflow associated with this process instance.SVR_STRING<10>
status  The status of the process instance.SVR_STRING<10>
synchronousMode NoIndicates whether or not the process instance should be executed in synchronous mode (i.e. without the use of messaging).SVR_BOOLEAN
parentActInstID  The value of this field indicates the activity instance id of the parent workflow process that executed this process, if this workflow process is a subflow.SVR_INT64
startDateTime  The date and time that the process instance was enacted.SVR_DATETIME
endDateTime  The date and time that the process instance was completed.SVR_DATETIME
lastWritten   SVR_DATETIME
Foreign Keys (11)
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
ProcInstPIDVerIdxprocessID, processVersion
Related Pages (47)
- (ExternalParty_visualiseProcessInstance)
Visualize notification in Process Instance (Inbox_visualiseProcessInstanceForAlert)
- (ProcessDefinitionTool_confirmCorruptProcesses)
- (ProcessDefinitionTool_deleteCorruptProcess)
Delete Workflow Process (ProcessDefinitionTool_deleteProcess)
Reallocate Unreserved Tasks (Supervisor_reallocateTasksNotReservedByUser)
Reallocate Reserved Tasks (Supervisor_reallocateTasksReservedByUser)
Reallocate Task (Supervisor_taskReallocate)
Graphical View (Supervisor_TaskvisualiseProcessInstance)
Reallocate Task (TaskManagement_reallocate)
Graphical View (TaskManagement_visualiseProcessInstance)
- (TaskManagement_visualiseProcessInstanceInline)
Reallocate Task: (WorkAllocation_reallocateTask)
Decision (Workflow_freeFormTextDecision)
Decision (Workflow_multipleChoiceDecision)
Abort All Messages (WorkflowAdministration_abortAllMessages)
Abort All Messages (WorkflowAdministration_abortAllMessagesPIE)
Abort Message (WorkflowAdministration_abortMessage)
Abort Message (WorkflowAdministration_abortMessagePIE)
Abort Process Instance (WorkflowAdministration_abortProcessInstance)
- (WorkflowAdministration_listProcessInstanceActivities)
Override Process Instance Activity (WorkflowAdministration_listProcessInstanceActivityEvents)
Workflow Errors (WorkflowAdministration_listProcessInstanceErrors)
Activity Instance Event Data (WorkflowAdministration_overrideActivityInstanceNoOverrideData)
Activity Instance Event Data (WorkflowAdministration_overrideActivityInstanceOutputDataAndRaisedByUserName)
Activity Instance Event Data (WorkflowAdministration_overrideActivityInstanceOutputDataOnly)
Activity Instance Event Data (WorkflowAdministration_overrideActivityInstanceRaisedByUserNameOnly)
Resume Process Instance (WorkflowAdministration_resumeProcessInstance)
Retry All Message: (WorkflowAdministration_retryAllMessages)
Retry All Message: (WorkflowAdministration_retryAllMessagesPIE)
Retry Message (WorkflowAdministration_retryMessage)
Retry Message (WorkflowAdministration_retryMessagePIE)
Suspend Process Instance (WorkflowAdministration_suspendProcessInstance)
View Process Instance (WorkflowAdministration_viewErrorProcessInstance)
View Message: (WorkflowAdministration_viewMessage)
View Process Instance (WorkflowAdministration_viewProcessInstance)
View Process Instance Activity: (WorkflowAdministration_viewProcessInstanceActivityWithNoOverride)
View Process Instance Activity: (WorkflowAdministration_viewProcessInstanceActivityWithNoOverrideFromViewProcess)
View Process Instance Activity: (WorkflowAdministration_viewProcessInstanceActivityWithOverride)
View Process Instance Activity: (WorkflowAdministration_viewProcessInstanceActivityWithOverrideFromViewProcess)
Visualize Process Instance: (WorkflowAdministration_visualiseProcessInstance)