insert | insert | AUTO_ID: positionID
| Standard Operation | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
modifyDetails | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| | |
searchByOrgUnit | nsmulti | | Method to return all positions for specified organization structure and organization unit. | SQL |
readSupervisorForPosition | ns | | Method to return supervisor position for specified position. | SQL |
searchPositionsForSupervisor | nsmulti | | Method to return all positions for specified organization structure, supervisor position and active on specified date. | SQL |
searchByOrgStructure | nsmulti | | Method to return all positions for specified organization structure. | SQL |
searchByUser | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Method to return all positions for specified user. | SQL |
cancel | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Method to cancel position. | |
validateDetails | | | Method to validate general position details. | |
validateInsertDetails | | | Method to validate position details before creating new position. | |
validateModifyDetails | | | Method to validate position details before updating position details. | |
readByOrgStructureIDStatusAndName | ns | | Method to return any active position for specified organization structure and position name. | SQL |
validateCancelDetails | | | Method to validate position details before canceling position record. | |
searchByJob | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Method to return all positions for specified job and active on specified date. | SQL |
readFullPositionDetails | ns | | Returns all position related information, including, organization unit name, job name, and reportsTo name. | SQL |
readPositionName | nsread | | Returns the position name only. | |
readStatus | nsread | | Returns the status of a position. | |
searchActiveByOrgUnitAndJob | nsmulti | | Method to return position ids active on specified date for specified organization unit and job. | SQL |
searchActiveByOrgUnit | nsmulti | | Method to return position ids active on specified date for specified organization unit. | SQL |
searchActiveByJob | nsmulti | | Method to return position ids active on specified date for specified job. | SQL |
searchAllActive | nsmulti | | Method to return all position ids active on specified date . | SQL |
searchByOrgUnitAndRecordStatus | nsmulti | | Method to return all positions for specified organization structure, organization unit and position record status. | SQL |
readOrganisationUnitID | ns | | Returns organization unit id of a position. | SQL |
readByOrgStructure | ns | | Reads the position details for an organization including the organization unit ID and organization unit name. | SQL |
searchByOrgStructureIDAndName | nsmulti | | Method to return a list of positions found by position name. Search is performed based on partial match of the name criteria. | SQL |
searchUsers | nsmulti | | Returns all users that are assigned to the position | SQL |
modify | | | @superseded - replaced by modifyDetails | |
countByUser | ns | | Count to check if the user holds the position. | SQL |
searchPositionByUser | nsmulti | | Method to search for all active positions associated with a user. | SQL |
readLocationDetailsForPosition | nsmulti | | | SQL |
readPositionDetails | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Reads name, leading position indicator, supervisor position name, job name, organization unit name and record status details for position. | SQL |
countLeadPositionForPositionByUser | ns | | Returns the count of lead position for position for a user. | SQL |
insertPosition | insert | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
| Inserts record to position entity. This method expects position ID to be set by the caller, if not set it delegates the
call to insert() which is modeled to auto generate primary key field (position ID). It's preferred to call insertPosition
only in scenario's where caller wants to set the value of primary key (position ID) by itself.<br /> | |
countByOrgStructure | ns | | | SQL |
modifyPosition | modify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| This modify operation will be called while re-applying a change set in the target system. Entity level validations that will happen during a standard modify operation will not be applicable in this case. This modify operation will update all the attributes defined for this entity. | |
searchByJobAndActiveOrgStructure | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Method to return all positions for a specified job, active on specified date and for active organisation structures. | SQL |
convertDetailsToUpper | | | Convert the details to UPPER case | |
convertDetailsToUpper | | | Convert the details to UPPER case | |