Table Description
Plan Template Plan Item Approval Criteria: Entity used to store service plan template plan item approval criteria. This entity is focused on the administration of approval criteria for a plan item within a template within the Service Planning Administration component. An approval criteria can be associated with one or more plan items within a template. Pre-approval criteria define the events that must be completed before a planned item can be approved and post-approval criteria define the events that will occur after the planned item is approved.


A case worker creates a Back to Work service plan for participant Linda Smith as she has recently become unemployed. He chooses to use a predefined template which consists of a Gain Sustainable Employment goal, Childcare sub-goal and Childcare Provision plan item for which the condition for approval is that the expected cost of the child care service does not exceed a particular amount. The following was performed in the administration component to achieve this: An administrator creates a Back to Work Template with a Gain Sustainable Employment goal . The Childcare sub-goal is linked to the goal, and the Childcare Provision plan item to the sub-goals. The approval criteria is linked to the Childcare Provision plan item. The template is then associated with a Back to Work service plan. This entity enables the sharing and reuse of approval criteria across multiple plan items in a template.
Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::ServicePlans::Templates::PlanTemplatePlanItemApprovalCriteria::Entity::PlanTemplatePlanItemApprCrit
Controlling File: ServicePlans\model\Packages\Service Layer\Templates\PlanTemplatePlanItemApprovalCriteria\Entity\Entity_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (5)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
occursWhendetails Identifies when the criteria will enacted upon, i.e. pre or post approvalAPPROVAL_CRITERIA_OCCURS_CODEApprovalCriteriaWhenSVR_STRING<10>
planItemApprovalCriteriaLinkIDdetailsnoUnique ID of the plan item approval criteria link that this record refers to.PLAN_ITEM_APPROVAL_CRITERIA_LINK_ID SVR_INT64
planTemplatePlanItemApprCritIDkeynoUnique ID of the record.PLAN_TEMPLATE_PLAN_ITEM_APPROVAL_CRITERIA_ID SVR_INT64
planTemplatePlanItemIDdetailsnoUnique ID of the plan template plan item that this record refers to.PLAN_TEMPLATE_PLAN_ITEM_ID SVR_INT64
prioritydetails Priority of the plan template plan item approval criteria.APPROVAL_CRITERIA_PRIORITY SVR_INT32
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (3)
Index NameAttributes
planTempPlanItemIDOccursIdxoccursWhen, planTemplatePlanItemID
Operations (18)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: planTemplatePlanItemApprCritID
Insert a new record into the database 
readread Remove an entry. 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Modify an existing approval criteria record 
removeremovePRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Remove an entry. 
searchByPlanTemplatePlanItemIDnsmulti Lists all plan template approval criteria assigned to a plan template plan item.SQL
searchPriorityDetailsByOccursWhenAndPlanTemplatePlanItemnsreadmulti Get records priority to calculate next priority and to modify priority when there is clash by service occurs when. 
modifyPrioritynsmodify Modify priority when there is a clash. 
validateDetails  Validate details for approval criteria operations 
validateInsert  Validate details for insert operation. 
readApprovalCriteriaNamens This method read the approval criteria name.SQL
searchByPlanTemplatePlanItemIDForPlannedItemnsmulti Method to read the plan template plan item approval criteria details for populating the planned item approval details when planned item is created through template.SQL
validateModify  Validate details for modify operation. 
searchByPlanItemApprovalCriteriaLinkIDnsreadmulti Search for entries that match the given plan item approval criteria ID. This method is used by the validation on the PlanItemApprovalCriteriaLink entity to ensure that entries in that table cannot be cancelled if a link to a plan template plan item approval criteria exists in this one. This method simply returns a list of matching details structs.  
validateRemove  Validate details for cancel operation. 
readPlanTemplatePlanItemIDnsread Reads the planTemplatePlanItemID of the PlanTemplatePlanItemApprCrit record. 
removeByPlanTemplatePlanItemnsremove Method to delete the approval criteria for the plan item at template level. This method is invoked when the plan template plan item is deleted. 
insertPlanTemplatePlanItemApprCritinsert Inserts plan template plan item approval criteria record. This method expects the planTemplatePlanItemApprCritID to be set. It is preferred to call this method only in scenarios where calling method wants to set the value of primary key by itself.  
modifyPlanTemplatePlanItemApprCritmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
This modify operation will be called while re-applying a change set in the target system. Entity level validations that will happen during a standard modify operation will not be applicable in this case. This modify operation will update all the attributes defined for this entity. 
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