Operation | Stereotype | Options | Description | SQL |
insert | insert | AUTO_ID: planItemApprovalCheckID
| Method to insert the Plan Item Approval Check details | |
readWithPIType | ns | | Method to read the Plan Item Approval Check details and Plan Item Type details for the PIApprovalCheck id that is given as input. | SQL |
modify | modify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Method to modify the Plan Item Approval Check details | |
cancel | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Method to cancel the Plan Item Approval Check details. | |
searchWithPITypeByUsername | nsmulti | | Method to get the list if the Plan Item Approval Check details and the PI type details for the user name that is passed as input. | SQL |
validateCancel | | | Method to validate the details for cancel. | |
validateDetails | | | Ensures common validations are done before inserting and modifying data | |
validateInsert | | | Ensures validations are performed before the data modification | |
validateModify | | | Ensures validations are done before data modification | |
countByUsername | ns | | Count existing entries that match for estimatedCost, planItemID, statusCode, and userName. Essentially look for duplicate entries | SQL |
countByUsernameAllTypes | ns | | Count all entries that match userName, estimatedCost, statusCode and a null planItemID. | SQL |
countByUsernameForModify | ns | | Count entries that match this one based on userName, estimatedCost, statusCode, planItemID and which do not match the provided unique ID. Essentially this is checking for duplicates of an entry that is about to be modified. | SQL |
countByUsernameAllTypesForModify | ns | | Count entries that match this one based on userName, estimatedCost, statusCode, have a null plan item ID, and which do not match the provided unique ID. Essentially this is checking for duplicates of an entry that is about to be modified. | SQL |
readStatus | nsread | | Return the status details for a given entry | |