Table Description
Place: Space which can be allocated to a client.

Space which can be allocated to a client. For example, a cell in a detention center or a bed in a foster home.


A cell in a detention center or a bed in a foster home.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::CPM::Service Layer::Place Management::Place::Entity::Place
Controlling File: CPM\model\Packages\Service Layer\Place Mangement\Place\Place_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (9)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
placeIDkeynoThe unique system generated identifier for the Place.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
compartmentIDdetailsnoThe unique system generated identifier for the Compartment.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
namedetails Name of the place. For example, Bed 4.CPM_COMMON_NAME SVR_STRING<56>
typedetails Type of the place. If the place is available to the agency under normal circumstances then the type is set to 'Designated'. If the place has been created for emergency placements, then the type is set to 'Emergency'.PLACE_TYPEPlaceTypeSVR_STRING<10>
startDatedetails The date from which the place can be allocated to clients.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
endDatedetails The last date on which the place can be allocated to clients.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
recordStatusdetails The status is used to indicate if the place has been logically deleted.RECORD_STATUSRecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
startDateTimedetailsyesThe date from which the place can be allocated to clients.CURAM_DATETIME SVR_DATETIME
endDateTimedetailsyesThe last date on which the place can be allocated to clients.CURAM_DATETIME SVR_DATETIME
Foreign Keys (4)
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
PlaceIndex2compartmentID, type
Operations (36)
readread Reads a row of data from Place table.  
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Modifies an existing row on Place table.  
insertinsertAUTO_ID: placeID
Creates a new row on Place table.  
removeremove Removes an existing row from Place table.  
searchPlacesByCompartmentreadmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Searches for all the Places related to a specific Compartment. 
searchAllPlacesByCompartmentreadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: Place.compartmentID = :compartmentID AND Place.type = :type AND Place.recordStatus <> :cancelStatus
Searches for all the Places related to a specific Compartment. 
searchByNameAndStatusreadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: Place.compartmentID = :compartmentID AND (UPPER( = :name) AND ( Place.recordStatus <> :closeStatus AND Place.recordStatus <> :cancelStatus )
Searches for Places with the specified Place Details. 
searchAvailablePlacesInCompartmentForDateRangereadmultiORDER_BY: compartmentID
WHERE: startDate <= :startDate AND (:endDateEntered ='0' OR endDate is null or endDate >=:endDate) AND compartmentID=:compartmentID AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from outofuseperiod where (:endDateEntered ='0' OR startDate<=:endDate) AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:startDate)) AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from placement where recordStatus=:placementStatus AND (:endDateEntered ='0' OR startDate<=:placementEndDateTime) AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:placementStartDateTime)) AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus
@superseded - searchAvailablePlacesInCompartmentForPeriod 
searchAvailablePlacesForCompartmentreadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: compartmentId =:compartmentID AND startDate<=:date AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:date) AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from outofuseperiod where startDate<=:date AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:date)) AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from placement where startDate<=:placementDatetime AND recordStatus=:placementStatus AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:placementDatetime)) AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus
Searches all available Places for the Compartment as on a specific date. 
searchOutOfUsePlacesForCompartmentreadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: compartmentId =:compartmentID AND placeid IN (select placeid from outofuseperiod where startDate<=:date AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:date)) AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus
Searches all Out Of Use Places for the Compartment as on a specific date. 
searchOccupiedPlacesForCompartmentreadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: compartmentId =:compartmentID AND placeid IN (select placeid from placement where recordStatus=:placementStatus AND startDate<=:placementDatetime AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:placementDatetime)) AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus
Searches all Occupied Places for the Compartment as on a specific date. @deprecated Since Curam 5.2 SP6, replaced with {@link Place#searchOccupiedPlacesForCompartmentOnCurrentDateTime(CompartmentIDAndDate)} . This method is not performant and the method takes a long time when all occupied places for the compartment is searched. See release note: CR00. 
searchClosedPlacesForCompartmentreadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: compartmentId =:compartmentID AND (endDate is not NULL and endDate<=:date) AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus
Searches all Closed Places for the Compartment as on a specific date. 
searchPlacesInCompartmentForDateRangereadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: startDate>=:startDate AND (:endDateEntered ='0' OR endDate is null or endDate <=:endDate) AND compartmentID=:compartmentID AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus
Searches all the places in a specific Compartment for a date range. 
searchEmergencyPlacesForCompartmentreadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
Searches all Emergency Places for the compartment. 
searchPlaceStatusByDateRangereadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: startDate <= :startDate AND (:endDateEntered ='0' OR endDate is null or endDate >=:endDate) AND placeID=:placeID AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from outofuseperiod where (:endDateEntered ='0' OR startDate<=:endDate) AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:startDate)) AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from placement where recordStatus=:placementStatus AND (:endDateEntered ='0' OR startDate<=:placementEndDateTime) AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:placementStartDateTime)) AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus
Searches a list of available places in a given Date Range. 
searchForAllPlacesByCompartmentreadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: Place.compartmentID = :compartmentID AND Place.recordStatus <> :cancelStatus
Searches for Places of all types for a Compartment. 
searchAvailabilityOfPlaceByReservationDateRangereadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: startDate <= :startDate AND (:endDateEntered ='0' OR endDate is null or endDate >=:endDate) AND placeID=:placeID AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from outofuseperiod where (:endDateEntered ='0' OR startDate<=:endDate) AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:startDate)) AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from placement where recordStatus=:placementStatus AND (:endDateEntered ='0' OR startDate<=:placementEndDateTime) AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:placementStartDateTime)) AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from reservation where (:endDateEntered ='0' OR fromDate<=:reservationEndDateTime) AND (toDate is NULL or toDate>=:reservationStartDateTime) AND status = :reservationStatus AND placeID is NOT NULL)
Searches a list of available places in a given Reservation Date Range. 
searchAvailablePlacesForCompartmentForReservationDateRangereadmultiORDER_BY: compartmentID
WHERE: startDate <= :startDate AND (:endDateEntered ='0' OR endDate is null or endDate >=:endDate) AND compartmentID=:compartmentID AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from outofuseperiod where (:endDateEntered ='0' OR startDate<=:endDate) AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:startDate)) AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from placement where recordStatus=:placementStatus AND (:endDateEntered ='0' OR startDate<=:placementEndDateTime) AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:placementStartDateTime)) AND placeid NOT IN (select placeid from reservation where (:endDateEntered ='0' OR fromDate<=:reservationEndDateTime) AND (toDate is NULL or toDate>=:reservationStartDateTime) AND status = :reservationStatus AND placeID is NOT NULL)
Searches all available Places for the Compartment as on a specific reservation date range. 
searchReservedPlacesForCompartmentreadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: Place.compartmentID = :id AND Place.placeID IN (select Reservation.placeID from Reservation where Reservation.fromDate <= :dateTime AND (Reservation.toDate is NULL OR Reservation.toDate >= :dateTime)) AND Place.recordStatus <> :recordStatus
Searches all reserved Places for a specified compartment. @deprecated Since Curam 5.2 SP6, replaced with {@link Place#searchReservedPlacesForCompartmentOnCurrentDateTime(SearchPlaceKey)} . This method is not performant and the method takes a long time when all reserved Places for the compartment is searched. See release note: CR00. 
searchTotalCapacityCountnsmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Retrieves the total capacity for the provider, given for the input search criteria. The total capacity is the number of places of type designated which are either canceled or closed.SQL
searchOccupiedPlacesCountnsmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Retrieves the number of occupied places for the provider, given for the input search criteria. Number of occupied places are the places that have active placement(s), along with active overlapping reservation, if exists for the specified date.SQL
searchReservedPlacesCountnsmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Retrieves the number of reserved places for the provider, given for the input search criteria. Number of reserved places are the places that have active reservation(s) exclusive of placement.SQL
searchAvailablePlacesCountnsmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Retrieves the number of available places for the provider, given for the input search criteria.SQL
searchAvailablePlacesInCompartmentForPeriodreadmultiORDER_BY: compartmentID
WHERE: startDate <= :startDate AND ((:endDateEntered ='1'AND endDate >=:endDate) OR endDate IS NULL) AND compartmentID=:compartmentID AND recordStatus = :recordStatus AND type = :placeType AND placeID NOT IN (SELECT placeID FROM Placement WHERE recordStatus= :placementStatus AND ((startDate <= :placementStartDateTime AND (:placementStartDateTime <= endDate OR endDate IS NULL)) OR (startDate <= :placementEndDateTime AND (:placementEndDateTime <= endDate OR endDate IS NULL)) OR (:placementStartDateTime < startDate AND (:placementEndDateTime > endDate OR :endDateEntered = '0') AND (:placementStartDateTime < endDate OR endDate IS NULL)) OR (endDate IS NULL AND :endDateEntered = '1' AND :placementEndDateTime >= startDate))) AND placeID NOT IN (SELECT placeID FROM Reservation WHERE status= :reservationStatus AND ((fromDate <= :reservationStartDateTime AND (:reservationStartDateTime <= toDate OR toDate IS NULL)) OR (fromDate <= :reservationEndDateTime AND (:reservationEndDateTime <= toDate OR toDate IS NULL)) OR (:reservationStartDateTime < fromDate AND (:reservationEndDateTime > toDate OR :endDateEntered = '0') AND (:reservationStartDateTime < toDate OR toDate IS NULL)) OR (toDate is NULL AND :endDateEntered = '1' AND :reservationEndDateTime >= fromDate))) AND placeID NOT IN (SELECT placeID FROM OutOfUsePeriod WHERE (startDate <= :startDate AND (:startDate <= endDate OR endDate IS NULL)) OR (startDate <= :endDate AND (:endDate <= endDate OR endDate IS NULL)) OR (:startDate < startDate AND (:startDate > endDate OR :endDateEntered = '0') AND (:startDate < endDate OR endDate IS NULL)) OR (endDate IS NULL AND :endDateEntered = '1' AND :endDate >= startDate))
Searches all available places in a compartment for the specified period. 
searchAvailablePlacesForCompartmentInDateTimeRangereadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: compartmentId =:compartmentID AND startDate<=:date AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:date) AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus AND NOT EXISTS (select placeid from outofuseperiod where Outofuseperiod.placeid = Place.placeid AND ((startDateTime IS NULL AND startDate<=:date) OR (startDateTime <= :placementDatetime )) AND (endDateTime IS NULL AND (endDate IS NULL OR endDate>=:date)) OR (endDateTime>= :placementDatetime )) AND NOT EXISTS (select placeid from placement where Placement.placeid = Place.placeid AND startDate<=:placementDatetime AND recordStatus=:placementStatus AND (endDate is NULL or endDate>=:placementDatetime))
Searches all available Places for the Compartment as on a specific reservation date range. While checking for out of use period it checks for Date Time instead of Date. 
searchOutOfUsePlacesForCompartmentInDateTimereadmultiORDER_BY: placeID
WHERE: compartmentId =:compartmentID AND placeid IN (select placeid from outofuseperiod where ((startDateTime IS NULL AND startDate<=:date) OR (startDateTime <= :placementDatetime )) AND (endDateTime IS NULL AND (endDate IS NULL OR endDate>=:date)) OR (endDateTime>= :placementDatetime )) AND recordStatus <> :recordStatus
Searches out of use places for compartment in date time instead of date. @deprecated Since Curam 5.2 SP6, replaced with {@link Place#searchOutOfUsePlacesForCompartmentOnCurrentDateTime(CompartmentIDAndDate)} . This method is not performant and the method takes a long time when all out of use places for the compartment is searched. See release note: CR00. 
searchAvailablePlacesForCompartmentAtCurrentDateTimensmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Gets the list of available places for a compartment at current time.SQL
searchOccupiedPlacesForCompartmentAtCurrentDateTimensmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Gets the list of occupied places for a compartment at current time.SQL
searchOutOfUsePlacesForCompartmentAtCurrentDateTimensmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Gets the list of out of use places for a compartment at current time.SQL
searchEmergencyPlacesForCompartmentAtCurrentDateTimensmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Gets the list of emergency places for a compartment at current time.SQL
searchReservedPlacesForCompartmentAtCurrentDateTimensmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 0
Gets the list of reserved places for a compartment at current time.SQL
searchOccupiedPlacesForCompartmentOnCurrentDateTimensmulti Searches all occupied places for the compartment as on a specific date.SQL
searchOutOfUsePlacesForCompartmentOnCurrentDateTimensmulti Searches out of use places for compartment in date time instead of date.SQL
searchReservedPlacesForCompartmentOnCurrentDateTimensmulti Searches all reserved places for a specified compartment.SQL
searchByNotClosedPlacesForCompartmentAtCurrentDatereadmultiWHERE: Place.compartmentID = :compartmentID AND Place.recordStatus = :recordStatus AND (Place.endDate is NULL OR endDate>=:endDate)
Searches all not closed places for the compartment at current date. 
searchByStatusForCompartmentreadmultiWHERE: Place.compartmentID = :compartmentID AND Place.recordStatus = :recordStatus
Searches all the places based on the record status for the compartment. 
Related Pages (100)
Add Existing Places (ProviderManagement_addExistingPlaces)
Add Existing Places (ProviderManagement_addExistingPlaces1)
Add Service Authorization Line Item: (ProviderManagement_addSampleServiceAuthorizationLineItem)
Delete Place (ProviderManagement_cancelPlace)
Cancel Reservation (ProviderManagement_cancelReservation)
Close Compartment (ProviderManagement_closeCompartment)
Compartment View (ProviderManagement_compartmentTreeWindow)
Confirm cancel overlapping reservations (ProviderManagement_confirmCancelOverlappingActiveRes)
Confirm cancel overlapping reservations (ProviderManagement_confirmCancelOverlappingActiveResForAnyClient)
Confirm Modify Overlapping Placements (ProviderManagement_confirmModifyOverlappingPlacementPrd)
Confirm modify overlapping placements (ProviderManagement_confirmModifyPlacementPrdForWL)
Confirm Transfer of Placement to Reservation (ProviderManagement_confirmTransferToReservation)
New Characteristics (ProviderManagement_createCompartmentCharacteristics)
New Place (ProviderManagement_createPlace)
Create Emergency Placement (ProviderManagement_createSampleEmergencyPlacement)
Create Reservation (ProviderManagement_createSampleReservation)
Create Service Authorization Line Items (ProviderManagement_createSampleSAWithSALI)
Delete Compartment (ProviderManagement_deleteCompartment)
Delete Placement (ProviderManagement_deleteSamplePlacement)
Step 5: Register Person (ProviderManagement_duplicateRegisterPersonAsProvider)
Enroll Provider (ProviderManagement_enrollAsProvider)
Enroll Provider (ProviderManagement_enrollProvider)
Transfer to Provider (ProviderManagement_enrollProviderFromEnquiry)
Deductions (ProviderManagement_listActiveDeductionForProvider)
Placements (ProviderManagement_listAllProviderPlacements)
Applied and Un-applied Deductions: (ProviderManagement_listAppliedUnappliedDeductionForProvider)
Places (ProviderManagement_listOccupiedPlaces)
Submitted External Access Requests (ProviderManagement_listRequestsForResourceManagerSupervisor)
Reservations (ProviderManagement_listReservation)
Third Party Deductions: (ProviderManagement_listThirdPartyDeductionForProvider)
Mark All Places For Use (ProviderManagement_markAllPlacesForUse)
Mark All Places Out Of Use (ProviderManagement_markAllPlacesOutOfUse)
Mark for Use (ProviderManagement_markPlaceInUse)
Mark Out Of Use (ProviderManagement_markPlaceOutOfUse)
Edit Characteristics (ProviderManagement_modifyCompartmentCharacteristics)
Edit Place (ProviderManagement_modifyPlace)
Confirm Placement (ProviderManagement_modifyPlaceDuringConfirmation)
Edit Reservation (ProviderManagement_modifyPlaceForReservationFrmCompartment)
Edit Reservation (ProviderManagement_modifyPlaceForReservationFrmPlace)
Edit Reservation (ProviderManagement_modifyPlaceForReservationFromList)
Edit Reservation (ProviderManagement_modifyPlaceForReservationFromView)
Edit Placement (ProviderManagement_modifyPlacementDetails)
Modify Placement Information (ProviderManagement_modifyPlacementInformation)
Confirm Cancel Reservation (ProviderManagement_modifyPlacementInformationConfirmCancelReservation)
Allocate Place (ProviderManagement_modifyPlaceProviderOfferingAllocate)
Allocate Place (ProviderManagement_modifyPrdForAllocatePOWaitList)
Allocate Place (ProviderManagement_modifyPrdForAllocateProviderWaitList)
Edit Provider Details (ProviderManagement_modifyProvider)
Edit Reservation (ProviderManagement_modifyReservation)
Edit Reservation (ProviderManagement_modifyReservationFrmCompartment)
Edit Reservation (ProviderManagement_modifyReservationFrmPlace)
Edit Reservation (ProviderManagement_modifyReservationPeriodAndServiceFromList)
Modify Reservation (ProviderManagement_modifyReservationPeriodAndServiceFromView)
Confirm Placement (ProviderManagement_modifyResPeriodDuringConfirmation)
Confirm Placement: (ProviderManagement_modifySamplePlaceDuringConfirmation)
Confirm Placement: (ProviderManagement_modifySampleResPeriodDuringConfirmation)
Modify Service Authorization Line Item: (ProviderManagement_modifySampleServiceAuthorizationLineItem)
Place Client (ProviderManagement_placeSampleClient)
Search Place (ProviderManagement_placeSearchCriteria)
Home (ProviderManagement_providerHome)
Home (ProviderManagement_providerHomeForFacilityManager)
Register As Person (ProviderManagement_registerProviderAsPersonFrmProviderHome)
Step 2: Enroll Provider (ProviderManagement_sampleEnrollProvider)
Retrieve Facility Information (ProviderManagement_sampleRetrieveFacilityInformation)
Active Placements Search (ProviderManagement_searchActivePlacementsForCase)
Search Available Places (ProviderManagement_searchAvailablePlaces)
) (ProviderManagement_searchAvailablePlacesForReservation)
Available Places (ProviderManagement_searchAvailablePlacesForWaitList)
External Access Request Search (ProviderManagement_searchRequestsForSupervisor)
Search Reservations (ProviderManagement_searchReservation)
Search Available Places: (ProviderManagement_searchSampleAvailablePlaces)
Override Maximum Deduction Rate (ProviderManagement_setOverrideMDR)
Transfer Client (ProviderManagement_transferClient)
Transfer Placement to Another Case (ProviderManagement_transferSamplePlacementToAnotherCase)
Override Maximum Deduction Rate (ProviderManagement_unsetOverrideMDR)
Update Placement Period (ProviderManagement_updateSamplePlacementPeriod)
Places (ProviderManagement_viewAllPlaces)
Home (ProviderManagement_viewExternalAccessRequest)
View Place (ProviderManagement_viewPlace)
View Placement: (ProviderManagement_viewPlacementDetails)
View Placement Type Payment Detail for Provider: (ProviderManagement_viewPlacementPaymentForProvider)
View Placement Type Payment Detail for Provider Group: (ProviderManagement_viewPlacementPaymentForProviderGroup)
View External Access Request: (ProviderManagement_viewRequestsForSupervisor)
View Reservation (ProviderManagement_viewReservation)
View Reservation: (ProviderManagement_viewSampleReservation)
Add Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_addCustomServicePlanItem)
Add Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_addServicePlanItem)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyCustomServicePlanItemProviderEditable)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyCustomServicePlanItemProviderNonEditable)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyServicePlanItemProviderEditable)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyServicePlanItemProviderNonEditable)