insert | insert | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Standard Operation | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
searchByAmountDeliveryMethod | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument
by amount, deliveryMethodType and statusCode
| SQL |
searchByDeliveryMethodStatusEffectiveDate | nsmulti | | To search the PaymentInstrument using the delivery method code, the status code and the effective date < the input effective date | SQL |
modifyReconcilStatusCode | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| to modify the reconcilStatusCode of the PaymentInstrument to show that this payment instrument has expired | |
searchByEffectiveDate | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument by effectiveDate | SQL |
searchByEffectiveDateAmount | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument
by effectiveDate and amount
| SQL |
searchByEffectiveDateAmountDeliveryMethod | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument
by effectiveDate, amount and deliveryMethodType
| SQL |
searchByEffectiveDateDeliveryMethod | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument
by effectiveDate, deliveryMethodType and statusCode
| SQL |
searchByEffectiveDateRange | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument
by effectiveDateFrom, effectiveDateTo and statusCode
| SQL |
searchByEffectiveDateRangeAmount | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument
by effectiveDateFrom, effectiveDateTo,
amount and statusCode
| SQL |
searchByEffectiveDateRangeAmtDeliveryMethod | nsmulti | | Search of Payment Instrument by
effectiveDateFrom, effectiveDateTo, amount, deliveryMethodType and statusCode
| SQL |
searchByEffectiveDateRangeDeliveryMethod | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument
by effectiveDateFrom, effectiveDateTo,
deliveryMethodType and statusCode
| SQL |
searchByStatusCodeDeliveryMethod | nsreadmulti | | Operation to read the Payment Instrument table to retrieve all "Un-issued" payment instruments by delivery method code
| |
searchForDeliveryMethod | nsmulti | | Searches for the distinct delivery methods of the Payment Instrument. | SQL |
searchByStatusCode | nsreadmulti | | To retrieve all records from the Payment Instrument table based on status code | |
modifyAmountEffectDate | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| To update the amount and effectiveDate by optimistic locking on a specified paymentInstrument record. | |
searchForPmtIssuedByConcRoleNameData | nsmulti | | Search of Payment Instrument by exact match concernRoleName and/or a combination of all other input fields
| SQL |
searchForPmtsIssuedByConcRoleIDData | nsmulti | | Search of Payment Instrument by
concernRoleID and/or a combination of all other input fields
| SQL |
countActiveBankAccounts | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Operation to count the number of occurrences of the specified (active) Bank Account. | SQL |
readByDeliveryMethodRefNo | nsread | | To read the payment instrument entity based on DeliveryMethod and RreferenceNumber. | |
modifyStatusAmountEffectDate | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| To update the Status, amount and effectiveDate by optimistic locking on a specified paymentInstrument record. | |
readReconcilStatusByPslipInstructionID | nsread | | Reads the reconcilStatusCode by payslipInstructionID. | |
searchByStatusEffectiveDate | nsmulti | | To search the PaymentInstrument using the status code and the effective date < the input effective date | SQL |
readActiveBankAccounts | | | @superseded - replaced by countActiveBankAccounts | |
searchConcernRolePaymentByConcernRoleID | nsmulti | | Returns a list of payment instrument details for a participant. | SQL |
searchCaseNomineePaymentByConcernRoleIDStatus | nsmulti | | Returns payment instruments for a nominee using the concern role id of the nominee. | SQL |
modifyReconcilStatusCodeInvalidatedInd | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Marks a payment as canceled and invalidated. | |
modifyInvalidatedInd | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Marks a payment as invalidated. | |
readInvalidatedInd | nsread | | | |
modifyEffectiveDateReconcilStatus | nsmodify | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| This method updates the effective date and the reconcile status of the specified payment instrument. | |
readCreationDateEffectiveDate | nsread | | This method returns the creation date and effective date of the specified payment instrument. | |
readAll | nkreadmulti | | | |
searchByEffectiveDateAmountDeliveryMethodStatusCode | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument
by effectiveDate, amount, deliveryMethodType and statusCode
| SQL |
searchByEffectiveDateAmountStatusCode | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument
by effectiveDate, amount and statusCode
| SQL |
searchByEffectiveDateStatusCode | nsmulti | | Search of the Payment Instrument by effectiveDate and statusCode | SQL |
searchByConcernRole | readmulti | WHERE: PaymentInstrument.concernRoleID = :concernRoleID
| Returns a list of payment instruments for a participant. | |
searchForPmtIssuedByPartialMatchConcRoleNameData | nsmulti | | Search of Payment Instrument by partial match concernRoleName and/or a combination of all other input fields
| SQL |
searchByStatusDeliveryMethod | nsmulti | | Reads the payment issued record based on the status code and the delivery method. | SQL |
searchByAmountStatusCode | nsmulti | | Reads the payment received record based on the amount and status code. | SQL |