Table Description
PDM Run Case Control: This table is integral to the PDM & AR processes. It is used to monitor the case that is being processed as it passes though the various stages of PDM & AR processing. The table will be used to support the various processes allowing them to determine the state of processing and also update the table to reflect the changes they have effected.
Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::HCR::Periodic Data Matching::Entity::PDMRunCaseControl
Controlling File: HCR\model\PeriodicDataMatching\Entity\PDMEntity.efx
Table Options
Attributes (11)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
pdmRunCaseControlIDkeynoPrimary key.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
caseIDdetailsnoCase that the associated evidence resides on. This field enables faster lookup against the caseID, which will be a common requirement.CASE_ID SVR_INT64
runIDdetailsnoStores the ID of the batch run, for example 'AR2014'. This same ID must be used by all batch jobs that are part of the end to end PDM or AR process. Records should only be inserted by the process that inserts the associated evidence record.RUN_ID SVR_STRING<30>
processedByPEDatedetailsyesThis date is set after a Projected Eligibility has been generated for the case that this evidence is associated with. It can be used with other date fields on the record to infer at what stage of the processing the record is.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
processedByNoticesDatedetailsyesThis date is set after a Notification has been generated for the case that this evidence is associated with. It can be used with other date fields on the record to infer at what stage of the processing the record is. A Notification refers to the communication that is generated to be sent to the citizen to inform them of changes.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
processedByApplyUncontestEvDtdetailsyesThis date is set after the time period for a citizen to contest the new evidence has passed and it has been automatically applied by the system.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
statusdetailsnoUsed to record at what stage in the overall process this record has reached. Initially the records are set to unprocessed and as each stage runs the status is updated until complete.PDM_RUN_CASE_CONTROL_STATUSPDMRunCaseControlStatusSVR_STRING<10>
peResultIDdetailsyesThe foreign key to the ProgGrpProjectedEligibility table where the projected eligibility is stored.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
runAttemptdetailsyesIndicates the run attempt for this run case control. This is used to distinguish different status histories in the event that the run case control record is reset.RUN_ATTEMPT SVR_INT32
statusDateTimedetailsyesThis date time is set to when the status record was inserted.CURAM_DATETIME SVR_DATETIME
evdManuallyVerifieddetailsyesIndicates whether or not the caseworker has confirmed that all evidence on the case is correct and verified.EVD_MANUALLY_VERIFIED SVR_BOOLEAN
Foreign Keys (8)
Indices (5)
Index NameAttributes
RunIDAndStateIDXrunID, status
RunIDStateAndStateDateTimIdxrunID, status, statusDateTime
Operations (14)
readread Standard read method. 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard modify method. 
insertinsertAUTO_ID: pdmRunCaseControlID
Standard insert method. 
searchEvidenceDescriptorByCaseIDAndRunIDnsmulti Return the list of evidence associated with a case and run.SQL
searchByCaseIDreadmultiORDER_BY: caseID ASC, runID ASC
Return the set of records associated with a case. 
readByCaseIDAndRunIDnsread Get the case control record with the specified case and run identifiers. 
searchBatchCasesByRunIDnsmulti Select a distinct set of case id's for the same runID.SQL
searchBatchCasesByRunIDAndStatusnsmulti Select a distinct set of case id's for the same runID.SQL
searchBatchCasesByRunIDStatusAndStatusDateTimeLimitnsmulti Select a distinct set of case id's for the same runID.SQL
searchByCaseIDAndAnnualRenewalIndreadmultiORDER_BY: caseID ASC, runID ASC
WHERE: caseID = :caseID AND runID IN (SELECT runID FROM PDMRunConfig WHERE annualRenewalInd = :annualRenewalInd)
searchUncontestedEvidenceDescriptorByCaseIDAndRunIDnsmulti Return the list of evidence associated with a case and run.SQL
searchByCaseIDAnnualRenewalIndAndTypereadmultiORDER_BY: caseID ASC, runID ASC
WHERE: caseID = :caseID AND runID IN (SELECT runID FROM PDMRunConfig WHERE annualRenewalInd = :annualRenewalInd AND type = :annualRenewalType)
Retrieves a list of PDMRunCaseControl records for the specified case ID, annual renewal indicator value, and annual renewal type. 
searchBatchCasesByRunIDStatusAndFailureTypeCodensmulti Select a distinct set of case id's for the same runID.SQL
searchUncontestedAndUnappliedEvidenceDescriptorByCaseIDAndRunIDnsmulti Return the list of evidence associated with a case and run.SQL
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