Table Description

Ownership: The percentage of a Business, Property, Burial Plot, Vehicle, Annuity, Life Insurance Policy, or Liquid Resource owned by an individual.

Two or more people may jointly own assets. The percentage owned is used to determine the individual's share of the resource or the business. An Ownership record is added for each participant, specifying their percentage share of the resource. There is an Ownership record for each individual who owns part of the resource.


Linda Smith and John Smith jointly own a checking account. A case worker creates a Liquid Resource record for the checking account and associates two Ownership records with it. Ownership is recorded for Linda Smith and John Smith with a percentage of 50% for each.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Evidence::Service Layer::Entity::Resources::Ownership::Ownership
Controlling File: Evidence\model\ServiceLayer\entity\Resources\Ownership\Ownership_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (9)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type

System generated unique identifier for the Ownership. There is no UI field for this attribute.


The Case Participant Role ID of the Ownership. This may or may not be a Household Member. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Owner Participant'.


The percentage of that resource owned by the participant. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Percentage Owned'.


The date from which the participant owns that resource. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Start Date'.


The date until which the participant owns the resource. The UI field name for this attribute is 'End Date.


Indicates if the owner is willing to sell his or her percentage of the resource. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Willing To Sell'.


The Ownership record type. Examples include: Life Estate With Powers, Owner, etc. This is populated from the 'OwnershipType' code table. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Ownership Type'.


The ownership usage. Examples include: Home, Income Producing, etc. This is populated from the 'ISPOwnershipUsage' code table. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Usage'.


Additional details related to the Ownership. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Comments'.

Foreign Keys (1)
Indices (1)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (7)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: evidenceID
Insert a new Ownership entry into database 
readread Read an Ownership entry from database. 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Edit an existing Ownership entry in database. 
removeremove Remove Ownership entry from database. 
readOwnershipDetailsns Method to read the Ownership Details.SQL
readOwnershipAndParticipantRoleDetailsns Method for reading ownership resource evidence and the partcipantRoleID of the owner.SQL
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