Table Description
Outcome Plan Action : An activity which can be added to an outcome plan to address client needs e.g. Join a basketball team.


An outcome plan is created for James Smith, Linda Smith and their child Robert to identify and address their issues. The Family Strengths and Needs Assessment (FSN) Assessment is run from this outcome plan by a case worker. Activities(services, actions and referrals) are created to address the identified needs. This entity stores the details of the action added to the outcome plan.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::OutcomePlanning::OutcomePlan::Entity::Delivery::OutcomePlanAction::OutcomePlanAction
Controlling File: AssessmentPlanning\model\Packages\OutcomePlanning\Entity\Delivery\OutcomePlanAction_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (23)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
outcomePlanActionIDkeynoUnique identifier for the actionINTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
outcomePlanActionAdminIDdetailsyesThe unique identifer of the predefined action in administration on which this action is based.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
outcomePlanIDdetailsnoUnique identifier of the outcome plan this action is for.CASE_ID SVR_INT64
namedetailsyesThe user entered name for the action. This is only applicable where the action is not based on a predefined action from administration.NAME SVR_STRING<131>
reasondetailsnoA textual description of the reason why a user is adding the action to the outcome plan.OUTCOME_PLAN_RICH_TEXT_SMALL SVR_STRING<2000>
startDatedetailsnoThe start date of the action.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
endDatedetailsyesThe end date of the action.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
frequencydetailsyesThe number of times a client should perform this action over a period of time.FREQUENCY_PATTERN SVR_STRING<9>
durationInMinutesdetailsnoThe length of time, in minutes, a client should spend on an activity.DURATION_IN_MINUTES SVR_INT32
costdetailsnoThe estimated cost of the action, entered by the user.CURAM_AMOUNT SVR_MONEY
actualCostdetailsnoThe actual cost of the action. This is the fixed cost of the predefined action in administration, on which this action is based; or the actual cost of the action, entered by the user on completion of the action.CURAM_AMOUNT SVR_MONEY
sensitivitydetailsnoThe sensitivity level associated with the action. A user must have at least an equivalent sensitivity level to view, modify, create or delete an action.SENSITIVITY_CODESensitivitySVR_STRING<10>
outcomedetailsyesThe outcome of the action. E.g. Successful, Not Successful or Pending.OUTCOME_PLAN_ACTIVITY_OUTCOME_ACHIEVEDActivityOutcomeAchievedSVR_STRING<10>
outcomeCommentsdetailsyesThe reason why the outcome of the action was unsuccessful. If progress was selected as part of the completion of the action, these are stored on the progress entity.OUTCOME_PLAN_RICH_TEXT_SMALL SVR_STRING<2000>
statusdetailsnoThe state of the action. E.g. Not Started, In Progress, Completed.OUTCOME_PLAN_ACTION_STATUSOPActionStatusSVR_STRING<10>
ownerdetailsnoThe user who is the owner of the action.USER_NAME SVR_STRING<64>
responsibilityRelatedTypedetailsnoThe type of person responsible for this action. E.g. User or Client.OUTCOME_PLAN_ACTION_RESPONSIBILITY_RELATED_TYPEOPActionRespRelatedTypeSVR_STRING<10>
responsibilityRelatedIDdetailsnoThe unique identifier of the user or client responsible for the action.OUTCOME_PLAN_ACTION_RESPONSIBILITY_RELATED_ID SVR_STRING<30>
federalAllowableComponentIDdetailsyesThe unique identifier of the federal allowable component for the action. This is only applicable if the action is based on a predefined action from administration which has been added to a federal allowable component.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
noteIDdetailsyesThe unique identifier of the note entered for the action.NOTE_ID SVR_INT64
outcomeReasondetailsyesIndicates the reason the outcome was 'Not Successful'.OUTCOME_PLAN_ACTIVITY_OUTCOME_REASONActivityOutcomeReasonSVR_STRING<10>
creationDatedetailsnoThe date on which the action was created.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
createdBydetailsnoThe username of the user who created the action.USER_NAME SVR_STRING<64>
Foreign Keys (7)
Indices (7)
Index NameAttributes
OPActionOwnerOutcomePlanIdxowner, outcomePlanID
OPActionRespOutcomePlanIdxresponsibilityRelatedType, responsibilityRelatedID, outcomePlanID
Operations (15)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: outcomePlanActionID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
searchByOutcomePlanreadmulti Returns a list of all actions for the given outcome plan.  
searchByOwnerAndOutcomePlanreadmulti Returns a list of all actions for the given owner and outcome plan.  
searchByResponsibilityAndOutcomePlanreadmulti Returns a list of all actions for the given responsibility and outcome plan. 
searchByNameActionAdminAndDateRangereadmultiWHERE: status != 'OPAS10004' AND ( (name = :name AND outcomePlanActionAdminID IS NULL) OR (name IS NULL AND outcomePlanActionAdminID = :outcomePlanActionAdminID) ) AND ( startDate <= :endDate AND (endDate >= :startDate OR endDate IS NULL) )
Returns a list of all actions for the given name, outcome plan action admin and date range. 
searchByNameActionAdminAndStartDatereadmultiWHERE: status != 'OPAS10004' AND ( (name = :name AND outcomePlanActionAdminID IS NULL) OR (name IS NULL AND outcomePlanActionAdminID = :outcomePlanActionAdminID) ) AND ( startDate >= :startDate OR endDate IS NULL )
Returns a list of all actions for the given name, outcome plan action admin and start date.  
searchByResponsibilityRelatedIDAndTypereadmulti Returns a list of actions for the given responsibility related ID and type. 
searchByStatusAndDatereadmultiWHERE: status = :status AND startDate <= :date AND (endDate IS NULL OR endDate >= :date)
Returns a list of actions for the given status where the start date is before the date supplied and there is either no end date or an end date that is after the date supplied. 
modifyNotStartedActionsns Updates the status of actions to 'In Progress' where the action status is 'Not Started' and the start date is before the date supplied and there is either no end date or an end date that is after the date supplied.SQL
searchByCaseAndDateRangereadmultiWHERE: outcomePlanID=:outcomePlanID AND ( (startDate >= :startDate AND startDate <= :endDate) OR (startDate <= :startDate AND (endDate IS NULL OR endDate >= :startDate)) )
Returns a list of all actions for the given outcome plan id within the specified date range. 
searchByNameActionAdminConcernRoleAndDateRangereadmultiWHERE: status != 'OPAS10004' AND ( (name = :name AND outcomePlanActionAdminID IS NULL) OR (name IS NULL AND outcomePlanActionAdminID = :outcomePlanActionAdminID) ) AND ( startDate <= :endDate AND (endDate >= :startDate OR endDate IS NULL) ) AND EXISTS ( SELECT outcomePlanActionRoleID FROM outcomePlanActionRole, caseParticipantRole WHERE outcomePlanActionRole.outcomePlanActionID = outcomePlanAction.outcomePlanActionID AND outcomePlanActionRole.caseParticipantRoleID = caseParticipantRole.caseParticipantRoleID AND caseParticipantRole.participantRoleID = :concernRoleID AND outcomePlanActionRole.recordStatus = 'RST1' AND caseParticipantRole.recordStatus = 'RST1' )
Returns a list of all actions for the given name, outcome plan action admin, concern role and date range. 
searchByNameActionAdminConcernRoleAndStartDatereadmultiWHERE: status != 'OPAS10004' AND ( (name = :name AND outcomePlanActionAdminID IS NULL) OR (name IS NULL AND outcomePlanActionAdminID = :outcomePlanActionAdminID) ) AND ( startDate >= :startDate OR endDate IS NULL ) AND EXISTS ( SELECT outcomePlanActionRoleID FROM outcomePlanActionRole, caseParticipantRole WHERE outcomePlanActionRole.outcomePlanActionID = outcomePlanAction.outcomePlanActionID AND outcomePlanActionRole.caseParticipantRoleID = caseParticipantRole.caseParticipantRoleID AND caseParticipantRole.participantRoleID = :concernRoleID AND outcomePlanActionRole.recordStatus = 'RST1' AND caseParticipantRole.recordStatus = 'RST1' )
Returns a list of all actions for the given name, outcome plan action admin, concern role and start date.  
searchByNameActionConcernroleAndDateRangensmulti  SQL
Related Pages (39)
Home (ATOutcomesPlan_home)
New Action (CreateActionWizard_owner)
Add Action (CreateActionWizard_sharing)
Details (MDTOutcomePlan_viewActionHome)
Notes (MDTOutcomePlan_viewActionNotes)
New Evidence (OutcomePlan_addActivityEvidence)
Add Clients (OutcomePlan_addClientsToAction)
New Note (OutcomePlan_addNoteToAction)
Delete Action (OutcomePlan_cancelAction)
Complete Action (OutcomePlan_completeAction)
Add Attachment (OutcomePlan_createActionAttachment)
Edit Action (OutcomePlan_editAction)
Edit Reason (OutcomePlan_editActionReason)
Update Completion Details (OutcomePlan_editCompletedAction)
Edit Daily Participation (OutcomePlan_editParticipation1)
Attachments (OutcomePlan_listActionAttachments)
Notes (OutcomePlan_listActionNotes)
Activities (OutcomePlan_listActions)
Activities (OutcomePlan_listActivities)
Evidence (OutcomePlan_listActivityEvidence)
Costs (OutcomePlan_listCosts)
Record Absence Period (OutcomePlan_recordAbsencePeriodForActivity)
Record Participation (OutcomePlan_recordActivityParticipation)
Record Scheduled Attendance (OutcomePlan_recordScheduleAttendanceForActivity)
Remove Client (OutcomePlan_removeClientFromAction)
Edit Action (OutcomePlan_updateAction)
Activities Due To Start (OutcomePlan_userItemsDueToStart)
) (OutcomePlan_viewActionContextPanel)
Action (OutcomePlan_viewActionDetails)
Home (OutcomePlan_viewActionHome)
Latest Note (OutcomePlan_viewLatestNote)
Recent Item Details (OutcomePlan_viewRecentItem)
Issues (OutcomePlanAction_listIssues)
History (OutcomesPlan_allDiscrepancies)
Pending (OutcomesPlan_pendingDiscrepancies)