cancel | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Method to cancel organization unit. | |
insert | insert | AUTO_ID: organisationUnitID
| Standard Operation | |
modify | modify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Standard Operation | |
modifyDefaultPrinter | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| This method will update the default printer for the organization unit. | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
readAll | | | @superseded - replaced by searchActive | |
searchByOrgStructure | nsmulti | | Method to return all organization units for specified organization structure. | SQL |
searchByParentOrgUnit | nsmulti | | @Deprecated
Method to return all organization units for specified parent organization unit. | SQL |
readRootOrgUnit | ns | | Method to return root organization unit for specified organization structure | SQL |
readByOrgStructureStatusAndName | ns | | Method to return all active organization units for specified organization structure and organization unit name. | SQL |
readByOrgUnitAndDefaultPrinter | nsread | | Method to return organization unit name for specified organization unit and default printer. | |
readCreationDate | nsread | | Returns the creation date of an organization unit. | |
readOrgUnitName | nsread | | Returns the name of the organization unit only. | |
readParentOrgUnitID | ns | | Returns the parent organization unit ID of an organization unit. | SQL |
readStatus | nsread | | Reads the status of the org unit. | |
searchActive | nsmulti | | @Deprecated
Method to return all organization units. | SQL |
searchByAllCriteria | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| This return organization unit details based on name and business type. Search is performed based on partial match of the name criteria. | SQL |
searchChildOrgUnit | nsmulti | | Returns child organization units for specified parent organization unit for a specified org structure. | SQL |
searchChildPositions | nsmulti | | Returns all child positions for an organization unit | SQL |
searchUsers | nsmulti | | Returns users for an organization unit | SQL |
validateCancelDetails | | | Method to validate organization unit details before canceling organization unit. | |
validateDetails | | | Method to validate general organization unit details. | |
validateInsertDetails | | | Method to validate organization unit details before creating new organization unit. | |
validateModifyDetails | | | Method to validate organization unit details before updating organization unit details. | |
readDefaultPrinterByPositionID | ns | | Reads a default printer id of an organization unit based on a position id key | SQL |
readByOrgStructure | ns | | Reads the org unit details for an organization including the parent org unit name if it exists. | SQL |
countByOrgStructureAndStatus | ns | | | SQL |
readRootOrgUnitByIDAndStatus | ns | | Method to return root organization unit for specified organization structure and status. | SQL |
listSupervisorOrgUnit | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchOrgUnitTasksDueInTheNextTimePeriod | nsmulti | | Returns the deadline date time and reserved by user name of the tasks that are due for the members of a specified organization unit during a specified time period. | SQL |
searchOrgUnitTasksByUserDueOnDate | nsmulti | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified member of a specified organization unit and that are due within the specified time period. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by assigned date time, earliest first. | SQL |
searchOrgUnitTasksByUserDueInTheNextWeek | nsmulti | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns the details of tasks that are assigned to a specified member of a specified organization unit and that are due within the specified time period. The search criteria allow for the details of reserved tasks, assigned tasks or all of the tasks to be returned. The results are ordered by the deadline date time, earliest first. | SQL |
searchOrgUnitTasksByReservationStatus | nsmulti | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns a list of the task details that are associated with the members of a specified organization unit. Depending on the input parameter data, the function may return all of the tasks associated with the members of a specified organization unit, all of the reserved tasks associated with the members of a specified organization unit or all the tasks that have not yet been reserved for the members of a specified organization unit. | SQL |
searchOrgUnitTasksReservedByUser | nsmulti | | Returns the name, the full name and the task status for each task reserved by the members of an organization unit, grouped by the members of that organization unit. | SQL |
listSupervisorOrgUnitLeadPos | nsmulti | | Returns Organization Units for which Supervisor holds a lead position | SQL |
readSecurityIdentifiers | nsread | | | |
searchOrgUnitReservedTasksByUserDueInTheNextTimePeriod | nsmulti | | Returns the name, the full name and the task status for each task reserved by the members of an organization unit and are due within a specified date time, grouped by the members of that organization unit. | SQL |
searchOrgUnitReservedTasksByUserDueInTheNextTimePeriodOrderByReservedDateTime | nsmulti | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns a list of the task details that are reserved by the specified organization unit user and are due within the specified time period. In this instance, the task details are returned ordered by the date and time the task was reserved on, earliest first. | SQL |
searchOrgUnitReservedTasksByUserDueInTheNextTimePeriodOrderByRestartDateTime | nsmulti | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Returns a list of the task details that are reserved by the specified organization unit user and are due within the specified time period. In this instance, the task details are returned ordered by the date and time the task should be restarted on, earliest first.
| SQL |
searchOrgUnitTasksByUserDueInTheNextTimePeriod | nsmulti | | Returns a list of the names and full names for all of the users in the specified organization unit plus counts of all the tasks assigned and reserved by those users. If the user has no tasks assigned to them or reserved by them, then both counts will be returned as zero. | SQL |
searchOrgUnitAssignedTasksByUserDueInTheNextTimePeriod | nsmulti | | Returns a list of the names and full names for all of the users in the specified organization unit plus a count of the tasks assigned to those users. If the user has no task assigned to them, then a count of zero is returned. | SQL |
listOrganisationUnitLocationDetails | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchOrgUnitAssignedTasksByUser | nsmulti | | Returns the name and full user name for each member of the specified organization unit plus a count of the assigned tasks for each user. | SQL |
countByUser | ns | | A count to check if the user holds a position in the organization unit. | SQL |
searchOrgUnitByUser | nsmulti | | Method to search for all active organization units associated with a user. | SQL |
searchAllChildOrgUnits | nsmulti | | returns all the child Organization Units of a structure except the root | SQL |
countActiveOrgUnitsByName | ns | | Count number of organization units which are active based on organization unit name. | SQL |
listNestedOrganisationUnits | | | @Deprecated
COMMENTS: Method to retrieve the nested organization Units , anywhere from the Organization Structure | |
readOrganisationUnitDetails | ns | | Reads organization unit name, business type code, location name and units status details. | SQL |
countLeadPositionForOrgUnitByUser | ns | | Returns the count of position for an organization unit for which user holds position. | SQL |
readOrganisationUnitTabDetails | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Reads organization unit tab display details. | SQL |
searchNameByUser | nsmulti | | | SQL |
readOrgUnitID | nsread | | | |
insertOrganisationUnit | insert | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
| Inserts record to organisation unit entity. This method expects organisation unit ID to be set by the caller, if not set it delegates the call to insert() which is modeled to auto generate primary key field (organisation unit ID). It's preferred to call insertOrganisationUnit only in scenarios where caller wants to set the value of primary key (organisation unit ID) by itself. | |
countByOrgStructure | ns | | | SQL |
searchActiveWithVersionNo | nsmulti | | Method to return all organization units. | SQL |
searchByOrgStructureWithVersionNo | nsmulti | | Method to return all organization units for specified organization structure. | SQL |
searchByParentOrgUnitWithVersionNo | nsmulti | | Method to return all organization units for specified parent organization unit. | SQL |
listNestedOrganisationUnitsWithVersionNo | | | COMMENTS: Method to retrieve the nested organization Units , anywhere from the Organization Structure | |
modifyOrganisationUnit | modify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| This modify operation will be called while re-applying a change set in the target system. Entity level validations that will happen during a standard modify operation will not be applicable in this case. This modify operation will update all the attributes defined for this entity. | |
convertDetailsToUpperCase | | | Method to convert the organizationunit details to upper. | |
searchChildOrgUnitsByUser | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchByAllCriteriaForActiveOrganisationStructure | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| This return active only organization unit details based on name and business type. Search is performed based on partial match of the name criteria. | SQL |