Table Description
Represents a contiguous period of eligibility for Non MAGI programs for an individual. <P> Non MAGI Eligibility groups together case members who are eligible for Non MAGI programs for a period of time. Eligibility is only recorded for those programs that impact Magi Medicaid programs.</P>


<P> A citizen becomes eligible for ABD (Non MAGI). A Non MAGI Eligibility record is created to record the period of time for which the citizen is eligible for ABD. This information can then be used by MAGI Streamlined Medicaid eligibility rules to ensure that the citizen is not eligible for both MAGI and Non MAGI programs for the same periods. </P>
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Income Support Product::Service Layer::entity::CREOLE::NonMagiEligibility
Controlling File: ISProduct\model\Service Layer\entity\CREOLE\CREOLE.efx
Attributes (6)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
nonMagiEligibilityIDkeyno INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
caseIDdetails  CASE_ID SVR_INT64
concernRoleIDdetails  CONCERN_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
startDatedetails  CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
endDatedetails  CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
productNamedetails  PRODUCT_NAME_CODEProductNameSVR_STRING<10>
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (6)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: nonMagiEligibilityID
Standard Operation 
modifymodify Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
searchByCaseIDnsreadmulti To&nbsp;retrieve&nbsp;a&nbsp;list&nbsp;of&nbsp;all&nbsp;sanction&nbsp;records&nbsp;by&nbsp;case ID 
searchByPersonnsreadmulti To&nbsp;retrieve&nbsp;a&nbsp;list&nbsp;of&nbsp;all&nbsp;sanction&nbsp;records&nbsp;by&nbsp;case ID 
removeremove Standard Operation 
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