Table Description
Meeting Minutes Issue Details: The date and time of when minutes are issued and the external user, internal user or participant the minutes are issued to.

Minutes may be recorded for a meeting that occurred. Meeting details include agenda, attendees, meeting notes, attached files, cases, decisions and meeting actions. The meeting minutes may be generated as a PDF and issued to meeting invitees via email. This entity is focused on recording the date and time the minutes are issued and the external user, internal user or participant that the minutes are issued to.


John James is a teacher and is also a member of the MDT assigned to a Child Welfare social enterprise folder for Robert Smith and Linda Smith. John James is Robert's teacher and has noticed that Robert is frequently absent from school and decides to schedule a meeting with all the MDT members and Linda Smith to determine the reasons for Robert's absence from school and discuss a course of action to reduce this absenteeism. Once the meeting is held, John James records the minutes. Linda and all MDT members for the child welfare social enterprise folder are recorded as attendees of the meeting, the agenda to discuss Robert's absenteeism is outlined, an action is created for John James to monitor Robert's attendance more closely and report regularly to the other team members. Notes are created documenting Linda Smith's explanation for Robert's absence from school. A follow-up meeting is agreed upon and the date of this meeting is recorded. Once the minutes are recorded, John James, issues the minutes to all attendees. The minutes are generated as a pdf and sent via email to the attendees.

Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Meetings::Entity::MeetingMinutesIssueDetails
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Meetings\Entity_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (4)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
minutesIssueDetailsIDkeynoUnique reference number assigned by the system to a meeting minutes issue details record.MEETING_MINUTES_ISSUE_DETAILS_ID SVR_INT64
issueTimedetails Date and time that the minutes for the meeting were issued.CURAM_DATETIME SVR_DATETIME
meetingIDdetailsnoUnique reference number of the meeting minutes record with which the meeting issue details record is associated.MEETING_DETAILS_ID SVR_INT64
recordStatusdetails Status of the meeting issue details record. Values include 'Active' or 'Canceled'. Logical deletion is supported.RECORD_STATUS_CODERecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (1)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (4)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: minutesIssueDetailsID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
searchByMeetingreadmulti Returns a list of issue details for the meeting ID passed in. 
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