Table Description
Issue Resolution Approval Check: Issue resolution approval checks.

Issue Resolution approval checks specify the percentage of issue resolutions, that must be manually approved.

Issue Resolution approval checks can be specified at the User, Organization Unit and Issue Type levels.


An issue resolution approval check value is set at sixty percent for a user, then sixty percent of issue resolutions recorded by this user must be manually approved. The remaining forty percent of issue resolutions will be automatically approved by the system.

Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Service Layer::IssueResolutionApprovalCheck::Entity::IssueResolutionApprovalCheck
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Reference Model\Service Layer\IssueResolutionApprovalCheck\Entity\IssueResolutionApprovalCheck_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (8)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
issueResolutionApprovalCheckIDkeynoUnique reference number assigned by the system to the issue approval check record.ISSUE_RESOLUTION_APPROVAL_CHECK_ID SVR_INT64
issueConfigurationIDdetails Unique reference number of the issue type for which the approval check has been created.ISSUE_CONFIGURATION_ID SVR_INT64
percentagedetails Percentage of records which must be manually approved.ISSUE_RESOLUTION_APPROVAL_CHECK_RATE SVR_INT16
typeCodedetails Type of approval check i.e. type, user approval check or organization approval check.ISSUE_RESOLUTION_APPROVAL_CHECK_CODEIssueResApprovalCheckSVR_STRING<10>
organisationUnitIDdetails Unique reference number of the organization unit for which the approval check has been created.ORGANISATION_UNIT_ID SVR_INT64
userNamedetails The user for which the approval check has been created.USER_NAME SVR_STRING<64>
commentsdetails Comments added by a user to the approval check.COMMENTS SVR_STRING<300>
recordStatusdetails Status of the approval check record.RECORD_STATUS_CODERecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
OrgUnitIDIssueIdxorganisationUnitID, issueConfigurationID, typeCode, recordStatus
Operations (35)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: issueResolutionApprovalCheckID
Inserts an IssueResolutionApprovalCheck record. 
readread Reads an IssueResolutionApprovalCheck record. 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Modifies an IssueResolutionApprovalCheck record. 
cancelnsmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Sets the status of the Issue Resolution Approval Check record to 'Canceled'. 
validateInsert  Validates the Issue Resolution Approval Check details being inserted. 
validateModify  Validates the Issue Resolution Approval Check details being modified. 
validate  Validates the common Issue Resolution Approval Check details. 
validateCancel  Validates the details of the record being canceled. 
countIssueCheckns Checks if an approval check already exists for an issue.SQL
readRecordStatusnsread Reads the status of the Issue Resolution Approval Check record. 
searchByIssuensmulti This method lists all existing approval checks for a particular issue.SQL
searchByUsernsmulti This method lists all existing approval checks for a user.SQL
countUserCheckns Counts duplicate resolution approval check records for a user.SQL
countUserCheckAllIssuesns Counts duplicate resolution approval check records for a user with no issue specified.SQL
countOrgUnitCheckns Counts duplicate issue resolution approval check records for an organization unit.SQL
countOrgUnitCheckAllIssuesns Counts duplicate issue resolution approval check records for an organization unit with no issue specified.SQL
countIssueCheckModifyns Checks if an approval check already exists for an issue.SQL
searchByOrgUnitnsmulti This method lists all existing approval checks for an org unit.SQL
countUserCheckModifyns Counts duplicate resolution approval check records for a user.SQL
countUserCheckModifyAllIssuesns Counts duplicate resolution approval check records for a user with no issue specified.SQL
countOrgUnitCheckModifyns Counts duplicate issue resolution approval check records for an organization unit.SQL
countOrgUnitCheckModifyAllIssuesns Counts duplicate issue resolution approval check records for an organization unit with no issue specified.SQL
readByUserTypeCodeIssueAndStatusns This method returns the maximum percentage and record count of active approval checks configured for a user and a particular issue.SQL
readByUserTypeCodeAndStatusns This method returns the maximum percentage and record count of active approval checks configured for a user and any issue.SQL
readByOrgUnitTypeCodeIssueAndStatusns This method returns the maximum percentage and record count of active approval checks configured for an organization unit and a particular issue.SQL
readByOrgUnitTypeCodeAndStatusns This method returns the maximum percentage and record count of active approval checks configured for an organization unit and any issue.SQL
readByTypeCodeIssueAndStatusns This method returns the maximum percentage and record count of active approval checks configured for an issue.SQL
searchByOrganisationUnitIDreadmulti Reads&nbsp;all&nbsp;the&nbsp;records&nbsp;for an&nbsp;organisation unit. 
insertIssueApprovalCheckinsert Inserts record to issue resolution approval check entity. This method expects issue resolution approval check ID to be set by the caller, if not set it delegates the call to insert() which is modeled to auto generate primary key field (issue resolution approval check ID). It's preferred to call this method only in scenario's where caller wants to set the value of primary key (issue resolution approval check ID) by itself. 
removeremove Removes a record from issue approval check entity. 
searchByUserNamereadmulti Reads&nbsp;all&nbsp;the&nbsp;records&nbsp;for a user. 
searchByIssueAndVersionNonsmulti This method lists all existing approval checks for a particular issue.SQL
modifyIssueApprovalCheckmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
This modify operation will be called while re-applying a change set in the target system. Entity level validations that will happen during a standard modify operation will not be applicable in this case. This modify operation will update all the attributes defined for this entity.  
searchByOrgUnitAndVersionNonsmulti This method lists all existing approval checks for an org unit.SQL
searchByUserAndVersionNonsmulti This method lists all existing approval checks for a user.SQL
Related Pages (21)
Submit Resolution For Approval (Appeal_submitResolutionForApproval)
Submit Resolution for Approval (IssueDelivery_submitResolutionForApproval)
Delete Issue Resolution Approval Check (Organization_cancelResolutionApprovalCheckForOrgUnit)
Delete Issue Resolution Approval Check (Organization_cancelResolutionApprovalCheckForUser)
New Issue Case Resolution Approval Check (Organization_createResolutionApprovalCheckForOrgUnit)
New Issue Resolution Approval Check (Organization_createResolutionApprovalCheckForUser)
Issue Case Resolution (Organization_listResolutionApprovalChecksForOrgUnit)
Issue Resolution (Organization_listResolutionApprovalChecksForUser)
Edit Issue Case Resolution Approval Check (Organization_modifyResolutionApprovalCheckForOrgUnitFromList)
Edit Issue Case Resolution Approval Check (Organization_modifyResolutionApprovalCheckForOrgUnitFromView)
Edit Issue Resolution Approval Check (Organization_modifyResolutionApprovalCheckForUserFromList)
Edit Issue Resolution Approval Check (Organization_modifyResolutionApprovalCheckForUserFromView)
View Issue Resolution Approval Check for Organization Unit (Organization_viewResolutionApprovalCheckForOrgUnit)
View Issue Resolution Approval Check for User (Organization_viewResolutionApprovalCheckForUser)
Delete Resolution Approval Check (Product_cancelResolutionApprovalCheckForIssue)
New Resolution Approval Check (Product_createResolutionApprovalCheckForIssue)
Resolution Approval Checks (Product_listResolutionApprovalChecksForIssue)
Resolution Approval Checks (Product_listResolutionApprovalChecksForIssue1)
Edit Resolution Approval Check (Product_modifyResolutionApprovalCheckForIssueFromList)
Edit Resolution Approval Check (Product_modifyResolutionApprovalCheckForIssueFromView)
View Resolution Approval Check For Issue (Product_viewResolutionApprovalCheckForIssue)