insert | insert | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| This method is used to insert the Issue Delivery case details | |
read | read | | This method is used to read the Issue Delivery case details | |
modify | modify | POST_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| This method is used to modify the Issue Delivery case details | |
readResolutionStatus | nsread | | Retrieves the resolution status recorded against the specified Issue Delivery case | |
modifyResolutionStatus | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| This method modifies the resolution status. | |
readVersionNo | nsread | | This method reads the version number for the specified issue. | |
searchByRelatedCaseID | nsmulti | | This method retrieves a list of issue details using the related case ID, i.e. the ID of the related case on which the issues were created. | SQL |
searchByParticipantRoleIDIssueCaseTypeCode | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Retrieves a list of issue cases for an Integrated Case Member. | SQL |
readHomePageIDIssueTypeCaseRef | ns | | Reads the home page identifier, issue type and case reference for a Issue Delivery case. | SQL |
readIssueType | nsread | | This method returns the issue type of the specified issue delivery case. | |
searchByIntegratedCaseID | nsmulti | | Retrieves the Issue details for the Integrated Case. | SQL |
readRelatedCaseID | nsread | | This method is used to retrieve the related case ID, i.e. the ID of the case which raised this issue. | |
searchByConcernRoleID | nsmulti | | Returns all issue deliveries for a specified concern role. | SQL |
searchByIssueCaseRefRelatedCaseRefConcernRoleID | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Operation to return issue cases based on the optional search criteria entered. At least one search criteria must be entered (can enter all the three fields). Case Reference can be an Integrated Case or a Product Delivery case. In case of Integrated Case all the Issues that exists on the Integrated Cases are displayed. In the case of Product Delivery case all the Issues that are applied to Product Delivery are displayed. If all or a combination of the search criteria are entered then the result is narrowed down.
| SQL |
searchIssueDelByRelatedCaseID | nsmulti | | This method retrieves a list of issue details using the related case ID. | SQL |
readIssueTabDetails | ns | | | SQL |
searchActiveByRelatedCaseID | nsmulti | | Returns a list of the active issues related to the given case ID. | SQL |