insert | insert | AUTO_ID: investigationApprovalCheckID
| Inserts an InvestigationApprovalCheck record. | |
read | read | | Reads an InvestigationResolutionApprovalCheck record. | |
modify | modify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Modifies an InvestigationResolutionApprovalCheck record. | |
cancel | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Sets the status of the Investigation Resolution Approval Check record to 'Canceled'. | |
validateInsert | | | Validates the Investigation Resolution Approval Check details being inserted. | |
validateModify | | | Validates the Investigation Resolution Approval Check details being modified. | |
validate | | | Validates the common Investigation Resolution Approval Check details. | |
validateCancel | | | Validates the details of the record being canceled. | |
countInvestigationCheck | ns | | Checks if an approval check already exists for an investigation. | SQL |
readRecordStatus | nsread | | Reads the status of the Investigation Resolution Approval Check record. | |
searchByInvestigation | nsmulti | | This method lists all existing approval checks for a particular investigation. | SQL |
searchByUser | nsmulti | | This method lists all existing approval checks for a user. | SQL |
countUserCheck | ns | | Counts duplicate resolution approval check records for a user. | SQL |
countUserCheckAllInvestigations | ns | | Counts duplicate resolution approval check records for a user with no investigation specified. | SQL |
countOrgUnitCheck | ns | | Counts duplicate investigation resolution approval check records for an organization unit. | SQL |
countOrgUnitCheckAllInvestigations | ns | | Counts duplicate investigation resolution approval check records for an organization unit with no issue specified. | SQL |
countInvestigationCheckModify | ns | | Checks if an approval check already exists for an investigation. | SQL |
searchByOrgUnit | nsmulti | | This method lists all existing approval checks for an org unit. | SQL |
countUserCheckModify | ns | | Counts duplicate resolution approval check records for a user. | SQL |
countUserCheckModifyAllInvestigations | ns | | Counts duplicate resolution approval check records for a user with no investigation specified. | SQL |
countOrgUnitCheckModify | ns | | Counts duplicate investigation resolution approval check records for an organization unit. | SQL |
countOrgUnitCheckModifyAllInvestigations | ns | | Counts duplicate investigation resolution approval check records for an organization unit with no investigation specified. | SQL |
readByUserTypeCodeInvestigationAndStatus | ns | | This method returns the maximum percentage and record count of active approval checks configured for a user and a particular investigation. | SQL |
readByUserTypeCodeAndStatus | ns | | This method returns the maximum percentage and record count of active approval checks configured for a user and any investigation. | SQL |
readByOrgUnitTypeCodeInvestigationAndStatus | ns | | This method returns the maximum percentage and record count of active approval checks configured for an organization unit and a particular investigation. | SQL |
readByOrgUnitTypeCodeAndStatus | ns | | This method returns the maximum percentage and record count of active approval checks configured for an organization unit and any investigation. | SQL |
readByTypeCodeInvestigationAndStatus | ns | | This method returns the maximum percentage and record count of active approval checks configured for an investigation. | SQL |
readForOrgUnitAndInvestigation | ns | | | SQL |
readForOrgUnit | ns | | | SQL |
searchByOrganisationUnitID | readmulti | | Reads all the records for an organisation unit id. | |
insertInvestigationApprovalCheck | insert | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
| Inserts record to investigation approval check entity. This method expects investigation approval check ID to be set by the
caller, if not set it delegates the call to insert() which is modeled to auto generate primary key field (investigation
approval check ID). It's preferred to call this method only in scenario's where caller wants to set the value of primary
key (investigation approval check ID) by itself. | |
remove | remove | | Removes a record from investigation approval check entity. | |
searchByUserName | readmulti | | Reads all the records for a user. | |
searchByInvestigationAndVersionNo | nsmulti | | This method lists all existing approval checks for a particular investigation. | SQL |
modifyInvestigationApprovalCheck | modify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| This modify operation will be called while re-applying a change set in the target system. Entity level validations that will happen during a standard modify operation will not be applicable in this case. This modify operation will update all the attributes defined for this entity. | |