Table Description
Internal External Party ID: The last unique reference number which has been assigned to the primary Concern Role Alternate ID of an External Party.


This table holds a single row with the value 12345. A User registers the External Party ACME Medical Providers, which causes:

  • the value on this table to be incremented to 12346; and
  • the value 12346 to be stored in the primary Concern Role Alternate ID for ACME Medical Providers.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Infrastructure::Unique IDs::InternalExternalPartyID
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Global Classes_cat.efx
Attributes (1)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
nextExternalPartyIDkeyno ALTERNATE_ID SVR_STRING<18>
Operations (3)
insertinsert Standard Operation 
readOnenkread This non key read reads the only record on this control table 
modifyAllnkmodify This non key modify updates the only record on this control table  
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