Table Description

Income Allocation: This evidence captures the details of the income amount allocated against an expense. This is called Income Allocation.

Unearned income (received by a Household Member) that is used for a specific purpose, for example, medical expenses, may be excluded in the determination of eligibility. Unearned income can only be allocated to expenses that have been already entered as Curam Expense Evidence.


Linda Smith is disabled and has an attendant to care for her. Linda Smith has an expense as she must pay her attendant for the care provided. Linda Smith receives money to pay for her attendant. A case worker creates an Income Allocation record from Linda Smith's unearned income, for the attendant care payments. This allocates the money Linda Smith receives, to the attendant care expense. So Linda Smith's income allocation record is associated with (a) her unearned income record for the attendant care payments, and (b) her expense record for the cost of attendant care.

Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Evidence::Service Layer::Entity::Income::IncomeAllocation::IncomeAllocation
Controlling File: Evidence\model\ServiceLayer\entity\Income\IncomeAllocation\IncomeAllocation_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (7)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type

System generated unique identifier for an Income Allocation. There is no UI field for this attribute.


The monetary value of the amount allocated to the expense. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Amount To Be Allocated'.


Additional details related to Income Allocation. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Comments'.


The start date of the income allocation. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Start Date'.


The end date of the income allocation. The UI field name for this attribute is 'End Date'.


A code table value describing the Unearned Income that is related to this Income Allocation record. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Unearned Income Type'.


A code table value that describes the expense it is related to. For example, Student Expense or Medical Expense. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Expense Type'.

Operations (4)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: evidenceID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
removeremove Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
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New Assigned Income Evidence (EVD_createAssignedIncomeEvidence_wzSelAllCrePRE)
New Income Allocation Evidence (EVD_createIncomeAllocationEvidence_wzSelAllCre)
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New Income Allocation Evidence (EVD_createIncomeAllocationEvidence_wzSelAllCrePRE)
New Unearned Rental Income Expense Evidence (EVD_createUnearnedRentalIncomeExpenseEvidence_sa)
Edit Income Allocation Evidence (EVD_incomingModifyIncomeAllocationEvidence)
Assign Income from Unearned Income To Income Trust (EVD_listUnearnedIncomeEvidenceForAssignedIncomeEvidence)
Edit Assigned Income Evidence (EVD_modifyAssignedIncomeEvidence)
Edit Income Allocation Evidence (EVD_modifyIncomeAllocationEvidence)
Edit Medical Expense Evidence (EVD_modifyMedicalExpenseEvidence)
Edit Unearned Rental Income Expense Evidence (EVD_modifyUnearnedRentalIncomeExpenseEvidence)
View Income Allocation Evidence (EVD_viewIncomeAllocationEvidence)
View Income Allocation Evidence (EVD_viewIncomeAllocationEvidenceHistRec)
Home (EVD_viewIncomeAllocationEvidenceObject)
View Income Allocation Evidence (EVD_viewIncomeAllocationEvidenceSnapshot)