insert | insert | AUTO_ID: spendDownID
| Standard Operation | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
modify | modify | | Standard Operation | |
remove | remove | | Standard Operation | |
searchSDPeriodsByCaseAndStatus | nsmulti | | Method to search spend down periods by caseID and status. | SQL |
modifyStatusCode | nsmodify | | Modify the status code of the spend down record... "current", "superseded" etc.
| |
listAllSpendDownPeriods | nsmulti | | Reads a list of spendDown details. | SQL |
searchExistingProgramByICStatusIDAndType | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Searches for programs with one of these statuses: open, approved, rejected, active, superseded. | SQL |
searchClosedProgramsByICIDAndType | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Searches existing programs of type "closed" on the Integrated Case. Returns a list of caseIDs.
| SQL |
countCurrentPeriodsByDateAndIC | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| | SQL |
readCaseStatusAndLastSpendDownMetInd | ns | | Reads case status and Met indicator of the last spend down period for the case. | SQL |
readDateOfApplication | nsread | | Reads the date of application for a spendDown record. | |
readMostRecentPeriodDetails | ns | | Returns details from the most recent SpendDown period for the SpendDown product delivery. | SQL |
searchByDateRangeAndCaseID | nsmulti | | Returns a list of spendDown records from a certain period. | SQL |
readDatesAndCaseID | nsread | | Reads the start date, end date, and case ID for a specific spendDown record. | |
modifyStatusReasonAndMetInd | nsmodify | | Method that modifies the spendDown metInd, reasonCode, and spenddownStatusCode. | |
readCurrentPeriodStartDate | ns | | Method to read the current spendDown period's start date based on the caseID the current date. | SQL |
countByStartDateAndCaseID | ns | | Method to count the number of records that have the same start date as the start date entered. | SQL |
modifyAppliedDetails | nsmodify | | Method to modify the details of an applied SpendDown record. | |
searchByCaseIDStatusCodeOutstandingAmountAndSDStatusCode | nsmulti | | Reads all spendDownIDs for a case where spendDown is applied, current, and outstanding amount is reduced to zero. | SQL |
readOutstandingAmount | nsread | | Reads the outstandingAmount for a SpendDown record. | |
modifyOutstandingAmount | nsmodify | | Method to modify the outstanding amount on a SpendDown record. | |
searchMostRecentSupersededSpendDown | ns | | This method searches for the most recently superseded SpendDown record between a specified start and end date. | SQL |
searchByCaseIDMetIndAndRetroInd | nsmulti | | Reads date of application and start date of the most recent spend down period after the given date that matches caseID, metInd and retroInd. | SQL |
searchByCaseIDAndRetroInd | nsmulti | | Reads date of application, start date and metInd of the most recent spend down period after the given date that matches caseID and retroInd. | SQL |
readClosedProgramLatestEndDate | ns | | Searches existing programs of type "closed" on the Integrated Case, except those of type "Cost Sharing". Returns the latest end date.
| SQL |
modifyEndDate | nsmodify | | Modifies the end date of a spendDown record. | |
searchByCaseIDStatusCodeAndEndDate | nsmulti | | List all spendDown periods that are current, and have a endDate later than the endDate entered. | SQL |
readSDAmtByCaseIDStatusAndMaxLastUpdatedDateTime | ns | | Method to read the amount and the last updated date time by case id, status and max last updated date time. | SQL |
modifyLastUpdatedDateTime | nsmodify | | Modify the last updated date time. | |
readCaseID | nsread | | Reads spend down case id. | |
readEndDate | nsread | | Reads spend down end date. | |
countRetroactivePeriods | ns | | This operation counts the number of retroactive periods that exist for a case over a retroactive period. | SQL |
countCurrentPeriodsByDateParticipantAndIC | ns | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Counts SpendDown periods that exist for the specified period of time for the given person on the integrated case. | SQL |
SearchByCaseIDMetIndDateRangeAndSDStatusCode | nsmulti | | This method returns a list of spend down records within a specified date range based on the case id, met indicator and the spend down status code. The returned list is order based on the start dates of the records. | SQL |
listCurrentSpendDownPeriods | nsmulti | | Returns a list of all current SpendDown periods for a case. | SQL |
searchForSpendDownPeriodOnDate | ns | | Method to check if a customer is in receipt of a SpendDown on a given date. If they are the spendDownID, status code and an indicator showing if the SpendDown period is met are returned. | SQL |