Table Description

Household Relationship: This evidence captures the details of a relationship between two household members who live in the same household.

The relationship of a household member to all other household members is captured to determine the possible eligible groups that exist within the household. When a new relationship record is inserted, the system will automatically insert a reciprocal relationship record for the related household member. Additional details specific to the case are captured on the Household Relationship evidence record, for example, whether or not the household member is a non-parent caretaker relative.


A case worker creates a Household Member Relationship record for Linda Smith. Linda Smith is married to John Smith so a relationship of spouse is recorded between Linda Smith and John Smith. The reciprocal relationship record showing that John Smith is the spouse of Linda Smith is automatically created by the system. Linda Smith and John Smith are part of the same household.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Evidence::Service Layer::Entity::Household::HouseholdRelationship::HouseholdRelationship
Controlling File: Evidence\model\ServiceLayer\entity\Household\HouseholdRelationship\HouseholdRelationship_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (7)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type

System generated unique identifier for the Household Relationship. There is no UI field for this attribute.


The unique identifier of the concernRoleRelationship record.

nonParentCareRelInddetails Indicates if the individual is a non parent caretaker relative.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN

Indicates if there is a dependency between an adult and a child. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Related Participant is a Dependent'.


Indicates if the related individuals consider themselves partners. There is no UI field for this attribute.


The key of the reciprocal household relationship. The UI field for this attribute is 'Relationship Type'.


Additional details related to the Household Relationship evidence. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Comments'.

Foreign Keys (1)
Indices (1)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (15)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: evidenceID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
removeremove Standard Operation 
searchByConcernRoleRelIDreadmulti Reads a list of Income Support Product Household Relationship records associated with a specified concernRoleRelationshipID. 
modifyRecipRelationshipEvidencensmodify Modifies the reciprocal relationship evidence record by inserting the recipHholdRelationshipID. 
searchByRelationshipTypensmulti Searches for any relationships of a specific type that a household member has with other members of the household.SQL
searchByNPCRStatusnsmulti Searches for any NPCR relationships that a household member has with other members of the household.SQL
readNPCRDependentDetailsns Retrieve the NPCR indicator, Dependent indicator and participantRoleID of the related person.SQL
searchExistingConcernRoleRelationshipsnsmulti This method searches for existing concern role relationships between household members.SQL
readHholdRelationshipIDByConcernRoleRelationshipIDnsread This operation reads the evidenceID for an HouseholdRelationship record by the concernRoleRelationshipID. 
readNPCRHouseholdAndSpouseConcernRoleIDns This method returns the the details of the spouse of a non parent caretaker relative within the household.SQL
searchExistingConcernRoleRelationshipsByStatusnsmulti This method searches for existing concern role relationships between household members by status code.SQL
listRelationshipEvidenceForCreatePagensmulti Method to return the existing relationship details of relationship type, related member and nonParentCareRelativeInd for a household member.SQL
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