Table Description
Household Budget Item: A deduction by the organization of a portion of a person's payment to be paid to a third party company.

An agreement between a person and the organization authorizes the organization to pay an agreed sum of money towards a third party company (as specified by the person) on their behalf, by deducting the same amount from an active product delivery.

The agreement stands until such time as the person indicates they would like the household budget item to cease or the product delivery for that person is no longer active.


  • John Smith is in receipt of a weekly payment of $150. Each week $15 is deducted from his payment and paid to the gas utility company; and
  • Mary Smith is unemployed and in receipt of a weekly benefit of $115. Each week $20 is deducted from her benefit and paid to MID (Mortgage Interest Direct) to cover her interest payments.
Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Concern::Entity Objects::HouseholdBudgetItem::HouseholdBudgetItem
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Concern\HouseholdBudgetItem_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (17)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
householdBudgetIDkeynoUnique reference number assigned by the system to the Household Budget Item recordHOUSEHOLD_BUDGET_ID SVR_INT64
concernRoleIDdetailsnoUnique reference number assigned by the system to a Concern Role record.CONCERN_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
utilConcernRoleIDdetailsnoThe Concern Role ID of the Concern who is a Utility.CONCERN_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
customerAccNamedetails Label by which the Concern Role is known to the Utility.CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_NAME SVR_STRING<35>
customerAccNumberdetails Reference number by which the Concern Role is known to the Utility.CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_NUMBER SVR_STRING<12>
createdDatedetails Date Household Budget Item was created on the system.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
startDatedetails Date on which Household Budget Item is effective from.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
endDatedetails Date on which Household Budget Item is effective to.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
ratedetails An agreed percentage which is deducted from a specified Financial Component for a Person's Product Delivery based on its financial value and which is remitted to the UtilityRATE SVR_DOUBLE
statusCodedetails A code to denote the status of the Household budget itemUTILITY_PAYMENT_STATUS_CODEUtilityPaymentStatusSVR_STRING<10>
commentsdetails Free text registered by the User.COMMENTS SVR_STRING<300>
minimumAmountdetails This attribute specifies the minimum deduction amount. Only applies when the deductionType is 'variable'CURAM_AMOUNT SVR_MONEY
maximumAmountdetails This attribute specifies the maximum deduction amount. Only applies when the deductionType is 'variable'CURAM_AMOUNT SVR_MONEY
caseIDdetailsnoID of the case this HouseholdBudgetItem is related toCASE_ID SVR_INT64
rulesObjectiveIDdetailsnoThis is used to store the value of the Rules Objective identifier for the HouseholdBudgetItem.RULES_OBJECTIVE_ID SVR_STRING<16>
amountdetails Deduction value stored as a fixed amountCURAM_AMOUNT SVR_MONEY
deductionTypedetails Specifies whether the deduction is fixed or variable, fixed deductions will be stored in the amount field, variable deductions will be stored in the rate field as a percentage of the component valueUTILITY_DEDUCTION_TYPE_CODEUtilityDeductionTypeSVR_STRING<10>
Foreign Keys (4)
Indices (4)
Index NameAttributes
HBIIDStatDatesIdxcaseID, statusCode, startDate, endDate
HBIRoleIDStatusIdxconcernRoleID, statusCode
Operations (13)
insertinsert Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
readByFinancialCompIDns To retrieve a household budget item record by financial component id.SQL
searchItemsByConcernRoleIDStatusnsmulti returns a list of HouseholdBudgetItems which have a status of 'Active', 'Suspended', or 'Pending'SQL
searchByCaseIDreadmulti returns a list of HouseholdBudgetItems for a specified caseID 
searchItemsForComponentsnsmulti This method is used to get the household budget items associated with a component. This is used during the generation of FC's.SQL
modifyByCaseIDAndStatusnsmodify This method updates the HouseholdBudget Items for a given case, of a given status. 
searchByCaseIDAndStatusreadmulti This method reads the HouseholdBudget Items for a given case, of a given status 
searchByCaseIDComponentIDreadmulti To retrieve records from HouseholdBudgetItem using the CaseID and ComponentID 
searchHBIDetailsAndReferenceNoByCaseIDnsmulti Returns a list of household budget items and the case reference number.SQL
readHBIDetailsAndReferenceNoByCaseID  @superseded - replaced by searchHBIDetailsAndReferenceNoByCaseID 
readStartDateAmountnsread Reads the household budget item start date and amount. 
Related Pages (36)
Utility Payments (BenefitSample_listUtilityPayment)
Suspend Case (CHIPProductDelivery_suspend)
Cancel Payment (Financial_cancelPayment)
Cancel Payment (Financial_cancelPayment1)
Cancel Issued Payment (Financial_cancelPaymentInstrument)
Reverse Instruction (Financial_createInstructionReversal)
Reverse Details (Financial_createLineItemReversal)
Invalidate Payment (Financial_invalidatePayment)
Check Retroactive Medicaid Eligibility (HCRRetroactiveMedicaid_confirmCheckEligibilty)
Utility Payments (ICBenefitUnderPayment_listUtilityPayment)
Utility Payments (ICProductSample_listUtilityPayment)
Utility Payments (ICSportingGrantSample_listUtilityPayment)
Cancel Sanction (ISP_cancelSanctionEvidence)
Cancel Disregard (ISP_cancelSanctionOverride)
New Sanction (ISP_createSanctionEvidence)
New Disregard (ISP_createSanctionOverride)
Edit Sanction (ISP_modifySanctionEvidence_fromList)
Edit Sanction (ISP_modifySanctionEvidence_fromView)
Edit Disregard (ISP_modifySanctionOverride_fromList)
Modify Sanction Override Details: (ISP_modifySanctionOverride_fromView)
Utility Payments (ISPProduct_listUtilityPayment)
Reverse Line Item (Participant_createLineItemReversal)
Utility Payments (PDBenefitUnderPayment_listUtilityPayment)
Delete Utility Payment (Person_cancelUtilityPayment)
Utility Payments (Person_listUtilityPayment)
Edit Utility Payment (Person_modifyUtilityPaymentFromList)
Edit Utility Payment (Person_modifyUtilityPaymentFromView)
View Utility Payment (Person_viewUtilityPayment)
New Utility Payment (ProductDelivery_createUtilityPayment)
Existing Utility Payments (ProductDelivery_listExistingUtilityPayment)
Suspend Case (ProductDelivery_suspend)
New Disregard (SanctionAssessment_createDisregard_CREOLE)
New Sanction (SanctionAssessment_createSanction_CREOLE)
Edit Sanction (SanctionAssessment_modifySanction)
Edit Recommendation Disregard (SanctionAssessment_modifySanctionOverride)
Suspend Case (TBBCCProductDelivery_suspend)