Table Description
Hearing User Role: An assignment of a user to a hearing and the nature of their participation in the hearing.

There are two types of user role case owner and supervisor. By default, the case owner is the user who created the case and the supervisor is their reporting manager. User can assigned with any of the roles.


The system assigns the 'case owner' role to the user who creates a hearing case. This user is the individual who accepts the initial request for appeal. This user's participation in the scheduled hearing is recorded in the system.

Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Appeals::Service Layer::entity::Hearing::HearingUserRole::HearingUserRole
Controlling File: Appeal\model\Packages\Service Layer\entity\Hearing\HearingUserRole\HearingUserRole_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (4)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
hearingUserRoleIDkeynoUnique ID for a hearing user role record.HEARING_USER_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
hearingIDdetailsnoUnique ID of the associated hearing. Links the hearing user role to the related hearing.HEARING_ID SVR_INT64
caseUserRoleIDdetailsnoUnique ID of the associated case user role record. Links the hearing user role to the related case user role. CASE_USER_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
participatedCodedetails User's participation in the hearing.PARTICIPATION_CODEHearingParticipationSVR_STRING<10>
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (28)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: hearingUserRoleID
Insert a hearing user role record. 
readread Read a hearing user role record. 
searchActiveByHearingIDAndRoletypensmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Search for all of the active hearing user role records for the specified hearingID and user role type.SQL
searchByHearingIDAndStatusnsmulti Return all users of a particular status for a hearing.SQL
validateInsert  Entity level validation which is called prior to inserting a record. Ensures that all required fields are entered and valid. 
searchActiveAttendeesByHearingIDnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Returns the active attendees for a hearing. These include all user role types except that of a hearing official.SQL
clone  Clones the details of the identified hearing user role record for the specified hearing. The statusCode, participatedCode and activityID fields are defaulted for the new record. 
readCloneDetailsnsread Reads the details being cloned from the an existing hearing user role record. 
setDefaults  Sets the default values for a hearing user role record if they are not specified. 
searchActiveUserNameByHearingIDAndTypensmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Searches for the caseUserRoleID, userName and full name details for hearing users of a specified role for a hearing.SQL
searchAllByHearingIDAndTypensmulti Reads details about all users of the specified type for the hearing.SQL
searchActiveAttendeeNamesByHearingIDnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Returns the list of active attendee users together with their userName and display name for the hearing.SQL
modifyParticipatedCodensmodify Modifies the hearing participated code for a user. 
searchAllByHearingIDnsmulti Returns all users, regardless of their status, for a hearing.SQL
modifyNonParticipationnsmodifyPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Sets the participation code to no show for all the that didn't participate. 
searchUserParticipationnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Returns the users participation status for the latest completed hearing for a case- this includes all user role types except that of a hearing official and interpreter.SQL
countActiveByHearingAndParticipationnsPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Returns the number of active hearing user roles for a hearing with the specified participation.SQL
updateNonParticipation  @superseded - replaced by modifyNonParticipation 
readHearingIDnsread This method returns the hearingID associated with a given HearingUserRoleID. 
countActiveByHearingAndUserns This counts all active users for the specified hearing with the given userName.SQL
countActiveByHearingAndTypens Counts active caseUserRole records based on hearing|D, typeCode, and recordStatus (active).SQL
countActiveByHearingIDTypeAndUserns Counts active caseUserRole records for the specified hearing, with the given userName, typeCode and recordStatus (active).SQL
readHearingIDStatusAndRoleTypens Returns the hearing id and status, and the user type and status.SQL
readUserAttendeeDetailsns Returns multiple user details based on a hearingUserRoleID.SQL
readRoleHearingAndUserns Returns the hearingID, caseUserRoleID and userName parameters for a given hearingUserRoleIDSQL
readHearingParticipatedAndUserDetailsns Returns hearing and user status, type, participated, name and id, and the case user role record status.SQL
searchAllWithVersionNumbersByHearingIDAndTypensmulti Reads details, including versionNo, about all users of the specified type for the hearing.SQL
searchAllWithVersionNumbersByHearingIDnsmulti Returns all users, regardless of their status, including versionNo, for a hearing.SQL
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Hearing Case Home (Appeal_hearingCaseIssueHomeForIC)
Hearing Case Home (Appeal_hearingCaseIssueHomeViewOnly)
Hearing Home (Appeal_hearingReviewHearingHome)
Hearing Review Home (Appeal_hearingReviewHome)
Home (Appeal_hearingReviewHomeForIC)
Hearing Review (Appeal_hearingReviewHomeViewOnly)
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Hearing Review Home (Appeal_hearingReviewIssueHomeViewOnly)
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Hearings (Appeal_listHearingReviewHearing)
Hearings (Appeal_listHearingReviewHearingForIC)
Hearings (Appeal_listHearingReviewIssueHearingForIC)
Items Under Appeal (Appeal_listItemsUnderAppeal)
Appeal Objects (Appeal_listObjectsByAppeal)
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Decisions (Appeal_manageHearingReviewDecisionForIC)
Manage Decision (Appeal_manageJudicialReviewDecisionForIC)
Edit Hearing Attendee (Appeal_modifyHearingAttendee)
Edit Microsoft Word Decision Attachment (Appeal_modifyInternalAttachment)
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Reopen Hearing Case (Appeal_reopenHearingCase)
Reopen Hearing Case (Appeal_reopenHearingIssueCase)
Reschedule Desk-Based Hearing (Appeal_rescheduleDeskHearing)
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Edit Microsoft Word Decision Attachment (LegalAction_modifyInternalAttachment)
Edit Legal Order (LegalAction_modifyOrder)
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View Decision Attachment (LegalAction_viewInternalAttachment)
View Legal Action (LegalAction_viewLegalAction)
View Legal Action (LegalAction_viewOrderConditions)
View Requirements and Conditions (LegalAction_viewOrderRequirements)