Table Description
Hearing Decision: A decision on a hearing.

User can appeals for a case and then hearing is going to be heard. After completing the hearing, a decision is made by the hearing official for each of the user's cases. The overall decision for the appeal case is determined based on the decisions recorded for each of the cases that were heard at the hearing.


Linda Smith applies for sickness benefit with an organization. It is calculated that Linda is entitled to $40 a week. Linda is dissatisfied with this rate of payment and submits a request for appeal to the organization. A user creates an appeal case on the system. Linda's sickness benefit product delivery case is linked to the appeal case.

Linda subsequently submits another request for appeal for another product delivery case that she has with the organization. This case is also added to the appeal case. A hearing is scheduled and both product delivery cases are heard at the hearing.

When the hearing is completed, a decision is made by the hearing official for each of Linda's cases. The overall decision for the appeal case is determined based on the decisions recorded for each of the cases that were heard at the hearing.

Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Appeals::Service Layer::entity::Appeal::HearingDecision::HearingDecision
Controlling File: Appeal\model\Packages\Service Layer\entity\Appeal\HearingDecision\HearingDecision_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (6)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
hearingDecisionIDkeynoUnique ID for the hearing decision record.HEARING_DECISION_ID SVR_INT64
caseIDdetailsnoUnique ID of the case header record that is created for the appeal case.CASE_ID SVR_INT64
resolutionCodedetailsnoResolution reached in the decision.APPEAL_CASE_RESOLUTION_CODEAppealCaseResolutionSVR_STRING<10>
decisionStatusdetailsnoStatus of the decision.DECISION_STATUS_CODEDecisionStatusSVR_STRING<10>
decisionDatedetailsnoDate on which the decision was reached.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
commentsdetails Free-form textual comments that are entered by the user.COMMENTS SVR_STRING<300>
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (1)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (27)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: hearingDecisionID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
validate  Validates the details of the hearing decision. 
readCaseAndResolutionnsread Reads the internal reference number assigned to the case and the resolution of the decision. 
readVersionnsread Reads the version number of the specified hearing decision. 
modifyStatusnsmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Modifies the status of the specified hearing decision. 
readResolutionCodeByCasensread Returns the resolution details for the caseID 
readResolutionDateStatusByCasensread Returns the decision date and status for a case. 
readStatusnsread Returns a hearing decision status. 
readCasensread Returns the caseID for the hearing decision. 
countIsUserSupervisornsPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Method to check is the user a supervisor. A user is a supervisor if the user holds a lead position or holds a position that another position reports to.SQL
searchIsUserSupervisor  @superseded - replaced by countIsUserSupervisor 
readOverallDecisionByCasens Returns the overall appeal decision for an appeal case.SQL
readOverallSummarynsread Reads the summary details of the hearing decision; this does not include any attachment details. 
modifyDateCommentsAndStatusnsmodify Modifies the date, comments and status for a hearing decision. 
readStatusAndCaseStatusns Returns the hearing decision status and the case status of the associated appeal case.SQL
readIDByCasensread Returns the hearing decision identifier for a given appeal case. 
readDateResolutionAndRefByCasens Returns the decision date, decision resolution and the appeal case reference for the decision for the appeal case.SQL
readVersionNoByCasensread Returns the version number of the hearing decision given the case id. 
readDecisionIDDateAndVersionByCasens Returns the decision date, decision id and the decision version number for the appeal case.SQL
countIDByCasens Returns the count of hearing decisions for a given appeal case.SQL
readStatusByCasensread Returns the identifier and status of the hearing decision using the appeal caseID. Note that there can never be more than HearingDecision record for an appeal case within the application.  
readIDAndResolutionByCasensread Returns the hearingDecisionID and decision resolutionCode for an appeal caseID. Note that there will only be one hearing decision record per appeal case within the application. 
modifyResolutionCodensmodify Modifies the resolution for an appeal case. 
readScheduledDateTimeByCasens Read scheduled date time by case.SQL
modifyCommentsnsmodify Modifies the date, comments and status for a hearing decision. 
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New Case Appeal (Appeal_createWizard)
Remove Appellant (Appeal_deleteAppellant)
Hearing Case Home (Appeal_hearingCaseHome)
Home (Appeal_hearingCaseHomeForIC)
Home (Appeal_hearingCaseHomeForICAndCancelledInd)
Hearing Case (Appeal_hearingCaseHomeViewOnly)
Hearing Case Home (Appeal_hearingCaseIssueHomeForIC)
Hearing Case Home (Appeal_hearingCaseIssueHomeViewOnly)
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Hearing Review (Appeal_hearingReviewHomeViewOnly)
Hearing Review Home (Appeal_hearingReviewIssueHomeForIC)
Hearing Review Home (Appeal_hearingReviewIssueHomeViewOnly)
Judicial Review Home (Appeal_judicialReviewHome)
Home (Appeal_judicialReviewHomeForEvent)
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Judicial Review Home (Appeal_judicialReviewIssueHomeForIC)
Judicial Review Home (Appeal_judicialReviewIssueHomeViewOnly)
Appeals (Appeal_listAppealCase)
Appeals (Appeal_listAppealCaseCombinedList)
Appeals (Appeal_listAppealCaseForIC)
Appeals (Appeal_listAppealCaseIC)
Appeals (Appeal_listAppealTypesForIC)
Items Under Appeal (Appeal_listItemsUnderAppeal)
Appeal Objects (Appeal_listObjectsByAppeal)
Manage Decision (Appeal_manageDecision)
Manage Decision (Appeal_manageHearingCaseDecisionDetailsForIC)
Manage Decision (Appeal_manageHearingCaseDecisionForIC)
Manage Decision (Appeal_manageHearingCaseDecisionViewOnly)
Manage Decision (Appeal_manageHearingCaseIssueDecisionForIC)
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Manage Decision (Appeal_manageJudicialReviewDecision)
Manage Decision (Appeal_manageJudicialReviewDecisionForIC)
Manage Decision (Appeal_manageJudicialReviewIssueDecisionForIC)
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Edit Decision (Appeal_modifyDecision)
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Select Prior Hearing Case (Appeal_selectHearingCaseForJudicialReview)
Select Prior Hearing Review (Appeal_selectHearingReviewForJudicialReview)
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