Table Description
Good Cause: A valid reason why a plan participant failed to achieve the expected outcome of a plan item.

This entity is focused on the administration of a plan item within the Service Planning Administration component. Examples of good cause are Certified Illness, Jury Duty or Death of a Relative. A good cause is not mandated for plan items.


A case worker creates a Return to Work service plan for participant Linda Smith as she has recently become unemployed. A Return to Work goal is selected for this service plan. A Find a Job sub-goal is added to the service plan. The Full-time Job Search plan item is added to the service plan to achieve the service plan goal. An expected outcome of Full-time Employment is selected for the Job Search plan item.

Linda is unable to undertake the Full-time Job Search plan item as agreed due to an illness. The actual outcome of this plan item is set to Not Attained and a good cause of Certified Illness is selected for this plan item.

The following has been set up in the Administration component to achieve this:

This link entity enables the sharing of good cause across multiple plan items.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::ServicePlans::Administration::GoodCause::Entity::GoodCause
Controlling File: ServicePlans\model\Packages\Service Layer\Administration\GoodCause\Entity\Entity_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (7)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
goodCauseIDkeynoUnique reference number assigned by the system to a good cause record.GOOD_CAUSE_ID SVR_INT64
goodCauseReferencedetails User entered reference number to represent this type of good cause. This can be used to reference this type of good cause from other areas of the system, e.g. the rules engine.REFERENCE_NUMBER SVR_STRING<20>
namedetailsnoName of the good cause. This is a code table value for translation purposes.GOOD_CAUSE_NAME_CODEGoodCauseNameSVR_STRING<10>
descriptiondetails Textual description of the good cause.DESCRIPTION SVR_STRING<300>
dateCreateddetails Date on which the good cause definition was created.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
recordStatusdetails Status of the good cause record. The values are 'Active' or 'Canceled'. Logical deletion is supported.RECORD_STATUS_CODERecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
descriptionTextIDdetailsyesUnique Identifier corresponding to localized description of GoodCause.LOCALIZABLE_TEXT_ID SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (3)
Indices (3)
Index NameAttributes
GCNameIndexname, recordStatus
Operations (19)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: goodCauseID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifynsmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
@deprecated Since curam 6.0 replace by {@link GoodCause#modifyDetails()} as part of localizing GoodCause description. See release note: CR00234442 Modifies good cause record. 
listnsmulti Lists details of all existing good cause records.SQL
cancelnsmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Cancels a good cause record. 
validateInsert  Validates details for insert. 
validateModify  Validates details for update. 
validateCancel  Validates cancel. 
countByReferencens Counts good cause records by reference.SQL
countByNameAndStatusns Counts good cause records of the specified record status and name.SQL
readRecordStatusnsread Reads record status of the good cause. 
readNamensread Reads good cause name. 
readNameAndReferencensread Reads good cause name and reference. 
countPlanItemsByGoodCauseAndStatusns Checks if the good cause is assigned to any planItem.SQL
searchListAndVersionNonsmulti Lists details of all existing good cause records.SQL
insertGoodCauseinsert Standard Operation 
modifyDescriptionTextIDnsmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Modifies descriptionTextID. 
modifyDetailsnsmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Modifies good cause record. 
modifyGoodCausemodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
This modify operation will be called while re-applying a change set in the target system. Entity level validations that will happen during a standard modify operation will not be applicable in this case. This modify operation will update all the attributes defined for this entity. 
Related Pages (50)
Create Good Cause for Service: (ProviderManagement_createGoodCauseForServiceOffering)
Good Causes for Service:# END, CR00260713 (ProviderManagement_listGoodCauseForServiceOffering)
Add Existing Good Causes to Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_addGoodCausesToPlanItem)
New Text Translation (ServicePlanAdmin_addServicePlanGoodCauseDescriptionTextTranslation)
Delete Good Cause (ServicePlanAdmin_cancelGoodCause)
New Good Cause (ServicePlanAdmin_createGoodCause)
New Good Cause for Plan Item (ServicePlanAdmin_createGoodCauseForPlanItem)
Good Cause Home (ServicePlanAdmin_goodCauseHome)
Good Causes (ServicePlanAdmin_listGoodCauses)
Good Causes (ServicePlanAdmin_listGoodCauses1)
View Localizable Text (ServicePlanAdmin_listLocalizableServicePlanGoodCauseDescriptionText)
Edit Good Cause (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyGoodCause)
Edit Text Translation (ServicePlanAdmin_modifyLocalizableServicePlanGoodCauseDescriptionTextTranslation)
Add Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_addCustomServicePlanItem)
Add Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_addServicePlanItem)
Approve Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_approve)
Clone Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_clone)
New Baseline (ServicePlanDelivery_createBaseline)
Weekly Client Participation (ServicePlanDelivery_customPlanItemClientParticipationWeeklyList)
Weekly Participation (ServicePlanDelivery_customServicePlanItemClientParticipationWeeklyList)
Attachments (ServicePlanDelivery_listCustomPlannedItemAttachments)
Attachments (ServicePlanDelivery_listCustomServicePlannedItemAttachments)
Attachments (ServicePlanDelivery_listPlannedItemAttachments)
Attachments (ServicePlanDelivery_listServicePlannedItemAttachments)
Attachments (ServicePlanDelivery_listServiceUnitPlannedItemAttachments)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyCustomPlanItem)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyCustomServicePlanItemProviderEditable)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyCustomServicePlanItemProviderNonEditable)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyPlanItem_NameEditable)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyServicePlanBasicPlanItem)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyServicePlanItemProviderEditable)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyServicePlanItemProviderNonEditable)
Edit Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_modifyServiceUnitPlanItem)
Weekly Participation (ServicePlanDelivery_planItemClientParticipationWeeklyList)
- (ServicePlanDelivery_planItemTabDetails)
Delete Plan Item : (ServicePlanDelivery_removePlanItem)
Delete Plan Item (ServicePlanDelivery_removeServicePlanPlanItem)
Weekly Participation (ServicePlanDelivery_servicePlanItemClientParticipationWeeklyList)
Weekly Client Participation (ServicePlanDelivery_serviceUnitPlanItemClientParticipationWeeklyList)
Submit Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_submit)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_viewCustomPlanItem)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_viewCustomPlanItem_fromGantt)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_viewCustomServicePlanItem)
View Custom Service Plan Item Details: (ServicePlanDelivery_viewCustomServicePlanItem_fromGantt)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_viewServicePlanBasicPlanItem)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_viewServicePlanBasicPlanItem_fromGantt)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_viewServicePlanItem)
View Service Plan Item Details: (ServicePlanDelivery_viewServicePlanItem_fromGantt)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_viewServiceUnitPlanItem)
Home (ServicePlanDelivery_viewServiceUnitPlanItem_fromGantt)