Table Description
Function Identifier: A identifier for a top-level server function callable by the online application or a batch process.

In order for authorization to be granted to a server function, a Function Identifier must exist for the function.


User Ronan Rooney attempts to register a Person. He enters the registration information on a client screen and clicks a button. The client application attempts to call the Person.register method. The server application successfully authorizes that Ronan Rooney is permitted to access the Person.register method. The data to support this authorization is as follows:

Technical Notes

The vast majority of Security Identifier rows relate to Function Identifier rows (and are named identically to them).

For more information see the Cúram Application Administration Guide.

Attributes (6)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
fidNameYesNoThe name of a function identifier.SVR_STRING<100>
fidEnabled NoBoolean indicating if the function identifier is enabled.SVR_BOOLEAN
description  The description of this function identifier.SVR_STRING<254>
codePackage  The code package of this function identifier, or blank if it is not in a code package.SVR_STRING<96>
projectPackage  The project package of this function identifier.SVR_STRING<32>
lastWritten   SVR_DATETIME
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