insert | insert | | Standard Operation | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
modifyStatus | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| To modify the statusCode by optimistic locking on a Financial Instruction record. | |
searchByConcernRoleIDTypeStatus | nsreadmulti | | To get a list of financial instructions of one type with a particular status, for a specified concern role. | |
searchByConcernRoleIDDateRange | nsmulti | | To get a list of financial instructions for a Concern Role. | SQL |
modifyStatusAmountEffectDate | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| To update the statusCode, effectiveDate and amount by optimistic locking on a financial instruction record. | |
searchByConcernRoleIDStatusDateRange | nsmulti | | To get a list of financial instructions for a Concern Role. | SQL |
searchByEffectiveDateRange | readmulti | ORDER_BY: effectiveDate
WHERE: financialInstruction.effectiveDate >=
and financialInstruction.effectiveDate <=
| To retrieve all records from the FinancialInstruction entity where the effectiveDate is greater than the effectiveDateFrom and less than the effectiveDateTo. | |
modifyAmountEffectDate | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| To update the effectiveDate and amount by optimistic locking on a financial instruction record. | |
readLatestEffDateByConcernRoleID | ns | | To get the maximum effective Date from the FinancialInstruction entity using concernRoleID. | SQL |
searchByCreationDateRange | readmulti | ORDER_BY: postingDate
WHERE: financialInstruction.postingDate >=
and financialInstruction.postingDate <=
| Searches FinancialInstruction table and returns all records created in the date range supplied | |
getLatestEffDateByConcernRoleID | | | @superseded - replaced by readLatestEffDateByConcernRoleID | |
searchAmountByStatusTypeAndCaseID | nsmulti | | Returns amounts from all Financial Instruction records of specified type that have one of the two statuses required and belong to the specified case. | SQL |
readFinInstructIDEffDateTypeAmt | nsread | | Returns financial instruction details for case instruction details list. | |
readStatus | nsread | | Returns the status code for a financial instruction. | |
modifyCurExchgIDEffectiveDatebyKey | nsmodify | | To update the currency exchange id and effective date by optimistic locking on a financial instruction record | |
readPaymentDateDetailsByCaseAndInstructionID | ns | | Reads the payment date for a financial instruction. The payment date is the latest due date on the instruction line items for an instruction. | SQL |
readFinInstructListDetail | ns | | Reads the amount, effective date, type code, posting date and status code for a financial instruction. | SQL |
readPaymentDateDetailsByInstructionID | ns | | Reads the payment date for a financial instruction. The payment date is the latest due date on the instruction line items for an instruction. | SQL |
readByFinIDStatusCode | nsread | | Returns financial instruction details for financial instruction key and status code information. | |