Table Description
Financial Component: A schedule of transactions to be realized into actual financial transactions.

An instruction to pay or receive a specified amount, in a specified manner, at a specified frequency for a specified period of time.

The main purpose of the Financial Component is to store successful case eligibility results which are based on the decisions generated for a given case, in the form of a financial schedule. They contain the various elements that constitute a financial schedule within Curam, e.g. amount, validity period, frequency, delivery method and processing date.

Financial Components can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Primary Financial Components:
  • Secondary Financial Components, i.e. Household Budget Item and Deduction - the adjustments that are applied to the various product deliveries, e.g. a Household Budget Item Financial Component is a utility deduction that will be applied to a benefit product delivery.


A schedule to pay John Smith $200.00 per week in cash from January 1st to April 30th.

Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Financial::Entity Objects::FinancialComponent::FinancialComponent
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Financial Manager Packages\FinancialComponent_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (32)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
financialCompIDkeynoA unique reference number assigned by the System to a Financial Component record.FINANCIAL_COMPONENT_ID SVR_INT64
concernRoleIDdetailsnoConcernRoleID of the ConcernRole in respect of which this FinancialComponent was enteredCONCERN_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
caseNomineeIDdetailsyescaseNomineeID of the CaseNominee for this FinancialComponent.CASE_NOMINEE_ID SVR_INT64
caseIDdetailsnoCaseID of the CaseHeader in respect of which this FinancialComponent was enteredCASE_ID SVR_INT64
primaryClientIDdetailsyesThe concernRoleID of the main client of the Case to which the FinancialComponent is associated.CONCERN_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
categoryCodedetails Code value to denote the classification for the Financial Component Category. 'Relates to the business category from which the Financial Component was created: Populated from the FinancialComponentCategory code tableFIN_COMPONENT_CATEGORY_CODEFinComponentCategorySVR_STRING<10>
typeCodedetails Code value to denote the type of Financial Component within a Financial Component Category. Another classification of financial components (one level below the Financial Component Category) Populated from the FinancialComponentType code table.FIN_COMPONENT_TYPE_CODEFinComponentTypeSVR_STRING<10>
startDatedetails Commencement date of Financial Component.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
endDatedetails End Date of Financial Component.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
creationDatedetails Date Financial Component was created on the system.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
creationTypeCodedetails Code value to denote the method through which the Financial Component Type was created. 'This describe the various ways in which a financial component may be created. Populated from the FinancialComponentCreation codetableFIN_COMPONENT_CREATION_CODEFinComponentCreationSVR_STRING<10>
amountdetails The financial amount that may be used to determine the payment amount, for a period within the lifetime of the financial component.CURAM_AMOUNT SVR_MONEY
ratedetails A percentage that may be used to define the payment amount.RATE SVR_DOUBLE
maxAmountdetails A defined financial amount which highlights the maximum amount that is applicable for a FC type.CURAM_AMOUNT SVR_MONEY
minAmountdetails A defined financial amount which highlights the minimum amount that is applicable for a FC type.CURAM_AMOUNT SVR_MONEY
statusCodedetails Code value to denote the status of the Financial Component. Populated from the FinancialComponentStatus code table.FIN_COMPONENT_STATUS_CODEFinComponentStatusSVR_STRING<10>
fundIDdetailsyesFundID of any related Fund. Optional foreign key.FUND_ID SVR_INT64
dueDatedetails The date on which the FinancialComponent is due, e.g. the date on which monies should be cleared and available to a client. This date is based on the DeliveryFrequency specified on case creation and is 'rolled forward' to the next period once the FinancialComponent has been processed for a periodCURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
coverPeriodTypedetails Code value to denote the type of cover period of the product (examples include in advance, in arrears, in advance month day offset) Taken from the ProductCoverPeriod CodeTablePRODUCT_COVER_PERIOD_CODEProductCoverPeriodSVR_STRING<10>
coverPeriodOffsetdetails This field is used to store the off set to the cover period. This is only used when a cover period with an off-set is selected (Issue in advance - N days prior to issue date, Issue in advance - on the Nth day of month prior)COVER_PERIOD_OFFSET_AMOUNT SVR_INT32
nomineeDelivMethoddetails Code to denote the type of Method of Delivery for a Case which has a Financial output. Populated from the MethodOfDelivery code tableMETHOD_OF_DELIVERY_CODEMethodOfDeliverySVR_STRING<10>
deliveryMethodOffsetdetails The number of days prior to the dueDate which a FinancialComponent needs to be processed. e.g. - Check payments should be processed 3 days in advance in order that funds are available for the client on the dueDate. COVER_PERIOD_OFFSET_AMOUNT SVR_INT32
nextProcessingDatedetails The date on which the Financial Component is due for processing.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
productIDdetailsyesDenormalized ProductID for the product relating to this Financial ComponentPRODUCT_ID SVR_INT64
adjustmentInddetails To indicate products that may require adjustment during financial processing.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
caseTypeCodedetails Code value to denote the type of case. Populated from the Case code tableCASE_TYPE_CODECaseTypeCodeSVR_STRING<10>
currencyTypeCodedetails Code value to indicate the type of currency. Populated from the Currency code table.CURRENCY_CODECurrencySVR_STRING<10>
rulesObjectiveIDdetailsyesOriginally ProductComponentID of the ProductComponent in respect of which this FinancialComponent was created. This has been replaced by RulesComponentIDRULES_OBJECTIVE_ID SVR_STRING<16>
frequencydetails A frequency pattern to denote the delivery frequency of the Financial Component.FREQUENCY_PATTERN SVR_STRING<9>
instrumentGenInddetails Indicator value to denote whether or not a Payment or Liability Instrument is to be generated.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
expiryDatedetails Expiry Date of Financial Component.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
inRespectOfIDdetailsyesThe concern role id of the person for whom the payment is made (but not necessarily paid to). E.g. If child benefit is received by a mother for her child, the child is the in respect of participant, the mother is only a payee.CONCERN_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (11)
Indices (6)
Index NameAttributes
FCnomineeConcernCacaseNomineeID, concernRoleID, categoryCode
FinancialCompIdxstatusCode, nextProcessingDate, nomineeDelivMethod, productID, caseID
FCcaseStatusCategocaseID, statusCode, categoryCode
FCcategDateStatusCcategoryCode, statusCode, nextProcessingDate
Operations (34)
insertinsert Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifyDueDateNextProcessingDatensmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Update the dueDate and nextProcessingDate on the Financial Component to that specified on input. 
modifyStatusExpiryDatensmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
To update the statusCode and expiryDate on a particular financial component. 
searchByCategoryStatusDateMODnsmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified category code, nomineeDeliveryMethod and status code and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified next processing date.SQL
searchByCategoryStatusCaseIDnsreadmulti To get a list of financial component of one category type with a particular status for a Case. 
searchByStatusCaseIDnsreadmulti To get a list of financial components of with a particular status for a Case 
readFCownerns To retrieve the owner of the Case, to which the financial component is associated, by linking back to the CaseHeader.SQL
searchByCategoryStatusDateRangeMODnsmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified category code, status code and nomineeDeliveryMethod and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo and greater than or equal the specified processingDateFrom.SQL
searchByCaseIDCategoryStatusDatensmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID, status code and whose nextProcessingDate is less than or equal to the input date.SQL
searchByCaseNomineeCategoryStatusDatensmulti To retrieve all Live Financial Component records for a particular case, for a specified nominee.SQL
readNextPaymentDatens Reads the minimum due date for a specified case and concern role id.SQL
searchByCaseIDStatusDateRangeMODnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID, status code and nomineeDeliveryMethod and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo and greater than or equal the specified processingDateFrom.SQL
searchDetailsForGenerateILIsnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Get the case ID's for all cases with FCs due to be processed.SQL
searchByCategoryStatusreadmulti Retrieves a list of financial component records that match the specified statusCode and categoryCode. 
searchByCaseIDStatusDateRangensmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID, and status code and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo and greater than or equal the specified processingDateFrom.SQL
searchByCaseIDStatusDatensmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID, and status code and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo.SQL
searchByCaseIDStatusDateMODnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID, nomineeDeliveryMethod, and status code and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo.SQL
getDetailsForGenerateILIsCase  This method is used to get the list of FCs to be processed for a given case, this always filters on a date and status, and can (optionally) filter on delivery method and a date range. 
readEarliestFCStartDateByCaseIDTypens To retrieve the earliest financial component start date by caseID, componentType and StatusSQL
countByCaseIDAndStatusns Counts the number of Financial Components by case and status.SQL
getDetailsForGenerateILIs  @superseded - replaced by searchDetailsForGenerateILIs 
searchByCaseIDAndCaseStatusAndFCStatusDateRangeMODnsmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID and case status code, financial status code and nomineeDeliveryMethod and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo and greater than or equal the specified processingDateFrom.SQL
searchByCaseIDAndCaseStatusAndFCStatusDateRangensmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID and case status code, financial status code and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo and greater than or equal the specified processingDateFrom.SQL
searchByCaseIDAndCaseStatusAndFCStatusDateMODnsmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID and case status code, financial status code and nomineeDeliveryMethod, and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo.SQL
searchByCaseIDAndCaseStatusAndFCStatusDatensmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID and case status code, financial status code and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo.SQL
searchByCaseIDDateRangeFCStatusnsmulti To retrieve all the FCs on a case which are live during the cover period, i.e. they start before the cover period and end after it.SQL
readEarliestNextProcessingDatens To find the earliest next processing date for a case.SQL
searchByCaseIDAndMultipleCaseStatusAndFCStatusDateRangeMODnsmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID, financial status code and nomineeDeliveryMethod, and do not match the specified case status codes, and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo and greater than or equal the specified processingDateFrom.SQL
searchByCaseIDAndMultipleCaseStatusAndFCStatusDateRangensmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID, financial status code, and that do not match the specified case status codes, and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo and greater than or equal the specified processingDateFrom.SQL
searchByCaseIDAndMultipleCaseStatusAndFCStatusDateMODnsmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID, financial status code and nomineeDeliveryMethod, and do not match the specified case status codes, and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo.SQL
searchByCaseIDAndMultipleCaseStatusAndFCStatusDatensmulti To get a list of financial component records that match the specified caseID, financial status code, and that do not match the specified case status codes, and whose processing date are less than or equal the specified processingDateTo.SQL
searchByCaseIDCaseNomineeStatusDatensmulti This method searches for all financial component records for a given case id, case nominee id, status code and with next processing date on or before the given date.SQL
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Edit Third Party Deduction Details (ProductDelivery_modifyThirdPartyDeductionFromView1)
Edit Un-applied Deduction Details (ProductDelivery_modifyUnappliedDeductionDetailsFromList)
Edit Un-applied Deduction Details (ProductDelivery_modifyUnappliedDeductionDetailsFromView)
Save Simulation (ProductDelivery_saveSimulation)
Set Default Nominee (ProductDelivery_setDefaultNominee)
Set Default Nominee (ProductDelivery_setDefaultNominee1)
Simulate Payment (ProductDelivery_simulatePayment)
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View Applied Deduction (ProductDelivery_viewAppliedDeductionDetails1)
View Third Party Deduction (ProductDelivery_viewThirdPartyDeductionDetails1)
View Un-applied Deduction (ProductDelivery_viewUnappliedDeductionDetails1)
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New Text Translation (ProviderManagement_addNameTranslationToServiceOffering)
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New Service (ProviderManagement_addServicesToProviderContract)
Add Services to Contract (ProviderManagement_addServicesToProviderGroupContract)
New Service (ProviderManagement_addServicesToProviderGroupContract_fromView)
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Approve Line Items (ProviderManagement_approveSubmittedSILI)
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New Payment Options (ProviderManagement_createProviderPaymentOption)
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Edit Training Service (ProviderManagement_editTrainingServiceOffering)
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Edit Service Rate (ProviderManagement_modifyProviderGroupUtilizationContractProviderOfferingRate)
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Edit Rate (ProviderManagement_modifyUtilizationContractProviderOfferingRate)
Place Client (ProviderManagement_placeSampleClient)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewContract)
Renew Contract (ProviderManagement_renewProviderGroupContract)
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Submit Line Item (ProviderManagement_submitOpenSILIForProcessing)
Submit Line Item (ProviderManagement_submitServiceInvoiceLineItemForProcessing)
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Submit Service Invoice Line Item for Processing (ProviderManagement_submitSILIForProcessingFromTask)
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