Table Description
Financial Calendar: A date when payments cannot be made for a delivery method.

The financial calendar stores the dates on which payment processing cannot occur for particular delivery methods. These dates are called 'payment exclusion' dates.

Curam provides separate financial calendars for:

  • check payments;
  • EFT payments;
  • cash payments;
  • voucher payments; and
  • invoice billings.

On these financial calendars, you can record on which days the organization will not make payments using a particular payment method.


December 25th is a public holiday. On this date cash payments cannot be made as the organization's offices are not open. Therefore December 25th is marked as a payment exclusion date on the financial calendar for the delivery method of cash.

However an EFT (electronic funds transfer) payment can be processed on a public holiday as bank processing systems operate 365 days a year.

Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Organisation::Entity Objects::FinancialCalendar::FinancialCalendar
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Organisation\Entity Objects_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (5)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
financialCalendarIDkeynoIdentifier generated by the system to unique identify a financial calendar record.FINANCIAL_CALENDAR_ID SVR_INT64
exclusionDatedetails A date on which a certain type of financial processing cannot occur.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
deliveryMethodTypedetails A code value to denote the method of delivery for which financial processing cannot occur on the specified exclusion dates. This codetable value is populated from the MethodOfDelivery codetable.CODETABLE_CODE SVR_STRING<10>
prePaymentInddetails This attribute distinguishes whether payments falling on this date must be paid on the double on the previous payment date.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
reasonCodedetails A code value to denote the reason for which the exclusion date is required. This codetable value is populated from the FinCalenderXReason codetable.EXCLUSION_REASON_CODEFinCalendarXReasonSVR_STRING<10>
Indices (1)
Index NameAttributes
fcDateMethodIndexexclusionDate, deliveryMethodType
Operations (11)
insertinsertPRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodify Standard Operation 
removeremove Standard Operation 
readByExclusionDateDeliveryMethodnsread To retrieve a FinancialCalendar record for a specific exclusionDate and deliveryMethodType. 
searchByDeliveryMethodnsreadmultiORDER_BY: exclusionDate
To retrieve FinancialCalendar record(s) for a specific deliveryMethodType. 
searchByDeliveryMethodExclusionDateRangensmultiREADMULTI_LIM: 300
To retrieve FinancialCalendar records for a particular delivery method where the exclusionDate falls within a particular time period.SQL
searchExclusionDatesForPmtsProcessingnsmulti Method to return a list of exclusion dates in descending order.SQL
searchByExclusionDateRangensmulti Method to return a list of exclusion dates in ascending order within the date range entered.SQL
insertFinancialCalenderinsert Inserts Financial Calendar record. This method expects the financialCalendarID to be set by the calling method. It is preferred to call insertFinancialCalendar method only in scenarios where calling method wants to set the value of primary key by itself. 
Related Pages (46)
Cancel Payment (Financial_cancelPayment)
Cancel Payment (Financial_cancelPayment1)
Cancel Issued Payment (Financial_cancelPaymentInstrument)
Reverse Instruction (Financial_createInstructionReversal)
Reverse Details (Financial_createLineItemReversal)
Invalidate Payment (Financial_invalidatePayment)
Confirm & Reissue (Financial_regenerateAppliedFixedDeduction)
Reissue with Un-applied Deduction (Financial_regenerateUnappliedDeduction)
Check Retroactive Medicaid Eligibility (HCRRetroactiveMedicaid_confirmCheckEligibilty)
Cancel Sanction (ISP_cancelSanctionEvidence)
Cancel Disregard (ISP_cancelSanctionOverride)
New Sanction (ISP_createSanctionEvidence)
New Disregard (ISP_createSanctionOverride)
Edit Sanction (ISP_modifySanctionEvidence_fromList)
Edit Sanction (ISP_modifySanctionEvidence_fromView)
Edit Disregard (ISP_modifySanctionOverride_fromList)
Modify Sanction Override Details: (ISP_modifySanctionOverride_fromView)
New Exclusion Dates (Organization_addCashExclusionDates)
New Exclusion Dates (Organization_addCheckExclusionDates)
New Exclusion Dates (Organization_addEFTExclusionDates)
New Exclusion Dates (Organization_addInvoiceExclusionDates)
New Exclusion Dates (Organization_addVoucherExclusionDates)
Delete Exclusion Date (Organization_cancelCashExclusionDate)
Delete Exclusion Date (Organization_cancelCheckExclusionDate)
Delete Exclusion Date (Organization_cancelEFTExclusionDate)
Delete Exclusion Date (Organization_cancelInvoiceExclusionDate)
Delete Exclusion Date (Organization_cancelVoucherExclusionDate)
Cash Payment Calendar (Organization_cashCalendar)
Cash Calendar (Organization_cashCalendarDefault)
Check Calendar (Organization_checkCalendar)
EFT Calendar (Organization_eftCalendar)
Invoice Calendar (Organization_invoiceCalendar)
View Exclusion Date (Organization_viewCashExclusionDate)
View Exclusion Date (Organization_viewCheckExclusionDate)
View Exclusion Date (Organization_viewEFTExclusionDate)
View Exclusion Date (Organization_viewInvoiceExclusionDate)
View Exclusion Date (Organization_viewVoucherExclusionDate)
Voucher Calendar (Organization_voucherCalendar)
Reverse Line Item (Participant_createLineItemReversal)
Issue Financials (PaymentCorrection_issueFinancial)
Issue Liability (ProductDelivery_generateLiability)
Issue Payment (ProductDelivery_generatePayment)
New Disregard (SanctionAssessment_createDisregard_CREOLE)
New Sanction (SanctionAssessment_createSanction_CREOLE)
Edit Sanction (SanctionAssessment_modifySanction)
Edit Recommendation Disregard (SanctionAssessment_modifySanctionOverride)