Table Description

Extension: This evidence captures details about a period of time a Household Member may receive Cash Assistance once they have exceeded their Federal time limit of 60 months.

A Household Member is only allowed to receive 60 months of Cash Assistance during their lifetime. Extension evidence is recorded for specific Household Members who have exceeded the 60 month lifetime Cash Assistance limit, and whose situation or circumstance warrants that they should receive additional months of Cash Assistance in excess of the limit.

Extension evidence may be recorded for adult Household Members, or, Household Members who are minor parents and who are recorded as the Head of Household, who are receiving Cash Assistance or who have received Cash Assistance. Extension details include the reason for the extension and the period for which the extension is valid.


Linda Smith is receiving Cash Assistance for the last 5 months and has previously received 55 months of Cash Assistance in another State. Linda Smith has now reached the Federal time limit of 60 months. The case worker determines that Linda Smith's circumstances warrant that she be granted an extension for 4 months, as her circumstances satisfy one of the extension reasons. The case worker creates an extension record for Linda Smith with details of the period the extension is for, and the reason for the extension. Linda Smith is given an extension to receive Cash Assistance for 4 more months.

Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Evidence::Service Layer::Entity::Household::Extension::Extension
Controlling File: Evidence\model\ServiceLayer\entity\Household\Extension\Extension_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (6)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type

System generated unique identifier for the Extension record. There is no UI field for this attribute.


The Case Participant Role ID of the Household Member who the Extension is associated with. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Household Member'.


The reason for the Extension. Examples would include: Battered/ Subject to Extreme Cruelty, Federal Hardship, etc. This is populated from the 'ExtensionReason' code table. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Extension Reason'.


Additional details related to the Extension. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Comments'.


The date on which the Household Member's Extension started. The UI field name for this attribute is 'Start Period' and 'Year'.


The date on which the Household Member's Extension ended. The UI field name for this attribute is 'End Period' and 'Year'.

Operations (4)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: evidenceID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
removeremove Standard Operation 
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