insert | insert | AUTO_ID: evidenceDescriptorID
| Standard Operation | |
searchAllParticipantEvidences | readmulti | WHERE: participantID=:participantID and caseID is Null
| | |
modify | modify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Standard Operation | |
modifyEDApprovalRequestInd | nsmodify | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| | |
modifyPendingRemoval | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Modifies the pending removal indicator of an Evidence Descriptor record. | |
modifyPendingUpdate | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Modifies the pending update indicator of an Evidence Descriptor record. | |
modifyReceivedDate | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Modifies the received date on an Evidence Descriptor record. | |
modifyStatus | nsmodify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| Modifies the status of an Evidence Descriptor record. | |
read | read | | Standard Operation | |
readActiveEvidenceDetailsByCaseID | nsreadmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Retrieves all active evidence descriptor records for the given caseID | |
readByCaseIDAndEvidenceType | readmulti | | | |
readByRelatedIDAndType | nsread | | Returns EvidenceDescriptor details using the relatedID and evidenceType fields. | |
readBySuccessionIDStatusAndDate | ns | | | SQL |
readCorrectionSetIDByDescriptorID | nsread | | Returns the correction set ID using evidence descriptor ID. | |
readEvidenceDetailsByCaseID | nsreadmulti | | | |
readRelatedEvidence | | | Reads related evidence, i.e. by instanceID and status. | |
readRelatedIDParticipantIDAndEvidenceType | nsread | | | |
readStatus | nsread | | Reads the status of the Evidence Descriptor record. | |
readStatusCode | nsread | | | |
searchActiveBySuccessionID | readmulti | ORDER_BY: effectiveFrom
| | |
searchActiveInEditByParticipantIDAndType | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchAllByTypeForCase | nsreadmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
| Reads all evidence on a case of a specified evidence type. | |
searchAllPendingApprovalForCase | readmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| | |
searchAllPendingRemovalForCase | readmulti | ORDER_BY: correctionSetID
| Used by EDeContoller.listWIPAll | |
searchAllRelatedDescriptorIDsByCorrectionSetID | nsreadmulti | | Searches all related evidence descriptors using correction set ID. | |
searchByCaseID | readmulti | ORDER_BY: successionID, correctionSetID
| | |
searchByCaseIDAndStatus | readmulti | ORDER_BY: correctionSetID
| Used by EvidenceContoller.listWIPAll | |
searchByCaseIDTypeAndStatus | nsreadmulti | | Reads evidence by case, evidence type and status. | |
searchByCorrectionSetIDAndStatus | nsreadmulti | | Retrieves a list of relatedID / evidenceType pairings for a specified correctionSetID and status code. | |
searchByParticipantIDDateAndStatus | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Retrieves a list of relatedID and evidenceType pairings for a specified participantID and date. | SQL |
searchByRelatedIDAndEvidenceType | nsreadmulti | | Read all evidence descriptors for a piece of participant evidence based on relatedID and type | |
searchByTypeAndStatuses | nsmulti | | Checks if an evidence type is being used on a live case. | SQL |
searchByCaseIDAndStatuses | nsmulti | | Retrieves a list of Evidence Descriptor details for the specified case and statuses. The list returned is ordered by evidence type and status. | SQL |
searchActiveInEditByCaseIDAndType | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchEvidenceParticipantByCaseIDTypeStatus | nsreadmulti | | This method retrieves participant details for an evidence based on the case id and evidence type. | |
validate | | | Validates evidence descriptor details. | |
validateReceivedDate | | | Validates evidence descriptor received date. | |
searchActiveInEditByCaseIDEvidenceIDAndType | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchLastChangedByCaseIDAndStatus | nsmulti | | Retrieves a list of Evidence Descriptor details for the specified case and status along with it's last changed date. The list returned is ordered by change date. | SQL |
readNonCaseByRelatedIDStatusAndType | ns | | | SQL |
readByRelatedIDTypeAndCaseID | nsread | | Returns EvidenceDescriptor details using the relatedID,evidenceType and caseID fields. | |
searchByCaseIDCorrectionSetIDAndStatus | nsreadmulti | | Retrieves a list of relatedID / evidenceType pairings for a specified caseID, correctionSetID and status code. | |
searchRelatedEvidence | nsreadmulti | | | |
validateChangeReceivedDate | | | Validates evidence descriptor change received date. | |
searchActiveBySharedInstanceIDCaseID | readmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Searches for all active records with the same shared instance ID on the specified case. | |
searchBySharedInstanceIDCaseIDStatusCodes | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Searches for all 'Active', 'In-Edit' or 'Identical In-Edit' records with the given shared instance ID on the specified case. | SQL |
searchActiveForDistinctCaseIDByParticipantID | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| This method retrieves a list of distinct case IDs which contain active evidence related to the given participant. | SQL |
searchActiveByCaseIDParticipantID | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Searches for all active records for the given participant on the specified case. | SQL |
searchDistinctCaseIDBySharedInstanceIDStatusCodes | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| This method retrieves a list of distinct case IDs which contain evidence marked with the given shared instance ID and have a status code of 'Active', 'In Edit', 'Identical In-Edit', 'Non Identical In-Edit' or 'Non Identical Resolved'. | SQL |
searchByCaseIDAndStatusForEvidenceBrokerSynchronization | nsmulti | | This method retrieves all evidence descriptor records by a given case id and status code ordered for evidence broker synchronization display. The records are ordered by instance id, time of event (take from EvidenceChangeHistory table), evidence type, participant and source case. | SQL |
searchBySuccessionIDAndStatusCodes | nsmulti | | This method searches for all evidence descriptor records for a given succession id and either one of two status codes. | SQL |
updateSharedInstanceIDOnSuccessionSet | | | This method ensures that all active and in-edit succession records for the given evidence descriptor record have the same sharedInstanceID as the given evidence descriptor record. If the sharedInstanceID of the succession record does not match the sharedInstanceID of the given evidence record then the sharedInstanceID on the succession record will be updated. | |
searchAllActiveEvdInstances | nsmulti | | @deprecated - replaced by {@link #searchAllActiveEvidenceInstances()}
@deprecated-since Version 6.0.5
Lists all the active evidence instances. | SQL |
searchActiveEvdObjInstanceChanges | nsmulti | | Lists all the changes on an active evidence instance. | SQL |
searchDistinctEvidenceByParticipantIDAndTypeForCase | nsmulti | | This method retrieves evidence instances based on the participant id and the case id.
An evidence instance represents one evidence record for a group of evidence having a common succession id. | SQL |
searchDistinctEvidenceByTypeForCase | nsmulti | | Retrieves evidence instances based on the case id. An evidence instance represents one
evidence record for a group of evidence having a common succession id. | SQL |
searchBySuccessionID | readmulti | ORDER_BY: effectiveFrom
| Searches for all evidence descriptor records based on the succession id. | |
readPeriod | ns | | Read the start date and end date of an active record. | SQL |
countActiveUpdates | ns | | retrives the number of active successions on an evidence. | SQL |
readRemovalIndStatusCode | nsread | | retrives the status and removal pending indicator based on the evidencedescriptorid. | |
readEvdDtlsByCorrIDNewIndPenUpdtIndStatus | ns | | Reads the EvidenceDescriptorID based on the correctionsetid, pendingremovalInd and NewInd. | SQL |
searchChildSuccessionIDsByParentSuccessionID | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchParentSuccessionIDsByChildSuccessionID | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchInEditEvdObjInstanceChanges | nsmulti | | Lists all the changes on an active evidence instance. | SQL |
searchDistinctEvidenceParticipantsByCaseID | nsmulti | | <p>
<font color="#3F5FBF" size="2"><font color="#3F5FBF" size="2">Returns</font></font> <font color="#3F5FBF"
size="2"><font color="#3F5FBF" size="2">a</font></font> <font color="#3F5FBF" size="2"><font color="#3F5FBF"
size="2">list</font></font> <font color="#3F5FBF" size="2"><font color="#3F5FBF" size="2">of</font></font> <font
color="#3F5FBF" size="2"><font color="#3F5FBF" size="2">participants</font></font> <font color="#3F5FBF" size="2"><font
color="#3F5FBF" size="2">for</font></font> <font color="#3F5FBF" size="2"><font color="#3F5FBF"
size="2">a</font></font> <font color="#3F5FBF" size="2"><font color="#3F5FBF" size="2">case</font></font> <font
color="#3F5FBF" size="2"><font color="#3F5FBF" size="2">having</font></font> <font color="#3F5FBF" size="2"><font
color="#3F5FBF" size="2">evidence.</font></font>
</p> | SQL |
searchPendingActivation | nsmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| | SQL |
readEvidenceTypeForBusinessObject | ns | | | SQL |
readCaseIDForBusinessObject | ns | | | SQL |
searchCancelledBySuccessionID | readmulti | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| | |
searchAllActiveAndModified | nsmulti | | @deprecated - replaced by {@link #searchAllActiveAndModifiedInstances()}
@deprecated-since Version
Lists all the 'active', 'in edit', and 'identical in edit' evidence instances. | SQL |
searchMostRecentBusinessObjectChanges | nsmulti | | Retrieves most recent business object change list. In most cases it will return just a single record. In some instances
(for example when there are a few records in succession, and their changes are applied at the same time) it may return a
few records. | SQL |
searchMostRecentBusinessObjectChangesByStatus | nsmulti | | Retrieves most recent business object change list for the status code
specified. In most cases it will return just a single record. In some instances<br />
(for example when there are a few records in succession, and their changes are applied at the same time) it may return a<br />
few records. | SQL |
searchParticipantActiveInEditByPartIDAndType | nsmulti | | Searches for evidence descriptor records by participant id and evidence type where the case id is empty. | SQL |
searchIDByEvidenceTypeAndStatusCode | nsreadmulti | | Searches by evidence type and status code, return the ID only. | |
readActiveByCorrectionSetID | nsread | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| Retrieves the details for the single active row for a specified correctionSetID. | |
modifyParticipantID | nsmodify | PRE_DATA_ACCESS: yes
| This method is for internal use only.
Updates the participant ID on the EvidenceDescriptor record. | |
searchEvidenceByCaseRelatedIDTypeStatus | nsreadmulti | | Retrieves a list of evidence record details matching the given case id, evidence type, status and related id. | |
searchAllActiveEvidenceInstances | nsmulti | | @deprecated - replaced by {@link #searchAllEvidenceInstancesByCaseAndStatus()}
@deprecated-since Version
Lists all the active evidence instances. | SQL |
countCasesByEvidenceTypeStatusesAndConcernRoleType | ns | | Checks if an evidence type is being used on a live case for specific concern role type. | SQL |
searchAllEvidenceInstancesByCaseAndStatus | nsmulti | | Lists all the evidence instances by case ID and Evidence Descriptor status code. | SQL |
searchAllActiveAndModifiedInstances | nsmulti | | Lists all the 'active', 'in edit', and 'identical in edit' evidence instances. | SQL |
searchEvidenceByCaseIDAndStatus | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchAllEvidenceInstancesByCaseStatusAndVerStatus | nsmulti | | Lists all the evidence instances by case ID and Evidence Descriptor status code including a count of any outstanding verifications. | SQL |
searchRelatedDescriptorIDByCorrSetStatuses | nsmulti | | Searches for evidence descriptor records by case id and correction set id which do not match a given evidence descriptor id and statuses. | SQL |
searchByCaseIDParticipantIDAndType | readmulti | | | |
searchByCaseIDEvidenceTypeAndStatus | readmulti | WHERE: caseID = :caseID
AND evidenceType = :evidenceType
statusCode = :statusCode1
OR statusCode = :statusCode2
OR statusCode = :statusCode3
| | |
searchByEvidenceTypeParticipantIDAndStatus | readmulti | WHERE: participantID = :participantID
AND evidenceType = :evidenceType
statusCode = :statusCode1
OR statusCode = :statusCode2
OR statusCode = :statusCode3
| | |
searchEvidenceDetailsByCaseIDAndStatuses | nsmulti | | Reads non-cancelled and non-superseded evidence details by CaseID | SQL |
searchByParticipantIDEvidenceType | readmulti | | | |
searchActiveByCaseIDPDParticipantRoleTypes | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchByCaseIDandChangeDate | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchBySharedInstanceIDCaseIDStatusCode | nsmulti | | | SQL |
searchBySharedInstanceIDCaseID | nsmulti | | | SQL |