Table Description
Evidence Approval Check: An instance of the evidence approval rules for a product.

Evidence approval checks specify the percentage of case evidence, that must be manually approved.

Evidence approval checks can be specified at the User, Organization Unit and Product levels.


An evidence approval check value is set at sixty percent for a user Ronan Rooney, then sixty percent of evidence recorded by this user must be manually approved. The remaining forty percent of evidence will be automatically approved by the system.

Relationship Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions.
Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Core::Reference Model::Service Layer::EvidenceApprovalCheck::entity::EvidenceApprovalCheck::EvidenceApprovalCheck
Controlling File: core\model\Packages\Reference Model\Service Layer\EvidenceApprovalCheck\Entity\EvidenceApprovalCheck\EvidenceApprovalCheck_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (8)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
evidenceApprovalCheckIDkeynoUnique internal reference number of the evidence approval check.EVIDENCE_APPROVAL_CHECK_ID SVR_INT64
percentagedetails Percentage of evidence approval to send for manual approval.EVIDENCE_APPROVAL_CHECK_RATE SVR_INT16
productIDdetailsyesProduct id of the product for which the evidence approval check has been created.PRODUCT_ID SVR_INT64
organisationUnitIDdetailsyesOrganization unit id of the organization unit for which the evidence approval check has been created.ORGANISATION_UNIT_ID SVR_INT64
userNamedetailsyesUser name of the user for which the evidence approval check has been created.USER_NAME SVR_STRING<64>
typeCodedetails Type code for the evidence approval check, user evidence approval check, organization unit evidence approval check etc.EVIDENCE_APPROVAL_CHECK_CODEEvidenceApprovalCheckSVR_STRING<10>
recordStatusdetails Record status of evidence approval check record.RECORD_STATUS_CODERecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
commentsdetails Comments for the evidence approval check.COMMENTS SVR_STRING<300>
Foreign Keys (3)
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
EvidAppChkIdx1userName, productID, typeCode
Operations (49)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: evidenceApprovalCheckID
COMMENTS=Inserts evidenceApprovalCheck record. 
readDetailsAndProductNamens COMMENTS=Returns details of EvidenceApprovalCheck record.SQL
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
COMMENTS=Modifies details of an EvidenceApprovalCheck record. OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING=yes 
searchByUsernsmulti COMMENTS=Returns details of EvidenceApprovalCheck records for a User.SQL
searchByOrgUnitnsmulti COMMENTS=Retrieves details of all evidence approval checks for the specified organization unit.SQL
searchByProductnsmulti COMMENTS=Retrieves details of all evidence approval checks for the specified product. This will not include user-product approval types.SQL
searchByStatusTypeUserNamens COMMENTS=@superseded - replaced by readByStatusTypeUserNameSQL
searchByStatusTypeOrgUnitIDns COMMENTS=@superseded - replaced by searchByStatusTypeOrgUnitIDSQL
searchByStatusTypeProductIDns COMMENTS=@superseded - replaced by readByStatusTypeProductIDSQL
searchByStatusTypeUserProductIDns COMMENTS=@superseded - replaced by readByStatusTypeUserProductIDSQL
searchByStatusTypeOrgUnitProductIDns COMMENTS=@superseded - replaced by readByStatusTypeOrgUnitProductIDSQL
validate  Validates Evidence Approval Check details 
validateInsert  Validates Insert Evidence Approval Check details 
validateModify  Validates Modify Evidence Approval Check details 
readEvidenceApprovalCheckStatusnsread COMMENTS=Read status details for an evidenceApprovalCheck record. 
cancelnsmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
PRE_DATA_ACCESS=yes OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING=yes COMMENTS=Updates evidence approval record to canceled.  
validateCancel  Validates Cancel Evidence Approval Check details 
countOrgUnitChecknsPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
COMMENTS=Checks for duplicate organization unit evidence approval checks on insert.SQL
countProductCheckns COMMENTS=Checks for duplicate product evidence approval checks on insert.SQL
countUserChecknsPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
COMMENTS=Checks for duplicate user evidence approval checks on insert.SQL
countOrgUnitCheckModifyns COMMENTS=Checks for duplicate organization unit evidence approval checks on modify.SQL
countProductCheckModifyns COMMENTS=Checks for duplicate product evidence approval checks on modify.SQL
countUserCheckModifyns COMMENTS=Checks for duplicate product evidence approval checks on modify.SQL
countOrgUnitCheckAllProductsns Reads duplicate evidence approval checks where no product id is specified.SQL
countUserCheckAllProductsns Reads duplicate evidence approval check records for a user where no product is specified.SQL
countUserCheckModifyAllProductsns Reads duplicate evidence approval checks for a user where no product is specified.SQL
countOrgUnitCheckModifyAllProductsns Reads duplicate evidence approval check records for a user where no product is specified.SQL
readByStatusTypeUserNamens Returns the maximum percentage for the specified status, type and user name.SQL
readByStatusTypeOrgUnitIDns Returns the maximum percentage for the specified status, type and organization unit identifier.SQL
readByStatusTypeProductIDns Returns the maximum percentage for the specified status, type and product identifier.SQL
readByStatusTypeUserProductIDns Returns the maximum percentage for the specified status, type, user name and product identifier.SQL
readByStatusTypeOrgUnitProductIDns Returns the maximum percentage for the specified status, type, organization unit identifier and product identifier.SQL
searchOrgUnitCheck  @superseded - replaced by countOrgUnitCheck 
searchOrgUnitCheckAllProducts  @superseded - replaced by countOrgUnitCheckAllProducts 
searchOrgUnitCheckModify  @superseded - replaced by countOrgUnitCheckModify 
searchOrgUnitCheckModifyAllProducts  @superseded - replaced by countOrgUnitCheckModifyAllProducts 
searchProductCheck  @superseded - replaced by countProductCheck 
searchProductCheckModify  @superseded - replaced by countProductCheckModify 
searchUserCheck  @superseded - replaced by countUserCheck 
searchUserCheckAllProducts  @superseded - replaced by countUserCheckAllProducts 
searchUserCheckModify  @superseded - replaced by countUserCheckModify 
searchUserCheckModifyAllProducts  @superseded - replaced by countUserCheckModifyAllProducts 
read  @superseded - replaced by readDetailsAndProductName 
searchByProductIDreadmulti Return&nbsp;a&nbsp;list&nbsp;of&nbsp;evidence approval check records&nbsp;by&nbsp;product ID. 
removeremove Removes a record from evidence approval check. 
searchByUserNamereadmulti <p> Reads all the records for a user. </p> 
insertEvidenceApprovalCheckinsertPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
<p class="MsoNormal"> <span style="COLOR: #002060">Inserts evidence approval check record. This method expects the <font color="#000000">evidenceApprovalCheckID</font> to be set. It is preferred to call&nbsp;insertEvidenceApprovalCheck method only in scenarios where calling method wants to set the value of primary key by itself.</span> </p> 
searchByOrganisationUnitIDreadmulti Retrieves details of all evidence approval checks for the specified organization unit. This will not include product name and applies to all products indicator. 
modifyEvidenceApprovalCheckmodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
This modify operation will be called while re-applying a change set in the target system. Entity level validations that will happen during a standard modify operation will not be applicable in this case. This modify operation will update all the attributes defined for this entity. 
Related Pages (25)
Capture Head of Household Details: (IncomeScreening_createCase)
Delete Evidence Approval Check (Organization_cancelOrgUnitEvidenceApproval)
Delete Evidence Approval Check (Organization_cancelUserEvidenceApproval)
New Evidence Approval Check (Organization_createOrgUnitEvidenceApproval)
New Evidence Approval Check (Organization_createUserEvidenceApproval)
Evidence Approvals (Organization_listOrgUnitEvidenceApproval)
Evidence Approval Checks (Organization_listUserEvidenceApproval)
Edit Evidence Approval Check (Organization_modifyOrgUnitEvidenceApprovalFromList)
Edit Evidence Approval Check (Organization_modifyOrgUnitEvidenceApprovalFromView)
Edit Evidence Approval Check (Organization_modifyUserEvidenceApprovalFromList)
Edit Evidence Approval Check (Organization_modifyUserEvidenceApprovalFromView)
Evidence Approval Check Home (Organization_viewOrgUnitEvidenceApproval)
View Evidence Approval Check Details (Organization_viewUserEvidenceApproval)
Cancel Evidence Approval Check (Product_cancelEvidenceApproval)
New Evidence Approval Check (Product_createEvidenceApproval)
Evidence Approval Check (Product_listBenefitEvidenceApproval)
Evidence Approval Check (Product_listLiabilityEvidenceApproval)
Edit Evidence Approval Check (Product_modifyEvidenceApprovalFromList)
Edit Evidence Approval Check (Product_modifyEvidenceApprovalFromView)
View Evidence Approval Check (Product_viewEvidenceApproval)
Delete Evidence Approval Check (Supervisor_cancelUserEvidenceApproval)
New Evidence Approval Check (Supervisor_createUserEvidenceApproval)
Edit Evidence Approval Check (Supervisor_modifyUserEvidenceApprovalFromList)
Edit Evidence Approval Check (Supervisor_modifyUserEvidenceApprovalFromView)
View Evidence Approval Check Details (Supervisor_viewUserEvidenceApproval)