Table Description
Event Class: The classes of business events that can be raised from the Curam application.

This table stores the classes of business events that can be raised from the Curam application. The combination of Event Class and Event Type will denote the specific event that can be raised.


You require an event to be raised when a case in the Curam application is either opened or closed. You define a new Event Class called 'CASE' to represent events that can be raised which are associated with Application Cases.

Relationship Diagram
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Attributes (3)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
eventClassYesNoThe name of the business event class. For example, an event class of 'Case' describes a set of events related to the status of a 'Case'. The corresponding event types for this event class could be CloseCase, OpenCase, SuspendCase etc.SVR_STRING<100>
versionNo No SVR_INT32
lastWritten   SVR_DATETIME
Foreign Keys (4)
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