Table Description
EligibilityDecisions: A decision on the eligibility of an assistance unit for an assistance program.

A decision may be eligible or ineligible for all members in any assistance unit identified in the household for a specific program within CGISS. A decision is stored for every instance of the program eligibility assessment.


Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::Income Support Product::Service Layer::entity::EligibilityDecisions::EligibilityDecisions
Controlling File: ISProduct\model\Service Layer\entity\EligibilityDecisions\EligibilityDecisions_cat.efx
Table Options
Attributes (9)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
eligibilityDecisionsIDkeynoSystem generated unique identifier for an Eligibility Decisions record.ELIGIBILITY_DECISION_ID SVR_INT64
caseIDdetailsnoThe unique identifier for the integrated case.CASE_ID SVR_INT64
concernRoleIDdetailsnoThe unique identifier for the person this decision relates to.CONCERN_ID SVR_INT64
tagValuedetailsnoContains the objective tag and associated values in a tab delimited string. This value is used as an identifier for the type of rule set the entry is for, i.e. what assessment or product the entry is for. The tag value is also used to store particular objective results for assessments. The requirement to store these results exists due to the need.TAG_VALUE_STRING SVR_STRING<4000>
decisionDatedetailsnoThe date on which the case decision was made.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
decisionResultCodedetailsnoA value to denote the outcome of the check eligibility process which is specified in the caseDecisionResultCode code table.CASE_DECISION_RESULT_CODECaseDecisionResultCodeSVR_STRING<10>
caseDecisionSetInstanceIDdetailsnoThe instance ID to which the case decision relates.CASE_DECISION_SET_INSTANCE_ID SVR_INT64
caseDecisionIDdetailsnoThe unique identifier of the case decision.CASE_DECISION_ID SVR_INT64
productIDdetailsnoThe unique identifier of the product to which the eligibility decision relates.PRODUCT_ID SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (3)
Index NameAttributes
eligibilityDecisionsIdxcaseDecisionSetInstanceID, concernRoleID, decisionResultCode, caseDecisionID
Operations (10)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: eligibilityDecisionsID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
searchByInstanceAndConcernRoleIDnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
Method searches for all eligibility records for a specific person on a given check eligibility processSQL
searchByInstanceIDAndDecisionResultCodensmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
Method searches for unique case decisions for a specific type e.g. Eligible, Ineligible for a specific check eligibility processSQL
searchByInstanceConcernRoleIDAndDecisionnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
Method searches for specific eligibility records for a specific person and check eligibility processSQL
searchByInstanceIDProgramAndDecisionnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
Method searches for unique case decisions for a specific program and check eligibility processSQL
searchByInstanceIDAndProgramnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
Method searches for unique case decisions for a specific program and check eligibility processSQL
searchByInstanceConcernDecisionAndProductTypensmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
Method searches for specific eligibility records for a specific program, person and check eligibility processSQL
searchConcernRolesByCaseDecisionnsmultiPRE_DATA_ACCESS: no
Method searches for all concern role IDs for a specific case decisionSQL
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