Table Description
Deferred Process Instance: A request to execute a Deferred Process.

A row is created on this table when the JMS request to execute the deferred process is dequeued.


User Ronan Rooney makes a change to some evidence which affects existing cases for Person John Smith.

The Cúram Server records the change and requests that a deferred process be executed to reassess John Smith's cases. Control returns to User Ronan Rooney as soon as the request has been made, rather than waiting for the reassessment to execute.

The queue manager dequeues the deferred processing request and creates a row on this table.

Technical Notes

The actual technical request for a deferred process is a JMS message; as such, reading rows on this table will show you only past requests which have been successfully completed.

Each row on this table is created in tandem with a row created on Deferred Process Ticket.

For more information see the Cúram Workflow Management System Developer's Guide.

Relationship Diagram
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Attributes (6)
AttributeKeyNullableDescriptionDDL Type
instanceIDYesNoThe unique identifier of the process instance which is used as the primary key for the process instance in the database.SVR_INT64
processName NoThe unique name of the workflow process.SVR_STRING<254>
instDataID  The unique identifier of a ticket instance.SVR_INT64
startTime  The start time of the process.SVR_DATETIME
finishTime  The finish time of the process.SVR_DATETIME
lastWritten   SVR_DATETIME
Foreign Keys (2)
Indices (2)
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