insert | insert | AUTO_ID: contractPerformanceMeasureID
| @deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | |
searchPerformanceMeasureByContact | readmulti | | @deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | |
read | read | | @deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | |
modify | modify | OPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
| @deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | |
countPlacementClientsServedCountForProviderOffering | ns | | Reads the performance measure against the clients served for placements for the provideroffering associated with contract and placements overlapping with contract period.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
countPlacementClientsServedCountForAllProviderOffering | ns | | Reads the performance measure against the clients served for placements for the all provider offerings associated with contract and placements overlapping with contract period.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
readUtilizationContractCountForProvider | ns | | Reads the performance measure against all utilization contracts for the provider.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
readSILIAndRLIUnitsDeliveredCountForProviderOffering | ns | | Reads the performance measure against units delivered for a service invoice line item and roster line item for the provider offering of the contract and overlapping with contract period.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
readSILIAndRLIUnitsDeliveredCountForAllProviderOffering | ns | | Reads the performance measure against units delivered for a service invoice line item and roster line item for all the provider offerings of the contract and overlapping with contract period.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
searchPerformanceMeasureByContractAndService | readmulti | | @deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | |
searchServiceAuthClientsServedForAllProviderOffering | nsmulti | | Reads the performance measure against clients served for the service authorizations for all the provider offerings of the contract andoverlapping with contract period.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
searchServiceAuthClientsServedForProviderOffering | nsmulti | | Reads the performance measure against clients served for the service authorizations for the provider offering of the contract and overlapping with contract period.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
countIncidentsCountForProvider | ns | | Reads the performance measure against incidents for the provider.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
countInvestigationCountForProvider | ns | | Reads the performance measure against investigation for the provider.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
countIncidentsReqInvestigationCountForProvider | ns | | Reads the performance measure against incidents requiring investigation for the provider.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
searchPlacementsForAllPOWithinContractPeriod | nsmulti | | Searches for the placements for calculating the units delivered by theall provider offerings associated with contract and overlapping with contract period.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
searchPlacementsForPOWithinContractPeriod | nsmulti | | Searches for the placements for calculating the units delivered by the provider offering associated with contract and overlapping with contract period.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
readServicesDeliveredCountForProviderOffering | ns | | Reads the performance measure against the services delivered by the provider offering of the contract and overlapping with contract period.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
readFlatRateContractCountForProvider | ns | | Reads the performance measure against all flat-rate contracts for the all provider offering of the contract.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
countRateOfAchievementOfSuccessfulOutcomeForServices | ns | | Counts the number of service delivery either successful or not successful to arrive at the current value of rate of achievement of successful outcome for all the services service which are associated with the contract.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
countRateOfAchievementOfSuccessfulOutcomeForService | ns | | Counts the number of service delivery either successful or not successful to arrive at the current value of rate of achievement of successful outcome for a particular service which is associated with the contract.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
countActualValuesOfCustomPerformanceMeasureForServices | ns | | Counts the number of service delivery evaluations either successful or not successful to arrive at the actual value of a custom performance measure for a contract for all services associated with the contract.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
countActualValuesOfCustomPerformanceMeasureForService | ns | | Counts the number of service delivery evaluations either successful or not successful to arrive at the actual value of a custom performance measure for the contract for a particular service.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |
readPaymentAmountWithInContract | ns | | Reads the payment against all utilization contracts for the provider.
@deprecated since, This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. | SQL |