Table Description
Deprecated Since Curam ClientAccess_Deprecation. This functionality forms part of a feature that is no longer relevant to the product strategy and will not be replaced. Concern Role External Link : Links a person's Case and Participant Index record to their concern role record in Curam.

The Case and Participant Index (CPI) is a central data repository for storing and managing core participant details used in Curam and non-Curam systems. CPI allows clients and cases from non-Curam systems to be visible in the Client Context Viewer and added to social enterprise folders. This entity is used to associate the record of a client which exists in an external system with the same client's record in Curam.

Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::ClientAccess::Entity::ConcernRoleExternalLink
Controlling File: ClientAccess\model\ClientAccess.emx
Table Options
Attributes (4)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
concernRoleExternalLinkIDkeynoUnique identifier for the Concern Role External Link record.CONCERNROLE_EXTERNAL_LINK_ID SVR_INT64
globalReferenceIDdetailsnoThe unique identifier for the concern role across all know systems.GLOBAL_REFERENCE_ID SVR_STRING<50>
concernRoleIDdetailsnoThe unique identifier for the related concern role record in Curam.CONCERN_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
recordStatusdetails The record status of the Concern Role External Link record, i.e. active or cancelled.RECORD_STATUS_CODERecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
Indices (2)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (5)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: concernRoleExternalLinkID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
readByConcernRoleIDnsread Reads a Concern Role External Link record by concern role id. 
readByGlobalReferenceIDnsread Reads a Concern Role External Link record by global reference id. 
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