Table Description
ClientContact: A record of a contact a client makes at the agency reception area.

Clients present themselves at the agency reception and a record of that visit is made in as a client contact record. Each separate visit to reception must be recorded as a client contact.


Client arrives at reception for the purpose of requesting information.

Relationship Diagram
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Model Details
Location in Model: Logical View::MetaModel::Curam::ReceptionManagement::Entity::ClientContact::ClientContact
Controlling File: ReceptionManagement\model\ReceptionManagement.emx
Table Options
Attributes (50)
AttributeStereotypeNullableDescriptionDomain DefinitionCodetableDDL Type
clientContactIDkeynoUnique idea of client contact record.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
clientContactDatedetails Date reception contact is created.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
recordStatusdetails The status of the reception log record.CLIENT_CONTACT_RECORD_STATUSClientContactRecordStatusSVR_STRING<10>
arrivalTimedetails Record of the time the client makes contact with reception. CURAM_DATETIME SVR_DATETIME
waitStartTimedetails Record of the time the client makes contact with reception.CURAM_DATETIME SVR_DATETIME
waitEndTimedetails The end time of the client's wait time.CURAM_DATETIME SVR_DATETIME
caseWorkerReferencedetails The case worker the record can be assigned to.CASE_PARTICIPANT_ROLE_ID SVR_INT64
clientContactTypedetails The method of contact the client is making.CLIENT_CONTACT_TYPEClientContactTypeSVR_STRING<10>
purposeOfContactdetails The reason the client is is visiting the office for this visit.CLIENT_PURPOSE_OF_CONTACTClientPurposeOfContactSVR_STRING<10>
expectedWaitTimedetails The client's expected wait time.CURAM_TIME SVR_DATETIME
clientFirstNamedetails The first name of the client.CLIENT_FIRSTNAME SVR_STRING<25>
clientSurnamedetails The last name of the client.CLIENT_SURNAME SVR_STRING<25>
addressIDdetailsyesUnique reference number assigned by the system to an address record for client.ADDRESS_ID SVR_INT64
phoneAreaCodedetails Client's telephone area code.PHONE_AREA_CODE SVR_STRING<8>
phoneNumberdetails Client's telephone number.PHONE_NUMBER SVR_STRING<20>
caseIDdetails Case ID of main client case that the client contact record is being associated with.CASE_ID SVR_INT64
authorizedRepInddetails Indicates if details must be recorded for the client's authorized representative.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
authorizedRepFirstnamedetails The first name of the authorized rep.REP_FIRSTNAME SVR_STRING<25>
repSurnamedetails The last name of the authorized rep.REP_SURNAME SVR_STRING<25>
authorizedRepAddressIDdetailsyesUnique reference number assigned by the system to an address record for authorized rep.ADDRESS_ID SVR_INT64
repPhoneAreaCodedetails Authorized rep's telephone area code.PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE SVR_STRING<5>
repPhoneNumberdetails Authorized rep's telephone number.PHONE_NUMBER SVR_STRING<20>
programTypedetails The programs selected for routing to worker pool or for filtering appointment slots.RECEPTION_PROGRAM_TYPEReceptionProgramTypeSVR_STRING<10>
preferredLanguagedetails The languages selected for routing to worker pool or for filtering appointment slots.LANGUAGE_CODELanguageSVR_STRING<10>
clientWaitingInddetails Indicates if the client is waiting or not.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
newAppointmentReferencedetails Unique reference to client's appointment.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
interpreterRequireddetails Whether an interpreter is needed for a meeting.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
appointmentArrivalMsgdetails Message to case worker on client's arrival.CLIENT_APPOINTMENT_ARRIVAL_MSG SVR_STRING<200>
existingAppointmentReferencedetails Unique reference to existing appointment.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
receptionIDdetails Unique number to record receipt of documentation.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
documentReceivedTypedetails The type of documentation received.DOCUMENT_RECEIVED_TYPEDocumentReceivedTypeSVR_STRING<10>
documentsReceiveddetails Information on documents received by receptionist from client.REC_DOCUMENTS_RECEIVED SVR_STRING<500>
documentationMessagedetails Message to case worker on documentation received.REC_DOCUMENTATION_MESSAGE SVR_STRING<200>
questionedDocReceivedDatedetails Date incorrect documentation was received.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
questionedDocForwardingDatedetails Date incorrect documentation was forwarded.CURAM_DATE SVR_DATE
incorrectLocationInddetails Indicated is questioned document was sent to this location incorrectly.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
correctAgencyOfficeLocationdetails Correct agency office location.AGENCY_OFFICE_LISTAgencyOfficeListSVR_STRING<10>
correctLocationPhoneCodedetails Correct office location phone code.PHONE_AREA_CODE SVR_STRING<8>
correctLocationPhoneNumberdetails Correct office location phone number.PHONE_NUMBER SVR_STRING<20>
questionedDocTypedetails The type of the incorrect document received.QUESTIONED_DOC_TYPEQuestionedDocTypeSVR_STRING<10>
questionedDocMessagedetails Message to include on incorrect documentation notification.QUESTIONED_DOC_MESSAGE SVR_STRING<200>
outcomeOfContactdetails Outcome of the client contact.CLIENT_CONTACT_OUTCOMEClientContactOutcomeSVR_STRING<10>
outcomeCommentsdetails Purpose of visit outcome comments.CLIENT_CONTENT_COMMENTS SVR_STRING<200>
clientReferenceIDdetails Unique reference for client across client contact, person or prospect records.CLIENT_CONTACT_REFERENCE_ID SVR_INT64
caseIDsdetails List of case IDs that a verification document can be presented for.CASEIDS SVR_STRING<200>
caseWorkersdetails List of case workers managing cases that the verifiable documents have been presented for.CASEWORKERS SVR_STRING<500>
authorizedRepReferenceIDdetails Unique reference for authorized rep of client contact.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
applicationIDdetails Application ID of main client application that the client contact record is being associated with.INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
recordModifiableInddetails Records if the client contact record is modifiable or not.CURAM_INDICATOR SVR_BOOLEAN
locationIDdetailsyes INTERNAL_ID SVR_INT64
Foreign Keys (3)
Indices (4)
Index NameAttributes
Operations (7)
insertinsertAUTO_ID: clientContactID
Standard Operation 
readread Standard Operation 
searchByCreationDatereadmultiORDER_BY: arrivalTime
Search client contacts by creation date. 
searchByClientModifiableIndreadmultiORDER_BY: arrivalTime
Search client contacts by record modifiable indicator. 
modifymodifyOPTIMISTIC_LOCKING: yes
Standard Operation 
readAllnkreadmulti Retrieves a list of all client contacts. 
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